Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 533 Highest Evolution

When the black crystal was flying, many people reached out, or used battle tactics, or used totem weapons to collect it, but even the three Hades couldn't catch it at the beginning, let alone them.

Those black crystals came to Jiang Zizai's eyes one after another.

"Why are they going to the Sun God!"

"It turns out that they are controlled by the Sun God!"

People thought that this was due to the Sun God's means, so they were helpless.

But the Sun God himself was stunned, because he didn't use any means at all, and the first crystal was already in front of him.

When he reached out to take it, the black crystal flashed and appeared in front of Jiang Zizai in an instant. Sure enough, it melted into Jiang Zizai's totem as before.

The black crystal was swallowed by the little dragon in the sea of ​​​​birth. After the little dragon swallowed it, it grew a little bigger and had a more murderous aura.

This was just the first one. In the eyes of the people, those black crystals seemed to have gone through 81 difficulties. They fled to Jiang Zizai's eyes in the pursuit of many powerful people. Finally, they passed the level of Sun God and merged into Jiang Zizai's totem.

"What's wrong with you?" Sun God was stunned. He didn't pay much attention at first, and then he tried many ways, but he couldn't stop those crystals!

He even didn't know what method he used to form a spherical shield around Jiang Zizai.

The black crystal easily penetrated the shield!

"Jiang Zizai's totem is fusing these black crystals!"

"Why can he do that? We are also dragon totems!"

"The dragon shadow in the crystal is black. Could it be related to this?"

"No, Zun Qin is also a black dragon. Why doesn't the black crystal react to it?"

For a while, the strong men who were relieved by the death of a large number of dragon beastmen all paid attention to this matter.

The wonder of this kind of thing is extraordinary.

Jiang Zizai couldn't care so much. He himself was a little confused. When more and more black crystals were fused into his totem, his black dragon totem continued to grow stronger. Every fusion was stronger. This was a kind of strengthening that was not equal to evolution. If evolution was a qualitative change, this kind of fusion was equivalent to a quantitative change. He was already a universe-level totem. Enough quantitative changes brought him extreme enhancement. When the totem grew stronger, even the power of the totem seal seemed to be much more powerful, and it was still improving!

The dragon beast was still attacking desperately. Now he was bloodshot, just for killing!

As long as they kill people, they have to resist, and resistance will kill the dragon beast. Whenever a dragon beast dies, a black crystal enters Jiang Zizai's totem. Happiness comes too suddenly, and he can't stop it. He has been knocked unconscious.

Moreover, the dragon beast king does not allow the strong men of the continent to hesitate. If the dragon beast is not eliminated, the sixth divine talisman they want will not appear, and Lingxuan has not responded to the Holy Dragon Emperor, which is clearly a rejection. In addition, the two people in the Hades Palace are anxious to get the Blood Prison Talisman back, so the battle breaks out again.

The two Hades Gods have already taken action, and Xuanyin Chushen and the Holy Dragon Emperor cannot sit idly by, especially the Holy Dragon Emperor. At least, he can't let Lingxuan fall into the hands of the Hades Palace and the Divine Sect. She has the Blood Prison Talisman on her, and those two clearly want to get the Blood Prison Talisman!


In this narrow passage, with so many battles, the chaos can be imagined. Jiang Zizai was dizzy from the collision of the crystal stone. He only heard the roaring sound coming from outside, the roar of the giant beast and the howling of people. Even if there were strong men in the initial god realm, most of them were fighting for the blood prison talisman, which resulted in some strong men being torn into pieces by the dragon beast.

He was simply killing with red eyes!

The key is that the dragon beast king is really powerful, and the relationship between the strong men restraining each other, so it was not taken down for a while. The dragon beast king still wanted to break through their encirclement and rush to Shenxiao!

Unknowingly, Jiang Zizai had fused nearly 70 black crystals!

The Sun God tried every way, but he didn't collect a black crystal. He was probably depressed. There was really no way, so he didn't lose face and directly controlled Jiang Zizai, regardless of how many crystals he fused.

Jiang Zizai almost lost his senses at this time. He seemed to be asleep. Now his totem was still in a crazy transformation. The black dragon continued to grow stronger and became more fierce and ferocious, just like growing from a child to a teenager, and began to possess some strong power.

In the totem sea, the power of the totem holy body and the true qi of the swallowing dragon became more powerful and still increasing. Each black crystal could bring obvious changes. At this time, the dragon beasts were still dying, and the black crystals were increasing.

Jiang Zizai had a feeling that people all over the world were helping him to improve.

"Let's wipe out the dragon beasts first."

"Buy time, wipe them out, and then we can rely on our own abilities."

This was the attitude of their strong men. Originally, the attitude of the Holy Dragon Emperor was not like this. He still had the ambition to control these dragon beasts, but Lingxuan really didn't cooperate, and he was afraid that he also had murderous intentions.

With the orders of the strong man in the initial god realm, and the fact that there were not many dragon beastmen, they died faster and the black crystals appeared faster. Until the last moment, almost all the dragon beastmen present died. When all the black crystals swarmed in, Jiang Zizai counted them himself. From the beginning to now, the number of all the fused black crystals was exactly one hundred.

One hundred dragon beastmen, it can be said to be just right.

His Devouring Heaven Demon Dragon Totem also just transformed and grew a hundred times.

The dragon beast king was not dead yet, but his body was already riddled with holes, and it was obvious that he could not hold on.

When the 100th black crystal was melted into his totem, Jiang Zizai clearly felt that this quantitative change had reached a critical point, and it seemed that a qualitative change was about to occur!

He was stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect what would happen!

Then, the violent shaking of the totem made him faint.

He was not very clear about what happened next. He vaguely remembered that in the last moment before he lost consciousness, he seemed to hear a cry of surprise: "Totem evolution!"


Whose totem evolved?

Jiang Zizai did not react.

Now all the dragon beasts have died, and only the dragon beast king is still alive, but it is almost over.

At this time, all the survivors are watching the dragon beast king making his last struggle.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Zizai attracted everyone's attention again.

He was seen sitting on the ground, and the totem position between his eyebrows turned into a whirlpool at this time!

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