Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 397: Snow Fluttering [Update 9]

On the first day of March, Xuanyin Chushen saw that he had reached the second level of the Divine Seal Realm and looked quite satisfied.

She did not ask about Jiang Zizai's departure from the Origin Divine Sect. After checking his progress, she disappeared.

When the time came, Jiang Zizai left naturally. Jiuxian was still at the Gate of Origin and did not come in.

They left the Origin Divine Sect again and continued their life of traveling and practicing.

After a month of leisure, it was completely meaningless to go back to the cold and serious place of the Divine Sect.

Jiang Zizai did not want to go back.

This time, Sky Island entered a small country called "Western Republic".

The customs and popularity here are completely different from those of the Yanlong Dynasty. There are not many strong people. They like colorful clothes and like to string some jewelry necklaces on their noses. They are extremely good at songs and dances, and they also love life very much.

Every night, the people here light a bonfire, sing and dance around the bonfire, and their lives are full of fun.

Although most of the boys and girls are not totem warriors, they are full and active and carefree.

Their optimism is highly contagious. After Jiuxian came here, she wandered in towns and was reluctant to leave.

Because she was so beautiful, she would be treated as a goddess no matter where she went.

At the bonfire party, countless young men invited her to dance, but in the end, she still held Jiang Zizai's hand and joined the hot dance.

Jiang Zizai was stiff all over, and had to be guided by Jiuxian's soft body like a water snake to join this warm range.

Seeing her face always filled with a smile from the heart, Jiang Zizai's heart was also much warmer.

When he hugged her and kissed her in the passion, the people of the Western Republic cheered.

Perhaps only Jiang Zizai saw that under the outer layer of black long hair, she was actually full of white hair.

She began to get tired easily, her eyes began to dim, and the first wrinkles began to appear on her cheeks.

The ravages of time are a nightmare that no one can avoid. Jiang Zizai can't avoid middle age, then old age, and death.

But what is unfair to Jiuxian is that she is far from the age of gray hair.

The divine spell has expanded a lot on her chest, and the bloody skull pattern has expanded twice, and the color has become deeper.

In fact, gray hair can't affect her beauty.

But time, this ferocious beast, will continue to tear her body apart.

Is the Rebirth Art useful? Jiang Zizai had doubts for the first time.

Putting hope on the Rebirth Art is to seek death.

But, apart from the Rebirth Art, the whole world does not have the power to resist God.

She seemed to have forgotten to look in the mirror.

But Jiang Zizai could see her daily changes clearly.

Every increase of white hair, every increase of wrinkles.

But seeing that she was so happy and immersed in joy every day, Jiang Zizai put all the struggles in his heart in his heart.

At the end of March, her long hair had turned snow-white.

There was not a single black hair.

Jiang Zizai had stopped lingering with her because she didn't have much strength.

The strength of the Divine Seal Realm was also gradually fading. On this day, her Divine Seal actually dissipated one level. Although the strength was not greatly affected, it was just a precursor, and it would definitely dissipate more in the future.

What Feng Xiaoyao had experienced before was nothing to this.

She was not only declining in strength, but also rapidly aging, shortening the process of others for seventy or eighty years to seven or eight months.

That day, they stood on a snowy mountain, with heavy snow and ice.

On the edge of the cliff, countless snowflakes fell into the abyss in front of them.

She stood on the edge of the cliff, and from behind, she was already a snowman.

Jiang Zizai gently protected her from behind, and she leaned her head on Jiang Zizai's shoulder.

"Xiao Baicai, Jiuer is not good-looking, can we still hold her?" She murmured.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Zizai gently pinched her cheek. It was not as tight as before.

"In fact, these two months are the happiest time of my life in more than 50 years. You don't know, I completely let myself forget that I am a dying person, and enjoy the fun of the world to my heart's content. It's wonderful." She smiled, even though she was old, she still smiled so beautifully.

Jiang Zizai hugged her tighter, and her white hair and black hair rubbed together, and the hair was intertwined, which was particularly beautiful in the wind and snow.

"Honestly, am I ugly now?" Jiuxian asked with pursed lips.

"Nonsense, you are the most beautiful old lady I have ever seen."

"You actually said I am an old lady, annoying!" Jiuxian was annoyed and pinched his arm.

She turned around, and Jiang Zizai hugged her in his arms. She was indeed not as beautiful as before, but the love in Jiang Zizai's eyes had never diminished.

"How about I jump down from here? Beauty fades easily, I don't want to be ugly in front of you anymore." She lowered her head and said with a smile.

No matter what she said, she smiled, as if she was talking about trivial things.

"Then let's go together. I also want to see what beautiful scenery is under this cliff."

Under the cliff, there is only death.

"I'm kidding, I don't want to give up. I've been practicing the Rebirth Technique recently, and it seems to have achieved some results. I'm going to start prolonging my life." She laughed.

"Judging from your appearance, you are older than my mother now."

"Asshole, I'm going to tear your mouth."

While playing, she suddenly retched.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zizai asked.

She looked blank for a moment, shook her head and said, "Of course it's this damn curse, damn it, I don't know which god I offended. If I find out, I'll have to cut off his head and use it as a chamber pot for you."

She stood up and pointed her middle finger at the sky.

"Fuck you, ancient god, fuck your ancestors for eighteen generations."

It's really tough, scolding so rudely.

But Jiang Zizai also wanted to scold...

It's the end of the month again.

In two days, it will be the first day of April, and Jiang Zizai has to go to the First God Realm.

In fact, he didn't want to go that much. He just wanted to travel with her in this mortal world and travel through the prosperity of the world.

It's not too long to delay for three days.

Jiuxian was still waiting for him at the Gate of Origin.

Jiang Zizai entered the First God Realm. He had not made much progress this month. Xuanyin First God checked and asked, "I heard that you and Jiuxian have been in the Origin Continent for some time."

Jiang Zizai nodded.

"It delayed my cultivation. The progress is slower than I expected. Make appropriate adjustments."

Jiang Zizai did not answer. He concentrated on cultivation for these three days. When the time was up, he left the First God Realm.

Jiuxian disappeared.

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