Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 672 Three Swords

After hearing what Li Zixiao said, they looked at each other and finally didn't say anything, which meant they agreed.

They were not on Jiang Fanchen's side. On the contrary, some of them hated Jiang Fanchen very much. They stood up at this time just to prevent Li Zixiao and his team from being the only ones.

After all, they had the Nine Dragons Battle Formation, which was already difficult enough.

"Besides the antidote for your eyes, what else do you want?" asked Nan Tianyuan from the Fengtian Totem World.

"Jiang Zizai comprehended a demon tomb called 'Tomb of the Lowly Servant', and he took away his achievements. Jiang Zizai recorded the process with a video symbol, and there were many people present who could testify." Li Zixiao said.

"That's fine, return the property to its original owner." Nan Tianyuan said.

They didn't say anything else. Li Zixiao stood on 'Lingkong', facing the now embarrassed Jiang Fanchen. His body was entangled by demonic energy, and it had been riddled with holes for a long time. If this continued, even if Li Zixiao didn't do anything, he might die.

At least the serious injury to the body will take a long time to heal, and in the ancient demon tomb, he is not allowed to recuperate at all.

"You choose, whether to take out the things or let the demon corpse crush you to death, you can continue to think about it, I want to see how long you can last in this state." Li Zixiao said in a calm tone, he did not seem to be in a hurry at all.

After that, he waited patiently.

Jiang Fanchen gritted his teeth, he knew that he was lucky not to die this time, he knew the current physical condition best, and he knew that if he delayed, his loss would be greater.

"Xiaochen, give up first, keep the green mountains, don't be afraid of running out of firewood." Princess Shengyu choked.

Seeing her brother injured, she was so anxious that tears flowed, and she looked pitiful.

In front of the demon corpse, it was useless to have a peerless talent. Jiang Fanchen's body was now almost dyed black by the demonic energy.

"Okay!" He gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of haze, and he looked at Li Zixiao and others with a very resentful look.

"If you behave yourself earlier, you won't have to suffer so much." Jiang Zizai said with a smile.

He had said long ago that he would definitely get back what he lost. Now that he could suppress Jiang Fanchen, he must have contributed to it.

Jiang Fanchen looked at him.

There was a fierce fire in their eyes.

"Jiang Zizai, everything is still early, don't be too happy too early." Jiang Fanchen said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Look at your body now. Can you still stand up?" Jiang Zizai laughed dumbly.

Jiang Fanchen was depressed, but he had to admit that he was telling the truth.

Trembling, he first took out a colorful bead from the space jade pendant and threw it to Li Zixiao. Li Zixiao crushed the bead and scattered the fragments into his eyes. After three breaths, he opened his eyes again, his eyes were very hot and shining, and seeing the light again finally made him smile.

"Karma, what you gave me that day, I finally return it to you today. However, there should be a lot to return to you next." Li Zixiao felt much better.

He stared at Jiang Fanchen, not intending to let him go for the time being, and the demon corpse did not move.

"Take it out." Jiang Zizai appeared in front of him, smiling, and stretched out his hand to Jiang Fanchen. It was really nice to let him spit out what he had taken away, especially when he saw the other party's aggrieved expression, like constipation.

"Xiaochen, give it to this villain." Princess Shengyu said anxiously.

"Princess, those who steal other people's things are villains. You don't understand this principle, and you are not a clean person." Jiang Zizai said.

"You!" Princess Shengyu was so angry that her teeth itched, but she couldn't do anything to Jiang Zizai.

Without anyone saying anything, Jiang Fanchen couldn't hold on any longer. He growled, and even though he was very unwilling, he still took out the 'God Slayer' first. Jiang Zizai took it directly, and played with it in front of him for a while, saying, "Good stuff, really good, fortunately I didn't follow you, a piece of trash."

"Remember what you said, this is the source of your future pain." Jiang Fanchen said, and took out the red little tripod and the huge broken map. These two things attracted everyone's attention. Huangfu Kun and the others didn't know that the treasures in the tomb of a lowly servant were actually the same as the tomb of the ancient demon Tongtian!

But when they were alert, there was no way, because Jiang Zizai had already picked it up. Moreover, this was a treasure that Jiang Zizai had comprehended himself. Speaking of it, others really couldn't do anything. The only thing that made them feel a little relieved was that Jiang Zizai's realm was relatively low, and it was difficult for him to pose any threat to them for the time being.

But then, everyone realized that it might be more troublesome.

"Can we let him go!" Princess Shengyu said sternly.

"I have returned the things, but since they have been stored here for such a long time, I have to ask for some interest to justify it! Jiang Fanchen, I want the sword you got from the tomb of the ancient demon Xiao Zhantian." Jiang Zizai put away the treasure and suddenly said when Li Zixiao was about to let him go.

"You went back on your word!" Jiang Fanchen was angry.

"Interest." Jiang Zizai spread his hands and stared at him sharply. Seeing this, Li Zixiao slowed down a little and did not let him go immediately. To be honest, compared with the three treasures just now, the things obtained from the ancient demon Xiao Zhantian are insignificant. Everyone else is thinking about the three things just now.

"Well, I'll keep it for you first." Jiang Fanchen smiled. He really didn't have time to waste with Jiang Zizai, but he had his own ideas. Anyway, he was unwilling to give up after returning those things to Jiang Zizai. He would take them back sooner or later, and it didn't matter if he had a sword that was temporarily useless.

He asked him to take out the incomplete "God-killing" and threw it to Jiang Zizai. Jiang Zizai took the opportunity and left with the sword. Since then, the God-slaying, God-killing, and two incomplete God-killing have been obtained.

At the same time, there are two small red tripods and two huge incomplete maps that no one else has.

The things in his hands can be said to make many people jealous.

After finishing, he retreated directly to the demon corpse "Gudu Wu", which is the safest place, and Li Zixiao simply let go of the half-dead Jiang Fanchen. The four of them controlled the demon corpse to retreat and no longer confronted Jiang Fanchen head-on.

Of course, the hatred this time was already more than a little bit.

Jiang Zizai had a rich harvest, and everyone gathered together to discuss what to do next.

"If my estimate is correct, all the demon corpses may appear next, and there may be hundreds of them. It is very likely that there will be a 'Tongtian'. No matter what, Jiang Zizai, you must control this 'Tongtian' first. Then no matter what happens next, we can take the initiative."

"No problem." Jiang Zizai also thought so, after all, he was the only one who had the red tripod.

As for Shenxiao and Lingxuan, there may be ten demon corpses in total by then. If there is a demon corpse war, their lineup is terrifyingly strong.

Just after they finished speaking, the sky began to shake!

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