Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 620 Star Demon Knife

Jiang Zizai took a look and saw that there was no one else catching up this time except Shen Xingyu.

It seemed that she had the same idea as Ye Tiandao, she also wanted to take everything for herself.

She looked at Jiang Zizai and the others, shook her head and said with a smile: "Your performance today was really good. I almost let you escape, but it's a pity that you met me. If there is only one Divine Yuan Fruit left, don't even think about dealing with me. I and I Ye Tiandao is different."

"How did you find this place?" Jiang Zizai asked.

"It's simple. If you put a 'Star Guide' on your Origin Beast, it can bring me here. Otherwise, how can this ninth-grade Origin Beast survive in my hands?" Shen Xingyu smiled. .

"I see." Jiang Zizai didn't expect this. He observed the Lightning Bird and found no such thing as a 'star guide'. It seemed that this was their method of tracking in the meteor world.

"So, you want to eat us alone now?" Shen Xiao asked.

"Why not? Sharing it with other people is a distressing thing." Shen Xingyu said with a smile.

Shen Xiao wished she was like this, because what they were most worried about was being besieged. Dealing with Shen Xingyu now was not the same as dealing with Ye Tiandao before, and there was no Shen Yuan Fruit at that time. Now Jiang Zizai had only one Divine Energy Fruit left in his hand.

Jiang Zizai and the others looked at each other.

"I'll take care of her, wait for me. You guys need to nurse her back to health first."

In the previous battle, they did have some injuries, and they were not in full condition yet.

"On your own, you underestimate me too much. It seems that you are comparing me with useless people like Ye Tiandao. It's distressing. Don't you know that I have always been the only Supreme in Star City?" Shen Xingyu shook his head and smiled. Then, when she was distressed, she made a move. In the blink of an eye, she took out something huge from the space jade pendant.

At first I thought it was a person, but after a closer look I realized it wasn't. It was a puppet made of steel, obviously made of top-notch spiritual mineral materials! Its body is the same as a real person, with bright starlight all over its body. It holds a giant sword in its hand, and its blade is also shining with stars. Jiang Zi has seen the power of totem puppets on the Wusheng battlefield, but those totem puppets and the star puppet in front of him There is no comparison at all. The totem patterns on its body are dozens of times more complicated, and its strength is obviously much stronger.


The eyes of the Star Puppet sparkled, and a cold murderous intention spread instantly. Shen Xingyu touched the arm of the Star Puppet and said: "This is a self-defense thing that my father gave me. No one else in Tianxing City has seen it." But, how scary it is, I’ll tell you secretly, I can’t beat it myself, haha.”

The star puppet held the giant sword and had already locked onto Jiang Zizai and the three of them. Those shining totem patterns were really making people's scalp numb.

If this is a totem puppet that even Shen Xingyu himself can't defeat, then their current situation will only be more troublesome.

"It seems that in the Well of God's Domain, I cannot measure my opponents based on their personal strength. Most of them will have trump cards, such as the Divine Origin Fruit, such as this Star Puppet..."

Ye Tiandao did not use the Shen Yuan Fruit today, otherwise they would have been defeated by now, and everything on them would have been robbed. Six major talismans including the source talisman.

Shen Xingyu and Xingchen Puppet acted at the same time.

"Your brain is also very precious. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I will only take you back to the Meteor Realm and let my father search your brain and restore all the battle tactics. As for you, just Being an idiot who doesn’t understand anything is fun, right?”

She wanted to use soul searching to deal with Jiang Zizai. It seemed that after soul searching, she would become an idiot.

"As for you two, you are quite handsome. Please serve me from now on." Shen Xingyu smiled.

"Don't be disgusted, you don't even have that stuff." Shen Xiao sneered.

"I don't need to, I can make you fly into the sky. You are much more powerful than your man." Shen Xingyu looked at her and said.

The crisis caused by the Star Puppet is indeed troublesome.

"This star puppet may not be as powerful as she brags about. Don't let her scare you. Use the Shen Yuan Fruit to deal with her. The puppet will be defeated by itself. She wants to take everything for herself. Let's entangle this puppet." Shen Xiao said softly. Said in Jiang Zizai's ear.

That's all. If he can defeat Shen Xingyu like he defeated Jin Zhonghuan, there is still hope.

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Xingyu had already taken action. She accelerated suddenly and had a purple-black sword in her hand. This sword had a very fierce shape, the blade was extremely sharp, and it was relatively slender. The totem lines on it were... What came was a scalp-numbing edge.

This sword is a famous magic weapon in the meteor world, named: Star Demon Sword. Possessing lethality beyond its own level.

Shen Xingyu is already at the fourth level of Tianyuan Realm at the age of seventeen. She still has three years left in the Well of God's Realm, so she has a bright future!

Her universe-level totem is called: Divine Light Star Totem. The totem is the star itself. Between her eyebrows, you can see a shining star hanging on it, which is very dazzling.

Not counting the star puppet, just based on feelings, Jiang Zizai clearly felt that she was stronger than Ye Tiandao!

When she came up to kill Jiang Zizai, he couldn't hesitate. He swallowed the last Shen Yuan Fruit. When his power increased sharply, he could only solve it quickly because Shenxiao and Lingxuan intercepted the star puppet for him absolutely. It's very dangerous. This is the most dangerous time today!

The battle is about to begin!

Shenxiao and Lingxuan did welcome the Star Puppet over. Jiang Zizai quickly transformed all his clones. He had to know their situation clearly. Since he brought them out, he had to protect them.

This is a man's fundamental principle.

The Well of the Divine Domain is indeed a cruel place. The competition and fighting here are more intense than Jiang Zizai could imagine. Almost everyone will not show mercy to the enemy. For example, Shen Xingyao at this moment, almost all her moves are killing moves. Even if she doesn't want to kill Jiang Zizai, she is likely to kill by mistake!

As for the Star Puppet, it's even more needless to say.

"The Divine Yuan Fruit is not your power. With this kind of external power, you can only fight against the waste Jin Zhonghuan." Shen Xingyao laughed sarcastically, and suppressed it while speaking.

"Divine Light!"

At this moment, she directly showed the power of her totem.

At this moment, her body burst out with bright and strong light like stars. This light was so blazing that it instantly engulfed everything even in the daytime. The dazzling light made it impossible for Jiang Zizai to open his eyes. This light hurt even when it pierced his body!

Under the divine light, Shen Xingyao completely lost her figure. Jiang Zizai also had a hard time seeing Shenxiao and Lingxuan. This evolutionary world almost blocked vision!

Shen Xingyao was indeed ridiculously strong!

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