Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 409 Bloody Night

The five great palace masters had ordered that the disciples and servants of the Divine Sect should not move around casually, let alone approach the Holy Altar of Origin.

Even the Holy Servants did not know what they were doing here.

The disciples were curious, but after all, they had been ordered to stay in their residences.

However, when night fell, the scene in the sky still attracted many disciples.

The starry sky tonight can be said to be pitch black, and there is not a single star in the cloudless sky.

For the Sky Island flying above the clouds, a night without a single star is extremely rare.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

Without the stars, the blood-red crescent moon in the sky above is particularly conspicuous.

In the dark starry sky, a blood-red crescent moon hangs obliquely, emitting a trace of blood, which dissipates in the starry sky. It looks like a mouth dripping blood.

No matter who it is, as long as they look up at this ‘blood moon’ for a few more times, they will shudder.

The blood moon is strange and mysterious. It is said to be a bloody omen. Although it only appears once a year, it still brings some human disasters.

The day of the blood moon is a grand festival of the ‘Yuanshi Underworld Palace’. Often on this day, people from the Underworld Palaces in various places will go out to worship the blood moon, and even ask the people to follow the worship.

On the Origin Continent, the dots of fire are all gatherings of people worshiping the blood moon.

The Underworld Palace has been shrinking for nearly a thousand years. They basically go out on the day of the blood moon every year to attract more believers.

The young worshippers will naturally be interested in the blood moon, so tonight is destined to be impossible to be quiet. There are many young people walking on Baili Tianjie, discussing and admiring the moon.

The blood-red moonlight poured down, as if the whole earth was covered with a layer of blood, and everyone’s face was a gloomy red.

Jiuxian's face was already very pale, but under the blood moon, it showed a strange red color.

"Help her to the 'lotus platform' first, and we will start when it is close to the hour of the ox." Xuanyin Chushen ordered.

Jiang Zizai followed his words and carried Jiuxian to the lotus platform. It was difficult for her to sit steadily now, so Jiang Zizai stood by the side to give her support.

To be honest, seeing the cold and ruthless blood moon in the sky, a tense atmosphere was permeating, and the atmosphere became even more weird when Jiushen, the five palace masters and Xuanyin Chushen did not speak.

"Oh my god, this blood moon is too scary." Jiuxian complained.

In fact, in the origin continent, the blood moon is not very obvious, so the feeling is not deep. Now on the sky island, the blood moon is almost like it is above the head, which is extremely weird.

The deeper the night, the brighter the blood moon above the head, and the more dazzling it is. The whole world has become a blood-red world.

Tonight is definitely the day with the most bloodshed in the Origin Continent. With such a moonlight, many people will be aroused to be fierce and dare to hurt others.

Jiuxian seems to be very brave, but in fact, his palms are sweating as he keeps holding Jiang Zizai.

"If there is anything wrong, you must listen to my instructions." Under such a blood moon, Jiang Zizai also has some ominous premonitions.

Jiuxian nodded obediently.

It is said that the breakthrough process of her Wangsheng Jue may last for the entire Chou time.

In the blink of an eye, it was already late at night.

"Chou time is coming soon, let's start to get into the state first." Xuanyin Chushen looked at the position of the blood moon, and it seemed that the blood moon would soon rise to the center.

Under the guidance of Xuanyin Chushen's eyes, Jiang Zizai had to leave her side and let the Lord of the Beast God go in.

"Don't worry, I'm here." The Lord of the Beast God patted Jiang Zizai's shoulder and staggered with him. He stood behind Jiuxian, and Jiuxian landed on the lotus platform. He was just behind him to put his palm on Jiuxian's back.

The tense moment is coming!

Xuanyin Chushen and the other four palace masters stood in the five directions of the rebirth formation, seemingly standing in the positions of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. There was a blood-colored circular totem pattern under their feet. At this time, the totem pattern was twisting under the reflection of the blood moon, emitting a strange light.

According to Xuanyin Chushen's instructions, Jiuxian began to practice the Rebirth Art. She sat cross-legged and tried to straighten her back. The breath of presence and absence swam around her, forming a vortex. The vortex rotated in the opposite direction, as if to reverse the passing of her life.

"Begin!" Xuanyin Chushen gave an order, and the four palace masters except the Beast God Palace Master took action at the same time. They used their legs to infuse their power into the totem pattern. For a moment, the totem pattern began to twist and connect with each other on the entire origin altar like a living long snake, and also connected the ninety-nine statues on it and the lotus platform in the center.

The entire origin altar was shrouded in blood light, forming a blood-red totem array. In the totem array, blood-colored lines kept moving like blood snakes.

Those blood-colored lines, through the statue and the lotus platform, had been connected to Jiuxian's body. For a moment, blood-red lines were all over her body, even from her neck upwards, like a poisonous snake wrapped around her face.

The whole scene looked extremely strange, but the rebirth array described it in this way.

At this time, the origin altar seemed to have tens of millions of blood snakes moving around, connecting the statue and the five people standing in the five elements. Xuanyin Chushen and others dominated the magic array, and Jiuxian was the center of the entire totem array.

The rebirth array was already in operation. Jiu Xian closed her eyes and concentrated on practicing the Rebirth Technique. The blood on her body became more and more intense. It is said that after the blood turned into a cocoon, she would be able to obtain this strong blood, just like being reborn, and gain life again. .

Although it is only a short year or two, that is still hope!

At least there was hope for a safe birth.

At such a time, what she showed was a god-like fighting spirit. Jiang Zizai knew that she must be very tired, but at this moment, it was as if she was having a flashback, even her face became rosy, like the flesh and blood on her body, All are glowing again.

Of course, these are all preparations before the official start. Now we are just waiting for the ugly time to come. At that time, the moonlight is the strongest. At that time, the first god Xuanyin will activate the brilliance of the blood moon and join the rebirth formation. .

Jiang Zizai waited with bated breath.

There are occasional noisy sounds around. It seems that the blood-filled movement here has attracted the attention of many people.

Finally, the ugly time has come. This is when the blood moon is in the sky overhead. Many priests and disciples come out to admire the moon. Suddenly, they see a ray of light shooting out of the blood moon, falling from the sky, and the turbulent The bloody light brought a terrifying and evil aura to Sky Island!

It falls exactly in the center of the five pillars of origin!

For a moment, it seemed as if there was a blood-red pillar of origin in the center of Sky Island!

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