Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 551 Emperor

Shen Xiao silently put Jin Yao into the space jade pendant. Her space jade pendant has already opposed many geniuses of Zichen Realm.

Maybe some people think she is ruthless.

Some people think that she is more mature and sees more clearly than anyone else.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

As for what consequences this will bring, you will know when you read on.

If it is a war, and a war between two totem worlds, it is not a child's play.

"The Emperor's Palace, the dominant force in Zichen Realm, has more than 30 beginners!"

The information revealed by Jin Yao made the strong people present, including the Holy Dragon Emperor, tremble in their hearts.

Not to mention the Emperor's Palace, the Golden God Cult behind Jin Yao has the capital to compete with the strong people of the entire Origin Continent.

If the Golden God Cult could come here smoothly, they would definitely take revenge, making the world devastated and blood flowing everywhere.

"More than 30 people in the Initial God Realm! Is the gap so big!"

"It's the same totem world, just because they have been connected to the Well of the Divine Realm for many years?"

"Are we right to resist now?" Some people even think so, and such an idea will undoubtedly be despised.

"Losing the source symbol is the time when you really lose your dignity. Don't be naive, the Holy Maiden of Tianlong is more courageous than you."

The elders did not lose their determination to fight.

However, even the most optimistic people could not have enough confidence in Jiang Zizai and the three of them.

Especially when they heard that the 'Four Sons of Heaven' of the Emperor's Palace were actually nearby.

"A genius with more than 30 Initial Gods behind him must have been receiving the youngest care since childhood. At the age of 15, he actually reached the ninth level of the Divine Seal Realm, close to the Heavenly Source Realm! Moreover, all four of them have the Universe-level Totem!"

Compared with such a genius, even the current Jiang Zizai is somewhat eclipsed, after all, he is already 18 years old.

Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan are naturally incomparable. These two are extraordinary geniuses who came out of the Ancestral Dragon Abyss. Such heroes have never been born in other eras of the Origin Continent.

"If these four sons come in, how should they deal with it?"

"Jiang Zizai will definitely be interrupted. As for whether they can hold on, it depends on their luck."

"To be honest, is this something that can be solved by luck? Yu-level totem, ninth level of the Divine Seal Realm, each of these four sons is ten times stronger than Jin Yao just now! Let alone four, if one comes out, the three of them may not be able to deal with it together. Now we can only hope that the four sons have not found the gate to the domain." A dragon guardian said.

"You have too little confidence in them when you say this." Another person shook his head.

"Do you have confidence? Don't deceive yourself. Before the killing, we might have a way to survive, but now we don't. Long Zhao has pushed us to an irreversible fate!"

"Get out." The Holy Dragon Emperor heard his words and turned back to say one word.

The Dragon Guardian was in despair, his face was pale, to be honest, he really didn't dare to stay here.

His words also touched the hearts of many people, that was everyone's worry. Now the only hope is luck, I hope they can't find this place.

"Once you come in, it's definitely over."

"Don't spread pessimism, let the young people do their best." Bai Jin Mingshen turned around and said to the people in the Underworld Palace.

"Dad, why are the people of Zichen Realm so much stronger than us, I..." Bai Yeling was very uncomfortable. She had a high opinion of herself. Now seeing the people of Zichen Realm, she can only say that she has suffered a series of blows.

"It's normal. Even in our Origin Continent, a closed town, everyone is sitting in the well and looking at the sky, there will not be as many strong people born as in other towns. It is really important to have seen the world, communicate with others, and expand your horizons. You still have a long way to go in the future, don't be discouraged." Bai Jinshen said.

"But once they lose the source symbol, do we still have a future?" Bai Yeling trembled.

The two Hades didn't know how to answer her, because if it was lost, the world would definitely have no future.

Although people didn't say it, pessimism was spreading among the crowd, and even most of the Tianyuan Realm masters present could not get rid of it.

"Hey." Feng Xiaoxiao pulled Feng Xiaoyao's clothes.

"Do you think he will die in there?" She asked with a confused look.

"It's not certain, but what is certain is that if he doesn't die this time, he will be free from the sky and you will never catch him again." Feng Xiaoyao said.

"I understand." Feng Xiaoxiao gently held her hands and placed them on her chest.

"Either die or fly away, it has nothing to do with you, aren't you sad?" Feng Xiaoyao asked.

"No, if you can, fly higher, you will remember me in the future, and maybe you can take me with you."

"Oh, you think so open-mindedly." Feng Xiaoyao said in surprise.

"It's normal for a man like him to have many girls like him. If everyone demands to be with him, how can they spare time? I'd better watch him grow up silently." Feng Xiaoxiao said.

"I envy you. In addition to your mother, I also want to have a few beauties who watch me grow up silently, and sleep with me when necessary."

"I think you should find a few more who will silently see you off." Feng Xiaoxiao glared at him unhappily.

At this time, they can still make jokes. It can only be said that they are the only ones who have confidence in Jiang Zizai.

But at this moment, the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Someone came down from the gate of the domain.

Many Tianyuan Realm masters never thought that they would be so afraid of young people in the Shenyin Realm one day.

Four figures came down from the gate of the domain. The number four obviously corresponds to the ‘Four Heavenly Sons’ mentioned by Jin Yao before, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence.

Moreover, when seeing their four immature faces, which were obviously younger than Jiang Zizai, it was more certain that these four terrifying and noble boys and girls were the four Heavenly Sons of the ‘Emperor’s Palace’!

After they appeared, hundreds of masters around them took a breath of cold air, as if this scene was more terrifying than the hundreds of dragon beasts they had encountered before.

What was coming still came. Whether it was the end of the world or survival, it could only depend on Jiang Zizai himself.

While everyone was looking at these four boys and girls, the ‘Four Heavenly Sons’ were also curiously looking at the whole world.

The four people were three men and one woman. In terms of appearance, they are all top choices, and they are very spiritual. Compared with Xu Junyi, Jin Yao and others before, the four of them look a little immature, but they have better temperament, noble, agile, and resolute.

Such people, no matter which world they go to, are probably the focus of the crowd.

Compared with the few people who died before, they have a more noble aura, and are more noble than Bai Yeling, whose parents are both Hades. Now they also have top blood.

When they landed, Teng Gui, the only one alive, suddenly shouted: "Four Heavenly Sons, these three people killed five people from our Zichen Realm and hid them all in her space jade pendant!"

Sure enough, those who are not of my race must have different hearts...

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