Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 681: Holy Emperor Heavenly Gate

He quietly raised his head and could see the two ancient gods clearly. The one on the left seemed to have been transformed by the scorching sun. That was a man who looked to be less than twenty years old. He was wearing a light golden robe and looked like Graceful and luxurious, the most impressive thing is the pattern of a sun between his eyebrows. It is definitely the top totem. It looks radiant to the world. This man's aura is indeed amazing. Anyway, it is countless higher than the little holy emperor Jiang Fanchen. Times, he really deserves to be called an ancient god, he looks so awe-inspiring.

The goddess on the right is transformed by the moon. She is wearing a moon-white robe. Although the robe is wide, it cannot hide her exquisite figure. This person reminds Jiang Zizai of the first god Xuanyin. She and Xuanyin The First God has a kind of appearance, graceful, holy and upright, and as mysterious as the silver moon. To be honest, it is very tempting. Everyone wants to know what kind of secret garden is hidden under this wide moon-white robe. Unfortunately, she is a goddess. , they can only be in awe but not blaspheme in their hearts. Most people don't dare to take a peek at her. They can only secretly yearn for her in their hearts, and then sigh that the goddess is so beautiful.

When comparing women, sometimes temperament is more important than appearance. For example, Princess Shengyu's facial features, appearance and figure are almost perfect, but the goddess is not so perfect. However, when compared, there is a kind of grain of rice. Comparing the light and the bright moon, it turns out that the level of life is more attractive than appearance. For example, if Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan could become gods, their charm would definitely be no worse than that of the Moonlight Goddess.

Such gods and goddesses suddenly appear, and most people feel a little overwhelmed.

Occasionally I looked up, feeling extremely awe in my heart. There was probably no one else in the audience who was still admiring the beauty of this goddess like Jiang Zizai.

At this time, the dazzling gaze of the 'male god' actually turned into reality, and he began to scan everyone. Everywhere the light went turned into daylight, as if all the monsters and monsters could not escape. His loud voice began to sound everywhere. echoed in one's ears.

"The Demon Tomb test has been conducted for two rounds so far. I have seen the performance of each of you and recorded it."

People were shocked, it turned out to be the ancient god, so many people existed, and he could actually remember everyone's performance. Jiang Zizai was stunned for a moment by these words. He was wondering, if this was the case, would he have to kneel down? But it’s still a bit awkward when I think about it. He was still a little confused, was the man in front of him really an ancient god? Why do I feel like I am a little worse than the ancient god in my heart...

He didn't know what the difference was, but this one was probably very strong.

"In the divine realm, there are also sects of gods." The male god spoke again, his eyes scanning again. No one dared to look or say more, so they could only listen.

"I come from the top sect in the Divine Realm, the 'Holy Emperor Tianmen'. The supreme 'Holy Emperor' ancient god in my sect personally created the Holy Emperor totem world. You should have heard about it."

After these words were uttered, Jiang Fanchen and the others couldn't help but laugh, and they were ecstatic. It turned out that this was the ancient god who served under the ancient god called the 'Holy Emperor'! The Heavenly Gate of the Saint Emperor is a place that everyone in the Saint Emperor Totem World is fascinated by. It has also been Jiang Fanchen's dream for countless years. He did not expect that this dream would be right in front of him.

He was filled with excitement, but he couldn't speak. It would be very impolite to interrupt the ancient god.

The male god from the 'Holy Emperor Tianmen' continued: "We, the 'Saint Emperor Tianmen', will recruit a disciple in the Well of God's Domain this time. The next step is the real test. The only one who astonishes me is the Holy Emperor Tianmen. Only disciples are qualified to fly to the divine realm. You should do your best. If no one reaches the standard, then I don’t mind returning empty-handed. After all, our Holy Emperor Tianmen is the gathering place for the top beings."

People stretched their ears to listen and took note of every word he said, even his tone. There is only one quota, and there are so many people. Who does this quota belong to? Many people looked at Jiang Fanchen because he came from the Holy Emperor Totem World. He was the number one genius in the Well of God's Domain. Regardless of Jiang Zizai's troubles, he was the most promising person.

After saying this, the 'male god' took a step back and looked at the moonlight goddess.

The Moonlight Goddess nodded slightly. Her tone was much softer. She faced the people below and said in a soft voice: "Our 'Eternal Night Star Sea' will only recruit one person this time. It depends on who can impress us. For now. , there is no such person among you.”

After she said that, it seemed like it was over.

The two of them looked at each other, and the 'male god' suddenly laughed and said: "Okay, the next level is called 'Nine Deaths'. Only the two people who survive to the end can survive. What about the others, I'm sorry, After entering the Tomb of the Ancient Demon, unless you fly to the Divine Realm, you will be the soul servant of the Ancient Demon here."

This sentence came out of nowhere, and many people were still thinking about it with smiles on their faces. However, when they truly understood the meaning of this sentence, they suddenly became stunned.

Everyone's face was confused. People kept asking people around them for confirmation, trying to make sure they heard it wrong. But when everyone felt they heard it wrong, it just meant that they heard it right.

"What do you mean?" Shen Xiao asked Jiang Zizai with a pale face.

"It means that only the two chosen people can live. The others have to stay here forever, which is equivalent to death." Jiang Zizai was sure that he heard correctly. After he entered the ancient demon tomb, he felt something unknown in his heart. I had a premonition, I didn’t expect it, what kind of ancient god is this, it’s just a pervert.

Tens of thousands of people, only two can survive, is this an ancient god or a devil?

The people who are still alive now are almost suffocated. They look at the people around them, and almost no one thinks that if only two people can survive, they will have one.

"What a joke?" Li Zixiao gritted his teeth, his face was already angry. He has so many brothers and sisters, but only two people can survive?

These two people who are so holy are ancient gods?

At this moment, it was as if there was a mountain pressing down on people's heads, and everyone was heavy and breathless.

Jiang Zizai was the same. He could be said to be very depressed. Fortunately, he was thinking whether he could escape from this ghost place through the Evolution Realm, but the trouble was that if he left the Evolution Realm from here, he would return here from the Evolution Realm. He would either stay in the Evolution Realm for the rest of his life, or die in this demon tomb. Anyway, it was impossible to return to the Origin Continent...

Just when he was depressed, suddenly a heavy pressure was pressed on him. He was hung up by an invisible force and fell heavily again. When he fell, his knees hit the ground hard.

Then, someone above my head said with a smile: "You don't seem to know how to kneel, I'm just giving you some instructions, remember it next time."

It was the voice of that 'male god'...

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