Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 361 Hell is Coming

Yitian didn't seem to be fighting, but rather like playing chess.

In the chess game of heaven and earth, the black and white soul chess fell down and suppressed everyone's heads.

In terms of soul shock, under Yitian's performance, the lethality of the Black and White Soul Chess is probably greater than that of the Magic Eye and Soul Capture.

That's why Sikong Xiao and the four of them feel so uncomfortable at this time!

Even though Tianyi was severely injured, Yitian still seemed to be confident, crushing everyone with contempt in his eyes.

From the very beginning, he has dominated the competition and never regarded anyone as his real opponent!

Under the black and white soul chess, all living beings trembled.

The only one who didn't tremble was Jiang Zizai!

He saw that Jiang Zizai was completely unsuppressed by the Black and White Soul Chess. Under the Black and White Soul Chess, he suddenly took out the black talismans. There were three in total. Three of them triggered hell!

The Abi Hell Talisman released countless jet-black auras, which instantly swept across and expanded to the entire world chess game totem.

In an instant, the entire chess game totem of heaven and earth was enveloped within the scope of his own Abi Hell!

Thick smoke swept across, and blackness spread all over. These were the dead breaths of hell, a breath more terrifying than miasma. They were thick and thick around them, making it difficult to dissipate.

It's said to be gas, but it's actually like being in a quagmire.

Jiang Zizai protected the other four people from the death energy of hell, but Yi Tian became the attack point of countless death energy from hell.

Countless jet-black auras rolled towards his body.

"What is this! Are you using an illegal talisman?"

As soon as the power of the Abi Hell Talisman was revealed, Yitian realized that it was difficult to deal with. This was definitely not a moon-level talisman.

He knew that Jiang Zizai was a moon-level totem talisman master, and totem talismans above the moon-level were obviously not Jiang Zizai's creations.

"So, are you scared?"

Jiang Zizai did not respond directly, but relied on the power of the Abi Hell Talisman to lead the four of them into the darkness, making it impossible for Yitian to grasp their positions very clearly!

Within this Abi Hell Talisman, his control of the chess game of heaven and earth has been weakened again, at least it is not so easy to distinguish their positions!

All they needed to do was give them a chance to breathe. All five of them knew that it was time to explode!

The five of them have a tacit understanding, with Jiang Zizai as the leader, and they just need to follow Jiang Zizai!

The death energy from hell is entangled with Yi Tian, ​​constantly invading his body from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other places. These death energy from hell are like tiny bugs. Although they are invisible, they have teeth and claws and have strong tearing ability. .

Once Yitian's defense is broken, he will be finished!

In this way, Yitian not only needs to resist the invasion of the death energy of hell, but also the siege of Jiang Zizai's five men!

Jun Jiansheng found an opportunity from the side and once again used the Jade Sword to perform the Three Hundred Sonic Swords. His Ten Thousand Sword Domain had already enveloped Yi Tian. Countless sword energy and the Sonic Three Hundred Swords gathered together to form a world of sword energy. , mixed in Jiang Zizai’s hellish death energy!


Yi Tian was in a hurry and could only take back the black and white soul chess. Among them, the black soul chess was in front of him, blocking him from the most important sonic three hundred sword attack. Other ordinary sword energy could not break him for the time being. defense!

But he didn't expect that after the 300-speed sword, a purple dagger suddenly penetrated and pointed at his throat, as fast as lightning, coming in an instant!

This is Jun Muxi's flying sword technique!

His White Soul Chess is equally fast, and at the same time, the grid barriers of the Heaven and Earth Chess Game are constantly piling up in front of him, but even so, it is difficult to resolve all the attacks in a short time!

Because at this time, Sikong Xiao's deceleration field also enveloped him. When his speed suddenly decreased, there must be a process of discomfort!

This process of not adapting made him no longer able to stand tall, but instead left him full of flaws!

The fantasy cherry blossom totem of Hualei can create dreams. This is a psychedelic totem, an upgrade of thousands of dreams. Under the dancing cherry blossoms, the scenery in front of Yi Tian is constantly changing. In a trance, he is sure You must pay the price for your arrogance and underestimation of your opponents!

The Heaven and Earth Chess Game and the Black and White Soul Chess cannot stop them all! Especially Jiang Zizai’s hellish death energy!

However, Jiang Zizai hadn't made a move at this time, and Yi Tian was suppressed and had no time to care about him.

He found this opportunity!

In his hand, the magic eye instantly transformed into a halberd!

He shot away with a lightning storm and appeared in front of Yi Tian in an instant!

The eyes of the two people collided at this moment!

Yitian's eyes were angry and confused.

And Jiang Zizai's eyes were fiery and had explosive impact!

Split Dragon Three Styles!

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so Jiang Zizai was too lazy to be polite to him. The competition between the ancient gods and sons was no joke. Now that he had the opportunity to hold Yi Tian down, how could he waste the opportunity!

It was rare that Jun Jiansheng, Hua Lei and others were willing to help him.

The flying dragon tears the sky!

Tyrannosaurus splits the sea!

Two consecutive attacks, wide open and close, forced Yi Tian to run away in vain. He could withdraw the Black and White Soul Chess to confront Jiang Zizai, but as soon as the Black and White Soul Chess came back, the left and right swords of Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi would directly threaten him. to him!

He is not afraid of their attacks, but once their attacks tear apart the defense of his world chess game, he will immediately be invaded by the death energy of hell, which will be even more troublesome!

He had no way to resist, and was retreating steadily under Jiang Zizai's powerful attacks!

He once said that it would be no problem for one to fight ten, but now five of them have joined forces to let him experience it.

At least Jiang Zizai believed that the four of them who were qualified to compete for the title of the Ancient Son of God were not useless. Once they cooperated, no matter how strong Yitian was, he might not have no chance to compete!

At this time, Jiang Zizai vividly illustrated this point!

Two moves of Dragon Breaking Three Styles had already made Yitian defeated. He relied on the majestic true energy and the black and white soul chess to hold on. But when Jiang Zizai used the third move of Sky Dragon Breaking Void, the piercing dragon hit Yitian head-on. Yitian suddenly even exploded the chess game of heaven and earth. The whole person was pierced by the halberd, and it seemed like an explosion.

With a buzzing sound, a golden shield appeared on Yitian's body!

The appearance of the golden shield meant that he had been defeated.

This time, five people joined forces, so Jiang Zizai didn't know that a golden shield would appear on his body.

His last move could actually penetrate Yitian and kill him. Unexpectedly, the appearance of this golden shield saved Yitian's life.

Maybe Yitian has never encountered such a danger in his cultivation so far.

However, this incident did happen.

Jiang Zizai is curious about who can get their clues after defeating him?

This is the only chapter in the afternoon. 4 chapters will be updated at 12 o'clock in the evening. There will probably be another update during the day tomorrow.

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