Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 414 Nine-Eyed Giant Demon

The changes of Jiushen were something that no one, including Jiang Zi, had ever thought of.

He was just an ordinary divine servant in the Divine Seal Realm, and his usual task was to guard the tower.

He had just passed the divine servant assessment not long ago.

He was a lonely person, and except for the killing that year, no one had ever taken care of his existence.

But at this moment, he changed!

He was outside and heard everything that Xuanyin Chushen and the others said.

Jiang Zi had a bloody hatred in his eyes, and he had a crazy riot in his eyes.

He was a silent man who lived in silence forever.

But many years ago, when someone bullied his sister, he did not hesitate to kill everyone.

To this day, he has never changed.

At this moment, amid the exclamations of countless people from the Divine Sect, Jiushen, who would have been easily killed by the Lord of the Beast God Palace, suddenly changed drastically!

His body was actually swelled!

His skin was directly torn, and a black monster crawled out from it!

As the monster came out, it grew bigger, accompanied by a monstrous demonic energy. The demonic energy instantly spread, and it was several times stronger than Jiang Zizai's Avici Hell Talisman!

What kind of monster is this?

He is in human form, with black scales all over his body, extremely thick arms and claws as sharp as blades.

He has a hunched body, and there are spikes coming out from his spine.

His head is roughly triangular in shape, with extremely sharp teeth and two bloody long horns!

The most terrifying thing is his face, with a total of nine blood-red eyes!

The nine eyes, arranged randomly, some large and some small, look ugly and scary, but the bloodthirstiness and coldness in the eyes are also scary enough.

If such a monster is just the size of an ordinary person, it would not be shocking. What is really shocking is that after he tore his skin, he quickly grew larger. In a blink of an eye, his body is as tall as the five-story Beast God Tower!

Such a huge beast, no one in front of him is as big as his claws!

His body is covered with a lot of blood-red lines!

A lot of demonic energy surged out of his body and engulfed him. This is a huge monster surrounded by demonic energy!

"Oh my God, what is this!"

"It seems to be the Nine Gods! What on earth is he!"

"So scary! Run away!"

People exclaimed, and the whole Shenzong began to riot for a while. This huge monster could be seen from a long distance. Some people came here to watch the excitement, and some people fled far away!

Suddenly such a shocking change, Feng Xiaoyao hurriedly said: "You stay here, I'll go over and take a look."

He asked Ling Qingtian to take care of Feng Xiaoxiao and the others, and he was about to leave, but he didn't expect that at this moment, two figures blocked him in front of him.

"Feng Xiaoyao, the sect master is doing something, you'd better not mess up." Shi Jian sneered, he looked over there, although he didn't know what happened, but it seemed that Jiang Zizai was in a very angry mood.

The other person was Sikong Jin. Since he intercepted, he would not let Feng Xiaoyao go up to make trouble.

Feng Xiaoyao couldn't move, and the others couldn't get close. Lian Hua Lei, Jun Muxi, Jun Jiansheng and others were all confused at this time. They found Feng Xiaoxiao and others in the crowd and came over to ask what was going on.

Yitian and Tianyi also appeared in the distance. They looked at the huge monster with deep eyes.

"Yesterday, my godfather told me that if everything goes well today, I will still be the son of the ancient gods tomorrow." Yitian said lightly.

"Really? I said, how could Dad not take action? Jiang Zizai is finished, but I don't know what this monster is?" Tianyi sneered.

Like them, all eyes were focused on the huge monster transformed by the Nine Gods!

As soon as the monster appeared, it fought with the Lord of the Beast God Palace. People certainly didn't expect that the monster transformed by the Nine Gods could actually compete with such a terrifying figure as the Lord of the Beast God Palace!


The body of the monster had an extremely terrifying power, with surging demonic energy and swift movements. It didn't take long for the two to fight. What was amazing and terrifying was that the Lord of the Beast God Palace was actually shaken away!

Then the monster rushed over, he wanted to smash the entire totem formation!


He roared, and the whole Sky Island was shaking.

"Evil beast, don't even think about destroying it." Seeing this, Xuanyin Chushen ordered the remaining four palace masters to continue to preside over it, and she rushed out of the totem formation and attacked!

Chushen has taken action, this is a world-shaking event for the Divine Sect! In all these years, who has ever seen Chushen take action?

"Chushen takes action, this monster is dead!"

"I really don't know how these nine gods can become such a monster, but it's really scary, even the Beast God Palace Master is not his opponent!"

"This monster is too crazy, like he doesn't want to die, what does he want to do?"

Under the gaze of the people, the black bloody behemoth fought madly with the seemingly tiny Xuanyin Chushen. Xuanyin Chushen looked very small, but he was able to stop the monster and prevent him from getting close.

"Quickly fight and make a quick decision, so as to avoid more troubles at night. I can stop him." Xuanyin Chushen turned back coldly and said to the four palace masters.

The Palace Master of the Beast God joined in and filled the position of Xuanyin Chushen. For a while, the totem formation continued to operate. In the blood cocoon, Jiuxian's arm began to dissipate.

She seemed to be in a dream, slowly losing her breath, and her lower abdomen was also extremely calm. Under the blood moon, death came.

Jiang Zizai was still here, watching the monster transformed by the Nine Gods, charging like crazy, but was repeatedly knocked away by the Xuanyin Chushen, shaking the surrounding ground and forests into a mess...

He didn't understand why the Nine Gods could transform into such a terrifying existence.

Every time his huge body fell to the ground, it was earth-shaking.

He also didn't understand why the eyes of the five palace masters were so ferocious at this time for the gate of the evolution world.

The Palace Master of the Heavenly God could understand, but the Palace Master of the Beast God, there was only indifference in his eyes.

It turned out that all the care before was fake,

These old foxes, each one is so disgusting.

He smiled.

In the extreme hatred, he entered another state.

In his chest, anger was surging!

The teeth had bitten through the lips, the nails had pierced the palms, but they had forgotten the taste of pain.

Only hatred and anger, like endless sparks, began to spread! Those flames engulfed everything of Jiang Zizai!

A volcano, suppressed to the extreme, erupted at this moment!

For a moment, his whole world was engulfed by flames!

It was also engulfed by the smell of blood.

His eyes were locked tightly in the blood cocoon.

That was his wife and children.

What is the purpose of practicing in one's life?

He didn't really want to become a god.

He just wanted to protect the people he loved, to make them happy and worry-free, that was enough...

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