Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 310: Universe-level Totem [Update 7]

Jiang Zizai had already seen them yesterday.

Tian Yi is a cool and awesome guy. The evil smile on his face can fool some girls, but not Jiang Zizai.

On the other hand, this young man named Yi Tian is from an ordinary person's background and has a very plain temperament. He doesn't fight for anything, but everything in the world is in his hands.

Because his talent is truly unparalleled.

No one wants to be his enemy, because he always makes people surrender in terms of strength, and also makes people feel comfortable in terms of his personality.

He is a gentleman of Shenzong. He likes to play chess and carries a Go game with him at all times. Go game can make him calmer and allow him to understand the chess game of heaven and earth.

When Jiang Zizai saw him for the first time, he knew very clearly that he was probably the most terrifying opponent he had ever encountered.

His rapid cultivation speed and his growth trajectory are very similar to Jiang Zizai, but he is more convincing because his character is not ostentatious.

He stood there as calm as water. When someone praised him or said hello, he responded with a smile, and then continued to be immersed in his own world.

"Other shrines only have these things. This time, brother, you want to become the Son of the Ancient God. It's really easy." Tianyi glanced around with a somewhat disdainful expression, "To be honest, I can handle some teams with two people. I can handle them all by myself." . I really don’t know why these shrines are not like this.”

"Brother, don't underestimate the enemy. My foster father said that there is no battlefield, so be careful with your words and deeds."

"Do you listen to him? He is too cautious in doing things. To be honest, although this final election is very sensational, it is really not challenging." Tianyi said.

Yi Tian smiled slightly and did not continue.

He knew that everyone was already here.

Specific rules will be announced soon.

Tianyi glanced around the crowd, and finally locked his eyes on Jiu Xian, with an evil look flashing in his eyes.

"Did you see that? That curser, she was the one who killed my brother Tianyuan." Tianyi looked at him with hot eyes.

Yi Tian glanced at it and nodded slightly.

"The figure is really hot, and she is still so attractive a few years later. No wonder Brother Tianyuan and the others are obsessed with her and want to play with her together. She was quite innocent back then, but it is a pity that she is so coquettish now. It is said that she likes to raise pretty boys. The one beside her is named Jiang Zizai , is her forbidden love." Tianyi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Jiang Zizai.

"He seems to have defeated Xiao'er." Yi Tian said.

"Yes, I also heard that he and Xiao'er have some conflicts. But this time, the two of them are going to be a team. They don't agree with each other. Find them after we go in and let Xiao'er go with us. , you still have the opportunity to develop a relationship with her."

"Yeah, okay." Yi Tian nodded.

Tianyi is still looking at the Nine Immortals.

"What are you thinking about?" Yi Tian asked.

Tianyi sneered: "She likes young and strong men so much, he said, will she be interested in me? She is already such a slut. If I send it to her door, she won't refuse, right?"

Yitian was silent for a moment and said: "Brother, on the road of cultivation, there is eternity, so don't be distracted."

Tianyi smiled and said: "A little monk like you is already pursuing beauties, don't you know the beauty of women? Especially a woman like her, you won't understand unless you have tried it. If I hook up with her, Recommend you to her?"

"Forget it, I don't need it." Yitian pursed his lips and did not continue.

Just when he said this, a ray of light flashed over the altar of origin, and a scroll fell down.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace stretched out his hand to catch the scroll and said: "The two sect masters have given an oracle, but they still don't kneel down with me."

So people on the Origin saluted first, and then everyone stood up. Only then did the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace open the scroll. The other four Palace Lords also stood together and read the contents of the scroll.

"Ten people participating in the battle came out."

The Lord of Tianshen Palace said.

Jiang Zizai said goodbye to Nine Immortals and Feng Xiaoyao, and walked to the central location.

Sikong Xiao followed him, but her eyes always collided with Na Yitian's inadvertently.

"Hey, you just hooked up and pretended that I didn't exist? I was worried that you would unite with them to beat me up?" Jiang Zizai said.

"Then you make so much noise every night, do you think I don't exist?" Sikong Xiao finally found a chance to take revenge on him.

"That's love, you know nothing." Jiang Zizai rolled his eyes.

"You're just being stubborn." Sikong Xiao said.

"Why are you just pretending?" Hua Lei came up to him at some point and left the young man in blue, Lin Hanji, aside.

Lin Hanyu looked a little depressed.

"The little girl is not allowed to know." Jiang Zizai smiled.

"Little brother, let me ask you, what do you think of me? Is it okay if you leave Sister Jiuxian to be with me?" Hua Lei asked delicately.

How courageous.

Jiang Zizai said: "Don't be like this. I won't be satisfied with just one person. Just serve me together."

"Greedy! I hate you. Lei'er rarely takes the initiative like this. Who makes you so interesting? I like interesting people best." She muttered.

"But interesting people like to have a lot of women." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"Wow, I don't want to play with you anymore."

Hua Lei pouted.

"Stop talking." The five palace masters were still reading the content on the scroll. As soon as they came out, Hua Lei started chatting with Jiang Zizai. The content of what they said was a bit exciting. The palace master of Mu Shen Palace was a bit too noisy and he quickly scolded her. One sentence, otherwise, I don’t know what my precious granddaughter and Jiang Zizai would say.

Hua Lei stuck out her tongue and whispered, "These old guys are really boring."

Jiang Zizai thought she was quite interesting, at least more interesting than Sikong Xiao who had a stern face and couldn't take a joke.

He suddenly felt a hot gaze looking at him, and turned his head to see that it was Lin Hanyu from the Wood God Palace.

"Hey, did I dig up your ancestral grave? Looking at me like this?" Jiang Zizai asked directly, of course, in a low voice.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's trying to get me to marry him every day, boring him to death." Hua Lei said softly, covering her mouth.

Lin Hanyu wanted to cry but had no tears. Shi Jian had taught him so many ways, but he hadn't entered the battlefield of no life yet. Why did he feel that he had no chance?

Why was she so interested in Jiang Zizai? He was the forbidden food of the magic spell caster. What was there to get close to? Just because he also knew talismans?

I couldn't figure it out!

At this moment, the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace said, "The rules have been announced, everyone listen carefully."

People pricked up their ears.

He said: "Five teams from the five major palaces will enter the Wusheng battlefield from five directions. The palace that can find a dragon-shaped 'black key' will be the winner. One of the winning team can become the ancient son of God, and the other one, the master can guarantee that his totem will evolve to the 'cosmic level'! As for who is the ancient son of God and who gets the 'cosmic level totem', it will be decided by the palace master after looking at the performance of the whole process, and it has nothing to do with personal strength."

Cosmic level totem!

Jiang Zizai now knows that the Hong level totem is not the highest. There are totems that surpass the Hong level totem between heaven and earth, surpassing the eight super totems of the Yanlong Dynasty and the 'Death God Nether Dragon Totem'.

That is the cosmic level totem!

He only recently learned about the existence of the cosmic level totem.

There may not be many cosmic level totems in the entire origin continent. That is the totem of the peak of all living beings. Every cosmic level totem is a mythical existence.

In other words, the team that finds the ‘black dragon-shaped key’ will have the good fortune to change their fate, even if they don’t become the sons of the ancient gods.

There are not many universe-level totems in the Divine Sect. The five great palace masters are said to be universe-level totems, and there are no more than ten holy servants who are universe-level totems.

Among the countless priests, there is only one who has a universe-level totem, and that is Yitian.

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