Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 299 Soul Capture, Magic Eye

Entering the Temple of War, keep going up and don't stop until you reach the fourth floor.

The fourth level is full of ‘Japanese level’ magic weapons. It is the fourth level of the universe, sun, moon and stars.

Generally speaking, the totem magic weapons here are suitable for use in the divine seal realm, and most of them cannot exert their power in the holy body realm. Using this kind of magic weapon is not as easy as using the moon-level magic weapon.

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However, both Sikong Xiao and Jiang Zizai are already in the Holy Body Realm, with relatively top-level combat capabilities. For example, although Jiang Zizai is at the fifth level of the Holy Body Realm, he has defeated the seventh level of the Holy Body Realm.

Obviously, the palace master believes that they have the strength to control the Japanese-level magic weapons. For example, the soul-piercing gun used by Shi Yun is the Japanese-level magic weapon. It is a top-level spiritual mine and top-level totem pattern, created by a top-level totem spiritual master. of.

The Japanese-level magic weapons here are really dazzling, including swords, guns, swords and halberds.

Jiang Zizai was dizzy. It seemed that any one of them was stronger than the Long You Sword in his hand.

After all, Longyou Sword is Gu Yin's work. In this Shen Sect, there are countless totem spiritual masters who are stronger than Gu Yin.

This requires Jiang Zizai to choose carefully, but he can't even choose. Sometimes there are too many good things, but it's just a headache.

After a while, the Beast God Palace Master held two things in his hands. There was a small silver bell and a small black ball. He was holding both of them, so he couldn't see clearly for the time being.

He faced Sikong Xiao and Jiang Zizai and said: "These two treasures are the most special and top-notch Japanese-level magic weapons. You may not be able to fully master them, but you only need to exert 50% of them to help you." Improvement. Many divine servants in the Divine Seal Realm desire it so much that I won’t give it to them. You are very lucky to have it today.”

"Thank you, Palace Master!" Jiang Zizai said quickly.

Sikong Xiao was still stunned. After Jiang Zizai thanked him, she spoke.

The Master of the Beast God Palace placed the silver bell on Sikong Xiao's hand. In the process, the bell rang. At that moment, Jiang Zizai's scalp went numb and he felt dizzy.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a totem weapon that affected the soul. The effect was much more terrifying than the soul-piercing gun.

The appearance of this silver bell looked ordinary, but I didn't expect it to be terrifyingly powerful. Looking at the inside of the bell, I saw that it was slowly filled with bloody totem lines.

"This is the totem weapon 'Soul-Taking', and it is my work. It has a very powerful soul vibration ability. When you shake it in battle, combined with your totem characteristics, you can greatly limit the opponent's performance, which is convenient for Jiang Zizai Show his strong ability to rush and harvest and defeat your opponents."

Sikong Xiao took over the Soul Capture. She was slightly shocked and said, "Palace Master, I've heard of Soul Capture. It's really scary. Do you really want to give it to me?"

The Palace Master said: "You have no experience in using attack weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds. The 'Soul-Taking', a totem weapon with simple operation and terrifying power, is suitable for you to use. Jiang Zi needs a strong control teammate by his side to let him It can fully demonstrate its lethality.”

"Teammates?" Both of them were a little confused. In the competition between the ancient gods and sons, how could there be teammates?

While they were still wondering, the Master of the Beast God Palace let go of the palm of his right hand. The moment he saw what was in his palm, Jiang Zizai's heart trembled for an instant. He was extremely uncomfortable and felt like he was almost retching.

That's not a black ball, but a black eyeball!

In the center of the eyeball is a blood-red pupil, and in the pupil, there is a black vertical pupil.

It was like a living eyeball. When Jiang Zizai stared at it, it was also looking at Jiang Zizai.

"Magic Eye!"

Feng Xiaoyao and Sikong Jin both let out a low cry, with shocked expressions. Judging from their reactions, this totem weapon called the 'Demon Eye' must be terrifying.

"The palace master has really taken great pains for them, even taking out the magic eye. Zi Zi, why don't you take it over quickly." Feng Xiaoyao said anxiously.

Such a good thing cannot wait for the palace owner to regret it.

The Master of the Beast God Palace said calmly: "I am responsible for the decline of the Beast God Palace. The future depends on you. I am just trying my best before leaving office."

He put the 'Demon Eye' on Jiang Zizai's hand and said: "This is an extremely ancient treasure inherited from the Shenzong. Because it is too fierce, it is basically not used by others. But you are the Death Dragon Totem, yours The totem can suppress this evil eye, so you can use it. Generally, if a more upright totem uses this evil eye, it will not be able to exert its power at all, and it may be counterattacked. "

Jiang Zizai carefully looked at the eye in his hand, and it was really uncomfortable to look at it. This was different from the soul interference of 'soul-taking'. This was a power that penetrated the heart, but it also belonged to the type of soul control.

"How to use this 'eye'?"

Jiang Zizai was a little confused. For example, Sikong Xiao's 'Soul Capturing' could just be shaken. Could his 'Demon Eye' be aimed at others?

"Too young." Feng Xiaoyao laughed.

"Inject your true energy, and run the totem pattern in the forward direction and the reverse direction. There will be two forms." The master of the Beast God Palace said.

I see.

Longyou Sword also changes form, so he is particularly familiar with it.

When his Death God Nether Dragon Qi entered it, found the totem pattern, and continued to operate to a certain extent, the blood-red eyes of the 'Demon Eye' instantly burst out with a bloody light, and a ferocious and bloody aura swept over it. around!

In Jiang Zizai's hand, the magic eye suddenly changed, and by the way, it changed into a black long sword, which was very sharp. There was only a blood line in the middle of the blade, and blood was flowing on it.

The 'magic eye' did not disappear, but was embedded in the hilt of the sword, and it could even rotate and look around, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

"The magic eye has a powerful 'soul-piercing' effect, which is several times stronger than the soul-piercing gun, and it also has a psychedelic effect. When used with soul-capturing, it is a double blow. The soul of the general Saint Body Realm cannot resist it." The Palace Master exclaimed.

This sword is really terrible, especially the pair of eyes, which turned around when Jiang Zizai swung the sword, and anyone would be scared.

Needless to say, this sword is definitely much stronger than the Dragon Ghost Sword.

He remembered that there was also a totem pattern running in the opposite direction, so he tried it. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the long sword in his hand changed dramatically, but this was not a change into a heavy sword, but in Jiang Zizai's hand, it turned into a 'three-pointed, two-edged' halberd!

This is a pitch-black halberd, with a blood line running through it again.

At the end of the halberd, in the center of the ‘three tips and two blades’, the magic eye is still there, still the same as before.

“Spearmanship, halberd skills, can you use them?” asked the Lord of the Beast God Palace.

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