Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 368 Totem Sea

Sun, Moon, Star, Holy Dragon Body Forging Technique.

The last three levels are all about inducing the power of the sun to forge the ‘Sun Holy Dragon’ in the body.

The power of the sun has opened up 409 acupoints and a vast brain area for Jiang Zizai.

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Now the whole body is burning with the scorching sun, and each acupoint is like a scorching sun hanging high, but it is just a black sun.

The power of the Sun Holy Dragon is the highest stage.

The highest level of the Sun, Moon, Star, Holy Dragon Body Forging Technique is to use the power of the sun to open up the Totem Sea in the Dantian.

The Totem Sea not only provides a circulation core for the Death God Nether Dragon Qi that is now wandering around the body, but to reach a higher level in the future, it is necessary to open up the ‘Totem God Seal’ in the Totem Sea.

So, the Totem Sea is a level that connects the upper and lower levels.

The Totem Sea is a supplement to the Holy Body Realm, and it is also the combination point of the physical body power and the true Qi. Through the Totem Sea, the physical body Holy Dragon power and the Death God Dark Dragon true Qi can also transform into each other and merge into one.

It can be said that the realm of the Totem Sea is the fusion point of the previous three realms, and it is also the starting point for opening the fourth Divine Seal Realm.

With the Totem Sea, the Holy Body of the Totem Martial Master is a truly perfect Holy Body.

Yitian and Tianyi, it is precisely because of the Totem Sea that the true Qi will be more magnificent.

There are very detailed and advanced methods for forging the Totem Sea in the Sun, Moon and Star Holy Dragon Body Forging Technique. The precursor needs to be constantly burned under the scorching sun.

The Wusheng battlefield is an environment lacking scorching sun, so Jiang Zizai needs the top floor of the Beast God Tower.

But by coincidence, the top-level talisman such as the Sun Talisman appeared here, at least above the Kun level. When this talisman is drawn, it absorbs the sun's rays, so it happens to allow Jiang Zizai to lead it into the body and use it to forge the Holy Body.

Moreover, because it was too close, its effect was better than the top floor of the Beast God Tower.

At this time, except that the burning that needed to be endured was more terrible than before, it was almost the same as Jiang Zizai's usual practice of using the Sun Talisman in this Wusheng battlefield.

He had long forgotten Yitian, Jun Jiansheng, Sikong Xiao and others outside. He didn't care about the black dragon-shaped key now, and his mind was on practice.

Three of the five Sun Talismans were his, what a pity to waste them!

In a very short time, his skin was burned red, and his clothes and other things had long ceased to exist.

However, because his full head of black hair had long been forged into a holy body, it was actually very tough. At this time, it was flying, and it really felt a bit wild.

In the burning fire, a young man sat cross-legged naked, without making a sound, and his breath was heavy, which made Sikong Xiao, Hua Lei and Jun Muxi crazy.

After looking at each other for a few more times, their faces turned red. Then they found that each other's eyes were the same, and they quickly scolded each other for being shameless.

It must be said that Jiang Zizai is now charming...

But when he was in it, he knew how uncomfortable it was. At this time, he was really burned and grinning, and he only relied on willpower to persist.

If you fail to open up the Totem Sea, you will need to waste half a year. To be honest, it takes a lot of courage and willpower to open up in such a chaotic environment.

All those who were waiting to see him make a fool of himself and wait for him to flee in embarrassment, but they closed their mouths as time passed.

Because, instead of escaping, he kept moving his position as time passed, heading towards the center of the scorching sun.

At this time, his skin was almost burnt black.

"Is he opening up the Totem Sea?"

"I can see it."

"I saw him using the sun talisman to practice before. His Saint Body Realm forging method seems to absorb the sun's rays, and he just happened to encounter it."

"But this time is different from the past. Not only has the sun's rays increased several times, but opening up the Totem Sea itself is a very dangerous thing. If someone influences him, he will fail and go crazy! He is so bold. Does he think Yi Tian is stupid?"

Everyone knows how disastrous the consequences will be if Jiang Zizai is influenced at this time.

This kind of boldness is stupidity to them.

Even Feng Xiaoyao was dumbfounded at this time.

"This grandson is really too bold..."

"Really? I think he has the ability to support it." Jiuxian said smilingly.

"You are a lover who sees beauty in everything. This guy is so ugly, but you still think he is handsome."

"Bullshit, why don't you look in the mirror? What's the difference between your face and a monkey's butt?" Jiuxian said.

Feng Xiaoyao trembled and couldn't fight back.

In fact, except Jiuxian, almost no one would look favorably on Jiang Zizai's audacious behavior.

Everyone is waiting for him to make a mistake, especially the Tianshen Palace.

"To be honest, Jiang Zizai is the only threat to Yitian now. Once Jiang Zizai needs to rest for half a year, even if he fails to get the black key this time, if he continues to waste time in here, the position of the ancient son of God will sooner or later belong to Yitian." The holy servants of the Tianshen Palace said.

Although they noticed that Jiang Zizai was moving towards the inside little by little, could the matter of the Totem Sea be joked in such a dangerous situation?

Near the lake of the Wusheng battlefield, the rest of the people were looking at Jiang Zizai and saw that his body was like a golden vortex, absorbing the burning flames.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

At this time, he was engulfed in fire, as if there were several dragons surrounding him.

"Brother Zi Zi has been able to persist for such a long time. He is so tough. How can there be such a cool person in the world." Hua Lei held her little hands and said in an idiotic tone.

"I'm still thinking about it. This famous lady has an owner." Sikong Xiao hit her on the head.

"I don't care, I must chase him and poach him." Hua Lei blinked her big eyes and said seriously.

"It's not your turn then."

"Wow, you mean, you want to be the first to get there?"

"Me?" Sikong Xiao said anxiously, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested in him."

"Haha, your eyes betray you, don't hide it, I know you are very disappointed in the other person, that's why you look like he is perfect." Hua Lei exposed it mercilessly.

Yi Tian could hear their passionate discussions.

He squinted his eyes and stared for a long time, waiting for Jiang Zizai to come out, but he didn't do so.

Tianyi walked up to him at this time. His arm was injured, but he has recovered for a while now and can move freely. His eyes were bleeding and he said: "Brother, you can't wait for him to make mistakes, you have to make him make mistakes. "

Yi Tian said: "If I interfere, he will be useless for half a year. It would be bad if word spreads."

Tianyi sneered and said: "Don't be naive, don't forget where this is. Even if you become a king or lose a bandit, you are still here to be kind!"

Yitian nodded. He didn't hesitate anymore and rushed towards the scorching sun again. This time his purpose was different from before. This time his target became Jiang Zizai!

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