Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 600 Star God Sword Manual

The Starry Sky Monument uses the ‘map’ as a breakthrough point. After seeing the ancient demon tomb and finding the marked location, it is equivalent to opening the Starry Sky Monument.

Next, Jiang Zizai understood that it was not wrong to say that there was a battle tactic in the Starry Sky Monument, because what he saw now was a battle tactic. The difficulty of understanding it was higher than other star monuments, but not as difficult as the map just now.

At least, it can be solved by spending time.

So far, there has been no movement around Jiang Zizai, so he guessed that outsiders did not know the changes he had experienced, and perhaps everyone still thought that he had not gained anything now.

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This battle tactic has three parts. Jiang Zizai thoroughly comprehended it within three days. Although it still requires a lot of time to study before it can be used, for outsiders, what they saw was that the most difficult Starry Sky Monument was mastered by Jiang Zizai.

In front of outsiders, on the Starry Sky Monument, a shining star separated from the Starry Sky Monument. This star was the gathering of all the Starry Sky Monuments on the Starry Sky Monument, condensed into one, passed Shen Xingwei and other people in the Meteor Realm, and finally appeared in front of Jiang Zizai's chest as expected, and then merged into it without a doubt.

There is no need to say more about what this means.

Jiang Zizai spent about eight days to finally comprehend the Starry Sky Monument. Although it took several times the time, those present had spent more than three months without any gains. As long as they get it, even if they spend hundreds of times the time, it is considered a success.

Dullness was written on everyone's face.

Jiang Zizai's mood was completely immersed in the battle tactics brought by the Starry Sky Monument. There is no doubt that this battle tactic must be stronger than the others. If Jiang Zizai guessed correctly, this should be a 'Gan-level battle tactic', which has exceeded the scope of Kun-level battle tactics.

Originally, the other battle tactics were more advanced than all the Kun-level battle tactics, and this battle tactic called 'Star God Sword Manual' was even better than these. The Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation World-Destroying Sword Art, the Ten Thousand Bounds Shattering World Fist, etc., cannot be compared with it.

The Star God Sword Manual is profound and powerful, but it is obviously much more difficult than the other battle tactics. With Jiang Zizai's current realm and strength, whether he can really practice and perform this Star God Sword Manual is a big question.

He temporarily remembered everything about this "Star God Sword Manual".

Then, the eighth-level evolution source descended.

Under the bright star vortex, a shining blue star landed and fell into Jiang Zizai's hands, causing almost everyone to be jealous.

"One of the top eighth-level evolution sources in the world, 'Starry Sky'."

There are really many people who know the goods at the scene, and they directly said the name of this evolution source, and Jiang Zizai himself didn't see it.

Since it is called the top, it must have absolutely extraordinary places, better than the 'Immortal Electric Demon' and 'Ten Thousand Bounds of Gold Mountain' he got before, and the 'Heaven and Earth Furnace' that Shenxiao got.

In this star-like evolution source, Jiang Zizai saw a world, and in this world was a brilliant starry sky, as if this evolution source was a world.

As the saying goes, wealth should not be exposed. He put it away before he figured out what the evolution source was specifically powerful about. Anyway, he would have plenty of time to figure it out in the future.

It can be seen that the ability brought by an evolution source like "Starry Sky" should have a certain relationship with the field. Unfortunately, first, it may not be suitable for Jiang Zizai, and second, he has already used the eighth-level evolution source to evolve to the universe-level totem.

After putting away the evolution source, he found that a short-haired woman was already standing in front of him. She raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her chin slightly, and said: "I can see that you have the ability to comprehend more than many people. You can even handle the starry sky and star monument. This ability is really admirable."

"Then what?" Jiang Zizai asked her.

"How about a deal?"

"What deal?"

"Give me the "Starry Sky", share the battle tactics with me, and then I will protect you and ensure that you can continue to hold other battle tactics and evolution sources." Shen Xingyao said very confidently.

"How can I trust you? Who knows if you want all of it?" Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

"To be honest, you don't have many choices. Believe me, you can't get out of Tianxing Mountain. Don't underestimate their determination." Shen Xingyao said.

"Then we'll see." Jiang Zizai smiled.

"Do you mean to refuse?" Shen Xingyao narrowed her eyes slightly.

"So what?"

"No, just a reminder that when you regret it, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, there may not be any regret medicine to take." Shen Xingyao smiled.

No matter what she said or how she spoke, she was no different from a man, and she had no attraction to Jiang Zizai. She was not as eye-catching as the "Smecta" beside Jin Zhonghuan.

Jiang Zizai was too lazy to pay attention to her. He had dealt with the Starry Sky Monument. The only difference was that there were more people following him.

Shen Xingyao sneered. It was meaningless to stay at the Starry Sky Monument. She joined the team that followed. A large group of people followed Jiang Zizai down the mountain. A large number of other geniuses joined on the way. After the Starry Sky Monument was comprehended, only the Water Star Monument and the Earth Star Monument were left in the entire Tianxing Mountain, as well as the Sun Star Monument where Shenxiao was.

Except for the people at the Water Star Monument and the Earth Star Monument, the others basically gathered around Jiang Zizai, following him all the time, even surrounding him. Basically, from this moment on, hundreds of people's eyes were on him all the time.

For anyone, he is simply a mobile treasure house.

But what is depressing is that even in such a situation, Jiang Zizai is still enjoying himself as if nothing happened, and directly ignores the nearly thousands of people following him. Basically, most of the people in Tianxing Mountain are watching him covetously, making it difficult for him to fly.

Under such a premise, Jiang Zizai came to the Sun Star Monument.

He saw from a distance that the Sun Star Monument was still the same, which meant that Shenxiao had not succeeded yet, so Jiang Zizai must have won the bet between them.

The death of Yue Lingxin made the people of the Sun Star Monument dare not approach Shenxiao to disturb her, and even Lingxuan, who was standing aside obediently, was ignored. Ye Tiandao, "Xiao Chen" of the Sanyang Realm and others basically waited for time to pass by themselves.

When they saw Jiang Zizai return, they knew the result of the Starry Sky Monument.

Their expressions were numb, and their mentality had exploded more than half.

"Shen Xinghuai has followed, which means he has succeeded in obtaining the Starry Sky Star Monument..." Ye Tiandao's face became even uglier.

So far, except for him, the other Star Monuments have been obtained by the three of them.

Next, the situation on the Sun Star Monument seems to be very unfavorable to them. Xiao Chen is sweating profusely, while Shen Xiao is calm and composed, with wise eyes. The two have a huge difference in strength, but in terms of comprehension ability, there seems to be a huge difference as well.

However, the heaven and earth of the two are reversed.

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