Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 348 Dream

Although this source beast has strange whereabouts and is proficient in psychedelic techniques, making it difficult to see its appearance, Jiang Zizai can still judge that there is more than one source beast here.

The number may be four or five.

"With so many, we are more likely to get the first thousand kinds of beast blood, but obviously, it will be more dangerous."

This thought flashed through Jiang Zizai's mind in an instant.

So he has already pinched the soul-suppressing talisman in his hand, not to deal with the dream fox, but to save himself at a critical moment.

The significance of the thousand kinds of beast blood, they are all very relaxed.

Jiang Zizai estimated that according to the designer's intention, it is very likely that there are only a thousand kinds of source beasts in the entire Wusheng battlefield.

Then, this most special source beast encountered so far is definitely the key to the ancient son of God!

When entering the cave, there was a huge movement inside. Jiang Zizai said nothing and raised the magic eye to slash.

Just cut it and leave a few drops of blood.

But at the moment of attack, he could immediately feel the terrible attack from these source beasts.

All these attacks were psychedelic, not only to psychedelic Jiang Zizai, but also to psychedelic Sikong Xiao.

What Jiang Zizai was worried about happened.

Originally, he thought there was only one source beast, and he was confident that he could hold on.

Unexpectedly, at least five of them appeared at once. When the psychedelic abilities of the five source beasts were piled together, it would be particularly terrifying.

Even Jiang Zizai himself was instantly trapped in the extreme psychedelic.

The scene in front of him changed in an instant.

In this instant, he left the cave, left the battlefield of lifelessness, and flew to the distant land of gentleness.

The seductive and voluptuous music sounded around him in an instant, penetrating into his skin like water.

The refreshing fragrance swept over him, completely wrapping him in it.

He was no longer in the battlefield of Wusheng, but in a sea of ​​pink flowers, surrounded by the laughter of women. When he looked up, he saw beautiful women everywhere. They only had thin ribbons on their bodies, covering their key parts, but it was precisely because of this that they looked particularly tempting.

They naturally saw Jiang Zizai. When they were running and playing, they looked at him with a smile from time to time, and their eyes were extremely tempting.

"Buzz!" Jiang Zizai was quick and prepared. He had already pasted a soul-soothing talisman on his head in advance.

However, the psychedelic nature of this source beast was too strong. The soul-soothing talisman that Jiang Zizai had pasted before being psychedelic only had a little effect at this time.

When the soul-soothing talisman shook the soul, the beauty in front of him melted into water in an instant, and the scene looked extremely terrifying.

The effect of the soul-soothing charm only lasted for a while. The beauties who had melted into black water quickly reunited and immediately became charming. They continued to surround Jiang Zizai, their snow-white skin looming in the colorful mist. They licked their red lips slightly, revealing their pink tongues, and looked at Jiang Zizai with blurred eyes.

Fortunately, Jiang Zizai gave another soul-soothing charm when he was awake just now, so when it worked, these beauties turned into black water again, and even the entire sea of ​​flowers turned into black water.

But soon, the effect of the soul-soothing charm was suppressed by the psychedelic, and thousands of beauties came back again.

Jiang Zizai's willpower was still firm, and he continued a process of resistance. As long as a soul-soothing charm was effective, he immediately added another one to himself.

But he was very worried. Even he was confused to such an extent, how could Sikong Xiao resist!

Just as he was thinking this, he felt vaguely as if someone climbed on him and hugged him very tightly the moment he woke up, but he couldn't move because he didn't know whether he was in reality or in a dream.

In a trance, it seemed that there was something slippery and moist on his lips, and a smart and warm thing was swimming between his lips and teeth. The sweet feeling didn't seem to be fake.

"Sikong Xiao!" Just at this time, the beauty beside him turned into black water again. Jiang Zizai opened his eyes suddenly and saw Sikong Xiao holding him. Her pretty face was in front of him, looking at him incomparably blurred and fiery. Her red lips and cherry tongue were between his lips and teeth!

Kissing a beauty passionately is beautiful, but it also depends on what occasion it is!

Jiang Zizai was so scared that he trembled all over. He quickly pushed Sikong Xiao away, and three soul-soothing talismans were directly attached to her head!

"Ah!" Sikong Xiao screamed in pain and squatted on the ground.

She probably didn't know what happened yet.

Jiang Zizai was also a little more awake at this time. He widened his eyes. He could see clearly that there were five white little foxes around them, staring with scarlet eyes. They were vaguely standing in a formation, and they were also involved with each other. The red light in their eyes shone on Jiang Zizai and the other person, which was very strange. The two were completely surrounded by the blood-red psychedelic vortex.

It was said that it was too late, and Jiang Zizai suddenly reacted. The magic eye in his hand swept across directly, bursting out with a sharp sword light.


Maybe the foxes couldn't imagine that Jiang Zizai could escape from their control, so they didn't dodge much for a while. Two of them were chopped by Jiang Zizai, and the tail of one of them was directly cut off by Jiang Zizai.

The snow-white tail flew out, and Jiang Zizai immediately caught it and quickly put it into the space jade pendant. There was a lot of blood in a tail, and dripping out one drop was definitely enough.

The thousandth kind of beast blood, got it!

After being attacked, the fox source beasts were very nervous. They looked very timid creatures. So after being attacked by Jiang Zizai, they immediately fled and scattered.

Fortunately, they fled, otherwise it would be difficult to continue to be confused.

Jiang Zizai breathed a sigh of relief, but the sweet feeling in his mouth made him a little depressed. How should he explain to Sikong Xiao next?

On the Origin, how should he explain...

However, he suddenly felt an extremely hot gaze behind him. Looking back, he saw two people who made him frown.

Yitian and Tianyi.

Among them, Yitian was holding a fox in his hand. He gently exerted force and the fox was crushed to death by him, with blood all over the ground.

Jiang Zizai looked at Yitian's eyes and knew that he had definitely seen the scene just now.

He saw him and Sikong Xiao kissing passionately as if no one was around...

He saw Sikong Xiao's passionate look.

From his cold eyes at this moment, Jiang Zizai knew in his heart that he had completely angered him.

Of course, they were originally competitors.

Only this time, the * flavor was unprecedentedly strong.


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