Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 417: Immortal Dragon

The way the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace died would definitely shake the entire Origin Continent.

It was the tragic death of one of the strongest people between heaven and earth. All this was incredible!

He was not killed by a stronger person, but died in the hands of Jiang Zizai.

Now the entire Divine Sect was trembling in trembling and fear, and the priests, divine servants and holy divine servants were all trembling.

"Panda, if we can survive this time, we may have to leave the Divine Sect." Beishan Jin said with a pale face.

The four of them were tightly together. How could they not understand at this moment that the time had come to end.

"Where the boss goes, we will go there. If he dies, we will not survive, but it can be so spectacular, and I have no regrets." Lu Dingxing said seriously.

"Panda." Ruo Xiaoyue gently pulled his arm, her eyes were still in infinite tension and trembling.

Ling Qingtian and Feng Xiaoyao were both in absolute stupor.

They looked at each other and saw each other's exaggerated expressions.

"Ling Qingtian, take the four of them down to Sky Island first." Feng Xiaoyao said after thinking.

"Okay." Ling Qingtian actually had this idea. Although the four of them wanted to watch, they still followed him to leave under his arrangement.

Although they didn't know what would happen next, if they stayed here, they might cause trouble for Jiang Zizai.

"Is this okay?" Gu Xuanying asked worriedly.

Ling Qingtian said, "No problem. Anyway, I'm going back to Yanlong Dynasty in two days. I'll take them back secretly. They are not the key, the key is Jiang Zizai."

"Take care." The couple hugged each other, and then Ling Qingtian quickly hid when no one noticed them, and took them down to Sky Island first.

Feng Xiaoyao was still watching the situation. Someone pulled her sleeve. She turned her head and saw Feng Xiaoxiao with tears in her eyes. She leaned on Feng Xiaoyao, and her tears could not stop flowing.

Feng Xiaoyao didn't say anything, but patted her shoulder gently and said, "Don't worry, he is a man who defies the heavens, nothing will happen to him."

Perhaps just as he said, after Xuanyin Chushen was entangled by the Nine Gods, the four palace masters were still unable to escape from Jiang Zizai's sea of ​​fire, and the Tianshen Palace Master was killed, it seemed that no one could threaten Jiang Zizai anymore.

He coiled in a circle, holding the blood cocoon in his palm, both dragon claws had been cut, and endless blood and qi gathered towards the blood cocoon.

The blood cocoon absorbed blood and qi crazily, gradually solidified, and emitted an extremely strong beating of vitality!

This scene was as if Jiang Zizai was using his own blood to feed the two lives in the blood cocoon!

The bronze gate behind them seemed to be damaged at this time and began to dim. The power of the totem formation had been reversed by Jiang Zizai with his strong blood and qi.

However, the extent to which the blood cocoon absorbed blood and qi exceeded people's imagination. This dragon had endless blood and qi, but the blood cocoon still absorbed it crazily, and the amount became larger and larger as it aged.

Everything that happened was incredible.

People clearly saw that the black dragon, which was so vigorous in the process of feeding with blood and qi, actually began to fail!

How vigorous was his blood and qi before?

But at this time, his huge dragon body was actually withering and failing, as if he had completely transferred his life and lifespan to this blood cocoon.

Perhaps, this is the greatness of a man.

It is also the only way for him to truly save the Nine Immortals.

The whole process was very fast. The Xuanyin Chushen was still competing with the Nine Gods, while Jiang Zizai's dragon body was gradually shrinking, aging, and losing blood and qi.

On the contrary, the blood cocoon became more and more vigorous, and the power contained in it became more and more terrifying!

It seemed that one or two lives were growing vigorously under the nourishment of the dragon's blood and qi!

Incredibly, the blood cocoon created by the Rebirth Art completely transformed into white at this time, like a huge snow-white gem, shining with beautiful and holy fluorescence above the sky, which was completely opposite to the aura of the blood cocoon before.

The white cocoon and the blood moon were completely disconnected. Without the support of the totem formation, the brilliance of the blood moon disappeared instantly, and the blood-colored light column finally disappeared!

Next, people saw in a daze that the flesh and blood body of the dragon was getting smaller and smaller, more and more exhausted, the surface of the body began to crack, and countless dragon scales began to break.

But the eyes of the dragon were gentle and satisfied from beginning to end.

Because under the nourishment of his blood and qi, the white cocoon absorbed all of it. Through the connection of blood, he knew that the two lives inside were now extremely vigorous!

Not only did they survive, but they must have undergone incredible changes!

At this time, there was no longer much imprint of the divine spell!

People saw that the extremely aged dragon, after shedding two drops of eyes, turned into a human form. It was an extremely aged old man who was about to die. It could be said that he had been sucked dry.

But there was no regret on his face, because he knew that the person he loved just needed so much blood and qi to be truly reborn.

That was the old man, Jiang Zizai.

He didn't know if he would be like this for the rest of his life, but he knew that this time he had inexplicably killed the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace and inexplicably saved them and their mother. Compared with their eternal inability to reincarnate, it was already a big win!

So he couldn't help laughing.

At this time, I felt that I, who could turn the tide, was a real man and a real father.

Other things, it doesn't matter. It's enough for a person to accomplish such a great thing in this life.

Jiang Zizai didn't expect that something he almost forgot would work at this time.

That is the mysterious green talisman on his chest.

Jiang Zizai was so old, and the green talisman suddenly shone, and the emerald green light instantly enveloped him.

His aging was the consumption of blood and qi, which was different from the aging before Jiuxian. His was equivalent to being injured, and it was a serious injury.

With the nourishment of this "Immortal Talisman", Jiang Zizai felt extremely comfortable. He almost cried out, it was so cool.

He felt that his strength was returning, and the third level of the Divine Seal Realm was also returning, and his blood and qi returned to normal.

As for the sudden transformation into a dragon before, Jiang Zizai didn't know what happened at all, and he didn't know how to return to that level again.

He felt that unless the person he loved was threatened by such a disgusting threat again.

To be honest, he would rather never have that dreamlike state again, because it was not something he could control. He didn't want to experience such despair again.

People have become numb.

When they saw Jiang Ziyu shrouded in green light, he regained his youthful and full figure, just like a day or two ago, they were not surprised at all.

After all, his life was like a life of cheating, and he felt like he could never die...

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