Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 737 I am destroyed

Death, like this vast river, is endless. It is not a moment, but an eternal torture. It's like the passage of time. As time goes by, the people struggling in the long river have become bones.

Life is the process from the river of forgetfulness to the sea of ​​suffering. Except for suffering, it is all suffering, endless. All happiness is like bubbles on the river. It will burst when you touch it. You can only talk about sex. The touching feelings are just like when you are drowning in the river. The mutual embrace, with the force of the river, will be washed away sooner or later. When it is washed away, it is the same as the separation of flesh and blood. When the river water enters the body, the pain will only be more complete.

The River of Forgetfulness will eventually turn people into corpses amid endless torture.

Drowning, despair, everything is silent. Occasionally I touch the bubbles and can take a breath of air, but then there is endless fear.

Who can jump onto the river to see how long the River of Forgetfulness is and how big the Sea of ​​Bitterness is.

Jiang Zizai saw that there were countless people drowning with him. They struggled, but could not resist and eventually died.

"The birth of life is destined to be destroyed."

"If you become a god, you may have a long life and become stronger, but gods will also die in battle and be destroyed."

"Is there any life that cannot be destroyed?"

He drifted on this long river. As time passed, he became tired and numb, and began to think.

"If such a life exists, then I will become such a life."

"Life that cannot be destroyed."

He suddenly realized something.

"If I practice destroying Tianyuan, will I eventually have to destroy myself?"

"If the existence of this Tianyuan is to make everything else cease to exist, then am I not also one of the 'everything else'?"

This is confusion.

This Tianyuan is so profound that other Tianyuan don't even need to think about such problems.

This is a contradiction.

Endless contradictions and countless entanglements.

He was suffering in pain because he couldn't figure out the problem, so his cultivation was stuck here and he couldn't make progress. It wasn't even just a problem of cultivation.

Destroying Tianyuan is not a small way after all, but the supreme avenue.

He didn't know if he had been in this situation for a hundred years or a thousand years, or if countless centuries had passed. This kind of pride and torture was really not something ordinary people could endure. It's just that Jiang Zizai has always been thinking about these two people, so every time he thinks about it, Death, but gritted his teeth and persisted.

Those two people are naturally his Jiu'er and his bell.

One is waiting for him, and the other needs his protection to grow.

For these two people, he couldn't die here.

Finally one day, he persisted to the sea of ​​suffering. Perhaps at this time, he was already a corpse.

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless.

He worked hard to reach the surface of the sea and found that this was the heaven, earth and universe. There was no end at all, and all the worlds were in this sea of ​​suffering.

"Is the will to destroy Tianyuan finally to break this sea of ​​suffering? And I am in the sea of ​​suffering. If the sea of ​​suffering is broken, I will die."

It's like dying together, but he exists to achieve eternal life.

This is always an endless contradiction.


He looked down at himself.

"In that case, why can't I destroy Tianyuan itself! If I am Tianyuan, then I am the one who destroys this sea of ​​suffering, not myself. When the sea of ​​suffering is destroyed, everything will be destroyed, but I am the one who destroys everything. I myself am eternal life!”

He found his niche.

In the past, he felt that he was life and a human being. Even if he became a god, he would still be life.

But now, he no longer sees himself as life, but as the source of heaven itself, then there will be no contradictions in everything, and everything will be smooth!

In fact, Jiang Zizai didn't know that many ancient gods might not be able to understand such a change in his position, but he understood it by chance in the Wangchuan Sword.

This is actually the most difficult part to understand during the journey of cultivation. Even if someone else points it out, if you don’t experience it yourself, you won’t understand it at all, or you will only know the basics.

But now, he has experienced hundreds of thousands of years of wandering, and his experience has become so profound.

The deeper he went, the greater the experience he gained at this time. He finally felt that he was out of this nightmare-like place, and his consciousness returned to his body. From this moment on, the source of destruction in his body grew completely unprecedentedly. , this is the most ferocious period of growth.

"The source of heaven is me, and I am the source of heaven."

Integration and thoroughness, the height of the realm of thinking, determines Destruction Tianyuan's recognition of itself. The more Jiang Zizai understands this Tianyuan, the closer he is to becoming this Tianyuan itself, which means that he has The cultivation of Destruction Tianyuan has completely reached a small level of perfection!

This is Tianyuan's small success!

Tianyuan Xiaocheng has reached the First God Realm.

At this time, Jiang Zizai felt the growth of Destruction Tianyuan. The step-by-step changes reached the limit and gradually formed a transformation. After the growth of the petals reached a limit, the color seemed to become darker. Just here At that moment, the petals began to vibrate slightly. With each vibration, Jiang Zizai could sense that all the destructive forces between heaven and earth vibrated together. This was the sign of the First God Realm!

The power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized by the First God Realm is ten times that of the Tianyuan Realm. This is the creation of a demigod!

Now Jiang Zizai has officially entered the realm of the first god. He is still consolidating his realm, so he doesn't care what happens outside. Anyway, no one will disturb him for the time being.

He almost forgot about the matter of the Wangchuan Sword. After all, his focus is on the breakthrough of this realm.

When all the realms are stable, he opened his eyes and found that he was sitting cross-legged on a high platform, and the Wangchuan Sword was still inserted there, motionless. Obviously, he didn't seem to pull out the Wangchuan Sword.

After all, the Wangchuan Sword seemed to feel that it was not particularly suitable for him. This is the sword of death, and Jiang Zizai has to control more than just death.

It should be that during the breakthrough process, the Wangchuan Sword broke away from him, allowing Jiang Zizai to successfully reach the realm of the first god.

Jiang Zizai had no regrets for not succeeding. After all, being able to reach the realm of the first god is already a great gain.

Now he can go to find the guardian of the ancient demon tomb and enter the divine realm.

But he is still a little curious, who will the Wangchuan Sword belong to in the end?

When he stood up, everyone looked at him in shock.

"He has reached the Initial God Realm."

"Wasn't he only at the second level of the Heavenly Origin Realm?"

"Even so, he didn't pull out the Forgetful Sword?"

"Just now he almost succeeded, it seemed that he was just one step away from the Forgetful Sword breaking free."

"What a pity."


The seventh volume [The King of Gods] has begun!

I have been thinking about the plot of a whole volume recently, so please forgive me for my slow writing. I will pay it back!

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