Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 644 Jiang Fanchen

Here have gathered the top talents of the entire Well of the God Realm, and the talents of countless totem worlds. Who else but the ancient gods can set rules for games and selections?

Jiang Zizai did not expect that the ancient gods really appeared. Although he did not see clearly, his feelings told him that the beings on the golden roulette must be beyond mortals!

They use the ancient demon tomb to select, and they are high above and control the fate of the geniuses. This is the will of God, and everyone must obey it.

The golden roulette has been above his head, obviously to observe it all the time. Thinking of so many ancient gods' eyes falling on him, no matter who it is, he will feel creepy.

That is the eternal god, the ultimate dream of totem warriors.

"Don't worry, we just need to concentrate on the game." Li Zixiao put away the awe in his heart and focused on the present. The key point at present is likely to be on the only demon tomb. Now there are many people approaching there, and they are naturally vying for it.

Li Zixiao forced his way through, allowing many people who were on the bad road to avoid him. They were strong and deserved the best position. In a place like the Ancient Demon Tomb, strength really determines status and opportunity.

Li Zixiao had already obtained a very advantageous position, so he did not continue to move forward. They were still low-key. In this position where they could clearly see the contents on the tombstone, they sat cross-legged and began to study.

"The Tomb of the Ancient Demon Xiao Zhantian!"

There was nothing on the tombstone in between, only these blood-red characters.

These seven characters were written in a domineering and magnificent manner. They did not look like the inscriptions on the tombstone at all. Instead, they looked like the deceased had written his life on the characters. The unruly fighting spirit and heroic personality revealed in the characters, as well as the extraordinary strength and courage, seemed to be felt by tens of thousands of spectators.

"Studying this tombstone and the characters may yield some results." Su Mo hurriedly said to Jiang Zi, and together with the others, he completely shifted his sights to the black tombstone.

For a moment, the entire ancient demon tomb seemed to be silent.

Looking around, everyone was watching intently, and most people looked confused. The scene was similar to that on Tianxing Mountain.

"It seems that this ancient demon tomb is just an upgraded version of Tianxing Mountain. The difference is that there are ancient gods directly examining it?" Jiang Zizai had such an idea.

After all, one is a tombstone and the other is a star monument.

"Obviously, it will never be that simple. How can it be so simple to select people to enter the divine domain."

At present, it is equivalent to opening only one tombstone, and no one knows what will happen next.

But now people know that whoever makes a move on this tombstone first will take the lead.

It can be said that the current situation is still very tense.

Jiang Zizai's attention is also completely on these seven characters.

The Tomb of the Ancient Demon Xiao Zhantian.

What kind of mystery exists in these seven characters?

Is this a battle tactic or something else?

Jiang Zizai discovered for the first time that the mystery on this tombstone completely surpassed the Starry Sky Star Monument, because he spent at least a quarter of an hour, but was still confused like most people.

"Everyone also subconsciously thought that this tombstone needed to be comprehended because they comprehended the Star Monument. Is there any other trick?"

Jiang Zizai was also considering other possibilities.

In the tense atmosphere, he was calm and kept thinking. When he was really puzzled, he performed the Taixu Universe Soul Refining Technique, and his soul escaped into the River of Time, rested for a while, and then came back to observe.

After going through this process, he was indeed much more comfortable. He began to feel something different from the momentum of the text.

"The world has endless sources of heaven, which are the root power of heaven and earth, and the rule power of heaven and earth."

"Whether it is the ancient gods or the ancient demons, they should all control the existence of the source of heaven, and their every move contains the mystery of the source of heaven."

"These seven characters are full of momentum. Although they are motionless, is it possible that all their momentum and will contain the mystery of the source of heaven?"

This is his guess. When he began to guess in this direction, he found that it was better to feel what the dead ancient demon wanted to express in these words than to rack his brains to think.

Maybe it is his will, maybe it is his destiny, maybe it is everything he controls.

It seems that it is indeed in line with this. Although there is no harvest for the time being, after the guidance, when Jiang Zizai's eyes fell on the text, he felt it for a long time, and seemed to be immersed in the emotions of the owner of the text. When he was deeply immersed in it, some pictures began to flash in front of his eyes. Those pictures were very blurry. It seemed to be a world-shaking battle. Someone was taking action. Jiang Zizai saw a sword, with sword shadows surging and blood flowing like a river.

Boom boom boom!

The surging sound of fighting sounded in his mind.

"Is there hope?" Jiang Zizai was a little excited. He felt that he seemed to be infinitely close to this tombstone. He was already trying his best to see the picture clearly to feel the power and heavenly source when the owner of the text took action. In the destruction, the world turned upside down.

Just when he was about to go down, the scene suddenly stopped. His head felt a little stinging. When he came back to his senses, he found that the tombstone was still the same, the text was motionless, but there seemed to be many people around him who were just like him. There was a lot of discussion about the forced exit.

"Why did you suddenly fail?" Jiang Zizai was about to continue maintaining his previous state. He felt that if this continued, he might have a very good chance.

At this time, a huge change occurred!

The seven blood-colored words on the tombstone, including 'Tomb of Ancient Demon Xiao Zhantian', suddenly began to twist. The strokes merged and entangled with each other, as fast as a swimming dragon. Under the attention of everyone, the twisting words The moving strokes were regrouped and turned into three big characters!

"Jiang Fanchen!"

That's right, those three big characters are Jiang Fanchen.

"Who is Jiang Fanchen?" Jiang Zizai had never heard of this person with the same surname as himself.

But after the name appeared, people instantly remembered the noise. Jiang Zizai vaguely heard the words 'Little Holy Emperor' from their shocked, admired and awed voices.

At this moment, a whirlpool opened in the sky not far ahead. In the whirlpool, a black long sword appeared first. The black long sword descended instantly and appeared on the head of a young man in gold robe. superior!

"This sword seems to be killing gods!" Jiang Zizai discovered in shock, which made him feel extremely incredible.

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