Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 743 The Five Emperors Dynasty

"There are almost no adults above the age of 18 who are below the divine seal realm. There really is none."

I remember that at the time of the Origin of the Divine Sect, around the age of eighteen, he was at the peak of the Holy Body Realm, already at the level of the Holy Son. The Divine Realm was really exaggerated. He had swept through thousands of people, and almost all of them had surpassed the Holy Body Realm as long as they were teenagers and above.

Some children are clearly only seven or eight years old, and they are already walking like flying, as if they are peerless masters.

Ling Ding is only one year old and can jump up and down, killing tigers and lions with ease. She is very special in the Origin Continent, but here in God's Domain, there are quite a few who are already at the peak of the Martial Life Realm at the age of two or three, and have already set their totems at nine o'clock.

Jiang Zizai's scalp was numb when he saw it. The divine realm and the central totem world were indeed not the same concept...

He looked around and found some powerful young people, about his age, who were in the First God Realm like Chu Chen. There were very few people over thirty who had not yet reached the First God Realm. If they reached the Middle School Nian was still in the Tianyuan realm, basically at the peerless waste level.

"So, people in the God's Domain can at least become demigods in this life. After all, the cultivation conditions here are really good. They are born with totems. The age of eighteen actually means they have practiced for eighteen years. Someone like me has practiced for three or four years." There is definitely a huge advantage over the years.”

"But truly becoming a god is the dividing line between ordinary people and extraordinary beings."

At least Jiang Zizai couldn't tell who the Ancient God was at a glance, but he was sure that at least there were not many thousands of people within his field of vision.

But the existence of gods among thousands of people is already very shocking.

"It's really a place where strong people are as numerous as dogs. God's Domain, God's World, is not ten thousand times stronger than the Origin Continent. In fact, it is not normal."

In the totem world, many young people and old people are struggling in the well of God's Realm. They want to get a chance to enter God's Realm. How do they know that if they were born in God's Realm, everything will be easy, and there is no need to live among the trillions of people. Earning a spot among them takes a lifetime of energy.

"So, how can heaven and earth be fair?"

Jiang Zizai smiled helplessly. He felt it was unfair, but he was not discouraged because even if he was from a lowly background, he at least had a chance to work hard.

But he knew a fact.

"There are too many people who can kill me in God's Domain. This is not the Origin Continent, and I am not its overlord. I'm afraid everything will have to start all over again."

To start over again, you need to let go.

Put down your self-esteem, put down your pride, and face the battle!

From the first step into the 'White Emperor City', his will has been very firm.

Through the conversations of people outside, he heard that the name of this city is 'Baidi City'. It is said that the name of the city lord who controls this place is 'Bai Emperor', and he is a top ancient god. Jiang Zizai also heard, This person called 'White Emperor' is a member of the 'God King Palace'.

Baidi City belongs to the ‘Five Emperors Dynasty’.

"In the divine realm, as well as in the mortal world, major dynasties have been established. There are hundreds of divided dynasties, occupying the main livable territory of all the divine realms."

"However, these dynasties are not the same as the Tianlong Holy Dynasty. They only rule the mortal world, but they do not have much power themselves. The real power is the power behind each dynasty, such as the 'Five Emperors Dynasty' where Baidi City is located. The backing is the 'God King's Palace'."

"The Five Emperors Dynasty is one of the dynasties in the Divine King's Palace. It provides talents and resources to the Divine King's Palace. The Divine King's Palace protects the dynasty. In fact, many of the emperors, princes, ministers and generals of the dynasty are members of the Divine King's Palace."

"So, the dynasties that rule the mortal world are actually subordinate forces of these sects. This is different from the relationship between Shenzong and other dynasties. Shenzong cannot rule dynasties other than the Holy Dynasty, but purely absorbs talents. The emperors of the major dynasties , not from Shenzong.”

"Generally, top powers have many dynasties as their foundations. For example, the Divine King Palace has more than twenty dynasties as its foundation, and the territory of one dynasty here is more than ten times that of the Tianlong Holy Dynasty."

The area is ten times, but the level of the people in the dynasty is countless times higher. For example, the Five Emperors Dynasty and the Tianlong Holy Dynasty are not the same concept at all.

These are all summed up by Jiang Zizai from people's discussions.

"The important figures in the Five Emperors' dynasties basically all have the identity of the God King's Palace, so each dynasty is basically equivalent to the branch of the God's King's Palace that governs all living beings. For example, the lord of Baidi City, 'Bai Di', is directly affiliated to the God's Palace. The King’s Palace. And they will also work hard to send their children to the God King’s Palace.”

"To put it this way, although the number of people in the God King Palace is not large, they are the most elite group of people. In terms of scale, it is also terrifyingly large."

Jiang Zizai had a little understanding of the outline of the entire divine realm, and it had to be said that he was actually very shocked. The divine realm is bigger and more magnificent than he imagined, and the people in it are more powerful than he imagined!

"In the entire Five Emperors Dynasty, there are only more than twenty people from the God King's Palace. But they are basically the strongest people in the dynasty. They are basically ancient gods and talented people. And the God King's Palace itself has also cultivated a lot. In the Five Emperors' Dynasty, , If you can enter the God King's Palace, you will truly reach the sky in one step and become famous all over the world."

"Even if you don't enter the God King's Palace and serve in the imperial dynasty, you can still receive indirect guidance from the God King's Palace. In fact, you are still half a disciple of the God King's Palace."

Therefore, even if the assessment of the God King Palace is more strict than other sects, the dynasty they rule will not have too many brain drains. It is just that they only have top talents gathered in the God King Palace, and they usually serve in major dynasties. This is not the same as the Holy Emperor Tianmen. For example, the Holy Emperor Tianmen has nearly 100,000 people and has basically absorbed all the talents of the dynasty they control.

"The totem world of the Holy Emperor is the differentiation of the Holy Emperor's totems. So, is this Holy Emperor also the King of Gods?" Jiang Zizai wondered.

He got a lot of information today because he spent a lot of effort eavesdropping and looking for opportunities to talk to passers-by on the road, and then deduced the content. Anyone who came here from the totem world would be It's a rare animal, so he didn't dare to expose the fact that he was too ignorant. He was very careful to avoid letting anyone see any flaws.

"So, you want to buy a map and go directly to the God King's Palace? In more than a month, the test for the God King's Palace will begin. Today, only one man and one woman will be admitted, and men and women will be assessed separately."

Jiang Zizai was a little confused. Why was it stipulated that there must be one man and one woman? He inquired about it, and it seemed that there was a special cultivation method in the God King Palace, and the dual cultivation of men and women was very efficient, so the men and women recruited every year would basically become a pair and start a happy life of dual cultivation.

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