Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 523 Bloody Eyes

Yuwen Jin's decision received a lot of praise.

At this important moment, everyone was a bit irritable, and it was not easy for him to figure it out.

"Yuwen Jin, just do as you say." Bai Ye Ling's eyes were full of gratitude, because this decision was too important to her.

They had already decided.

Let Jiang Zizai lead the way, to put it bluntly, it was to escort Jiang Zizai to the sixth divine talisman.

"By the way, did you arrange me like this with my consent?" Jiang Zizai said.

It's not enough to take away the Ice Heavenly Punishment, but you still want to use it again?

"You are a prisoner now, don't think you can do anything just because you are the master of life and death talismans! We are not afraid of the sea of ​​talismans, let alone you, the master of life and death talismans without strength, lead the way quickly!" Bai Ye Ling said.

"You said you are so beautiful, why are you so disgusting?" Jiang Zizai used to think that this was a charming beauty, but now he wanted to beat her up.

"Lead the way." Bai Ye Ling said coldly, she couldn't wait any longer.

"I won't." Jiang Zizai didn't believe it. If he didn't lead the way, what could they do to him?

"Do you believe that we will kill you and take away all three of your magic talismans?" Bai Yeling said fiercely. Her eyes were already red.

"You can try it. Then see who will have a more miserable end." Jiang Zizai laughed dumbly. At this time, the expression still had to be in place, otherwise they would not be afraid of Jiuxian.

"Ling'er, stop talking nonsense." Wujian Hades pulled her back. They still knew what was going on.

"Jiang Zizai, let's discuss a condition. What we can accept is that you lead the way for us and I return the Ice Heaven Punishment to you. How about it? If you don't agree to this, then today both of us will be in trouble. You don't give us convenience and take away our crystals. It's difficult for us to deal with it." Wujian Hades said.

"This is the best of both worlds. The crystal stone will be your reward for leading us. To be honest, we in the Underworld Palace really don't want to have bad relations with you and Fu Hai. We have never had any grudges, and we in the Underworld Palace also admire you very much." said the Blood Soul Hades.

It seems that in order to let Jiang Zizai lead the way, they can get back the Blood Prison Talisman and get the opportunity to find the sixth divine talisman at the same time, they have made a lot of concessions. After all, to be honest, Jiang Zizai can see that the three Hades have no decision-making power and do not want to tear their faces with Jiang Zizai for the time being.

On the one hand, they do not want to become a blood sea of ​​​​feud with the Life and Death Talisman Sect, and on the other hand, they are probably afraid of the ancient god behind him in the rumors.

The other party wants to make peace.

Jiang Zizai smiled and said, "No problem, the deal is done. But I have a condition."

"You say." The three Hades said in unison.

They can't tear their faces and threaten Jiang Zizai with death to lead the way. If there is a suitable way, they are willing to negotiate.

"I want to spar with Bai Ye Ling. I noticed that she thought she could beat me after not seeing her for a while." Jiang Zizai glared at her.

"I'd love to, come on!" Before the Hades agreed, Bai Ye Ling was furious and said, "Get out of my way."

They knew that Bai Ye Ling had made great progress recently, and she was even more impressive after she took Jiang Zizai as her target.

The Hades thought about it and agreed to the sparring.

The two had long disliked each other.

"You despicable and shameless person, I'll let you pretend and I'll make you lose your teeth on the ground right away." Bai Ye Ling said coldly.

"Don't be funny, you can't even keep the Blood Prison Talisman, you are a waste, and you still have the nerve to brag in front of me." Jiang Zizai laughed dumbly.

This sentence touched her pain and made her explode immediately. This time she directly attacked and killed him.

Remember the last time they fought, she was in the fourth level of the Divine Seal Realm, and Jiang Zizai was in the third level of the Divine Seal Realm.

Now, she is at the sixth level of the Divine Seal Realm, having broken through two levels in a row, but Jiang Zizai has broken through three levels in a row, and his speed is faster than hers!

At the same level, it is a joke to want to fight with Jiang Zizai. The two of them collided directly with each other. Jiang Zizai directly used the Eight-Step Soul Chasing Lightning and the Nine-Day Tribulation Thunder Claw to suppress Bai Yeling.

Within ten breaths of fighting, Bai Yeling was defeated directly. Jiang Zizai slapped her in the face and slapped her directly out!

"When you talk to me in the future, pay attention to your tone and attitude." Jiang Zizai landed steadily, and said to Bai Yeling, whose face was swollen and red on one side, with his hands behind his back.

Bai Yeling's tears flowed, and her eyes became even redder. She howled angrily and wanted to fight, but Wujian Hades stopped her. Wujian Hades sighed and said, "Ling'er, you are not his opponent, don't waste your time."

Last time, they were evenly matched, but now the world is crushed by Jiang Zizai, and the gap is already obvious.

Bai Ye Ling was unwilling to give up, and could only touch her swollen face and cry bitterly.

The Blood Prison Talisman was lost.

The courage and confidence to practice were severely frustrated at this time, and she even wanted to die.

"Ling'er, you can definitely defeat him!" Yu Wenjin said worriedly.

"Get out! Trash!" Bai Ye Ling glared at him, and became even more angry, especially when she saw that Jiang Zizai was chatting and laughing with the Hades, as if the previous confrontation had never happened.

"Zizai, we can only return the Ice Heaven Punishment to you after you take us there, is that okay?" Wujian Hades asked.

"Of course it's okay." Jiang Zizai said generously.

"Then let's go?"

"Let's go, follow me." Jiang Zizai looked confident.

On the way, Jiang Zizai asked: "King of Hell, it's strange to say, how could someone take away your Blood Prison Talisman? With such a high level of skill, don't you know who it is?"

The three Kings of Hell looked at each other, and then looked at Bai Yeling, who was about to cry.

"Who took the Blood Prison Talisman? When did it happen?"

"On the way here." King Wujian said.

"He took away the Blood Prison Talisman under your protection. Only a god can do that, right?" Jiang Zizai said exaggeratedly.

"No." King Wujian shook his head, sighed, and said: "It's embarrassing to say that this person is very good at hiding. He approached Ling'er directly and took away the Blood Prison Talisman when she tried to inherit it."

"You didn't even see the person clearly? You are really..." Jiang Zizai hadn't finished speaking yet, and Bai Yeling whimpered and was about to cry again.

"That person is very strange. Ling'er saw a pair of bloody eyes, and he disappeared without even seeing whether it was a man or a woman." King Xuehun said.

"Bloody eyes?" Jiang Zizai thought about it and searched for people with bloody eyes in his memory.

He suddenly thought of someone.

Under the big tree, the swing was shaking, and she sat on it, staring at the gate with bloody eyes, day and night in a daze.


For a moment, he actually thought that person would be Yan'er.

However, he could only smile bitterly, because he knew that she would never appear again.


Sorry, the update has been a bit unstable recently. Today is tentatively scheduled for 3 chapters, and 5 chapters will be updated tomorrow.

Because there are no drafts saved, it will be written later. It is recommended to read it again at 22:00 every day in the next few days, and it will basically be updated.

This state may last for a week. In the next week, the madman will quickly prepare a few chapters of drafts and ensure the update in the morning.

Thank you for your support, understanding, tolerance, gratitude, and gratitude.

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