Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 606: The whole city is closed

Of course he was in a good mood, because he finally got another battle tactic, and it was not an offensive one.

He now had too many offensive battle tactic, the World-Destroying Sword Technique and the Ten Thousand Jun Shattering World Fist were enough, and there was also the Star God Sword Manual, and if there were more, it would be too much.

The battle tactic he got from the Earth Star Monument was just a body technique, which did not conflict with the previous ones.

It was just that the name was a bit strange, called the 'Earth Escape Divine Technique'.

As the name suggests, this is a body technique that can use the land to run quickly.

Of course, this body technique is not able to drill into the ground. The ground is so thick that drilling in will only make it difficult to move forward. The subtlety of this earth escape magic technique is that people are actually moving forward on the ground, but the body technique is disordered and psychedelic, covered with mud, and dust is flying when it is performed, which easily makes people feel like they are walking underground and suddenly appearing.

This body technique is much more advanced than the 'Eight Steps Soul Chasing Lightning', after all, it is the supreme body technique among the Kun level.

However, it will take a long time to master it, and it will definitely be useless now.

Now, he is surrounded by people.

Everyone is looking at him with fiery eyes.

"What tricks do you have? Do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy, or sit and wait for death?" Ye Tiandao said in a deep voice.

They are all waiting for Jiang Zizai's answer.

But in fact, many people can't help it anymore. They gradually approach Jiang Zizai, murderous.

"Neither, now I will only make you dumbfounded and angry." Jiang Zizai laughed out loud.

The harvest this time is really too big!

"Then wait and see!" Shen Xingyao couldn't help it either.

She and Ye Tiandao were the first to take action, and others also rushed to take action at lightning speed, worried that they would be too late and couldn't get a share!

"Don't kill people!"

Someone couldn't help but remind.

They let Jiang Zizai whet his appetite, and finally when it came to the outbreak, some people really couldn't control themselves, especially Ye Tiandao.

Jiang Zizai found that Shenxiao was more hated than himself! Whether it was Shen Xingyao or Ye Tiandao's first target, it turned out to be her!

She also believed in herself enough to dare to provoke Shen Xingyao at this time.

"Don't tell me you can't solve it!" Seeing that he was about to be killed, Shenxiao glared.

"Don't worry, I will never let others touch my woman." Jiang Zizai was serious, and in the flash of lightning, he took out another talisman.

Shenshan Soul Calming Talisman!

He had prepared it long ago!

The original plan was to use the Shenshan Soul Calming Talisman after the Tianxing Mountain Star Monument was penetrated. Of course, the premise was that he reached the ninth level of the Divine Seal Realm, and when he assisted this dry-level talisman to escape, he would have a better grasp.

He reached the ninth level of the Divine Seal Realm earlier than expected, so he took the Earth Star Monument with him, anyway, he didn't want to waste it.

Now when thousands of geniuses from more than a dozen totem worlds pounced on them like a group of hungry wolves, when their positions were very crowded, and when Shen Xingyao and others came to their sight, Jiang Zizai did not say a word and directly killed them with the Shenshan Soul-Suppressing Talisman.

For a moment, a huge soul mountain appeared above the heads of thousands of people. It was a virtual mountain, suppressing them with a bang!

"Ah!" For a moment, almost everyone covered their heads and fell to the ground in pain. The Shenshan Soul-Suppressing Talisman was an indiscriminate suppression. Only three people could escape, and that was Jiang Zizai and the three of them!

In front of this dry-level talisman, basically the totem warriors of the Divine Seal Realm fell to the ground one by one. If there were souls above the Void Spirit Realm in the Tianyuan Realm, they could still hold on.

The closer they were to Jiang Zizai, the greater the suppression of the Shenshan Soul-Suppressing Talisman was. For example, Shen Xingyao, Ye Tiandao and others could be said to be hit hard!

Together with them, they all fell to the ground for a while, and could only frown and move forward with difficulty, not to mention others!

"What kind of talisman is this!"

"He can actually use a dry-level talisman!"

For a moment, there was widespread grief.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and leave!" Jiang Zizai offered the talisman and left in a hurry.

The Shenshan Soul-Calming Talisman can suppress for a short time because its effect is dispersed. Now every breath of time is precious. The moment he released the talisman, he left directly!

Shenxiao and Lingxuan were both stunned.

The next moment, Jiang Zizai's big hand directly embraced their waists. It really fulfilled Beishan Jin's words. He held a princess in each hand and turned into a black thunderbolt and shot out. At the moment when the Shenshan Soul-Calming Talisman was effective, he rushed out of the encirclement of thousands of people and disappeared in front of people in an instant.


Because of the huge consumption, the Shenshan Soul-Calming Talisman, which could have lasted for half a quarter of an hour, was directly shattered in about fifteen breaths, and people were freed from the soul suppression.

Shen Xingwei and others were ashen-faced.

"Where's the person!" They were all suppressed and fell down.

"He ran over there, chase him!" someone screamed.

Now there was no one in that direction, but they were still angry and chased him quickly.

"I didn't expect he had a trump card! This damn dog!" Shen Xingyao almost spit fire.

"Seal the whole city directly! The Tianxing Totem Formation has been opened to the maximum state, right? From today on, no one can leave Tianxing City or come in unless Jiang Zizai is found!" Ye Tiandao shouted loudly.

"I agree!" Shen Xingyao said.

"He must not escape."

"Don't worry, this guy can't escape. I don't believe he can have so many dry-level talismans! We were careless this time." Jin Zhonghuan's face was blue and purple.

He just fell flat on his face.

Although Tianxing City has been closed, Jiang Zizai still can't escape, but this time he was played like this, the anger in the hearts of thousands of people was enough to burn the entire Tianxing City.

Ye Tiandao, Shen Xingyao, Qingkong and others chased while panting, and their fingernails had pierced deeply into the flesh of their palms.

They asked themselves, have you ever been so angry in your life?

"This person got everything from Tianxing Mountain. If we let him open Tianxing City smoothly, we will be useless all our lives and we will never be able to raise our heads!

"We must not let them go! "

The Shenshan Soul Calming Talisman did not hurt them, but the mental torture and the humiliation of their proud self-esteem made them tremble all over when they thought about it.

Compared to their anger, the atmosphere on Jiang Zizai's side was much more erotic.

"You stinky hooligan, how long are you going to take advantage of me? You've used both hands. Don't you think you're a little greedy?" While running, Shenxiao felt his strong arms and the feeling of leaning on him. It was indeed easy to soften people, but when she saw that his other hand was still around Lingxuan's waist, she couldn't be happy.

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