Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 885: The Lord of the Eternal Night

Jiang Zizai glanced at the strong man, who was a middle-aged man with golden hair. The hair between his eyebrows was particularly fiery. The whole person was fiery and a little scary, and even showed some gloom. This person seemed more violent than the Holy Emperor, but he definitely did not have the orthodox aura of the Holy Emperor. In comparison, it was a bit like the difference between a lion and a dragon. The lion was fierce, but how could it be compared with a dragon.

If Jiang Zizai guessed correctly, this was probably the second person in the Holy Emperor Sect: the Refining Sun God, the current head of the Sun Chu Family, who was only one step away from being a Quasi-God King.

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Now Chu Ci and Shen Xiao are standing next to the Holy Emperor. There is not much, but Shen Xiao raised his head, clearly looking for Jiang Zizai in the team of the God King Palace. Jiang Zizai is in the corner, not easy to find, but after some effort, she still saw him. After seeing him, she smiled charmingly, and seemed to be relieved.

Jiang Zizai suddenly felt a burning gaze burning on his face, just like a ball of fire hitting his face. Following this gaze, it turned out to be Chu Ci, but when his eyes met with Jiang Zizai, he smiled slightly and dissolved the direct fire in the invisible Zheng

Jiang Zizai was too lazy to pay attention to him. He turned his eyes to the other side, which was the opposite side of the Holy Emperor Gate. Seeing that there were mostly women, he knew that these were the strong talents from the "Eternal Night Star Sea".

The Eternal Night Sea of ​​Stars is full of stars, but the one who shines the brightest must be the strongest, the leader of the Eternal Night Sea of ​​Stars, the Quasi-God King ‘Eternal Night Star Lord’.

She is a dreamy beauty who looks like she is only in her twenties, completely shrouded in starlight. Not only is she beautiful and unparalleled, but her temperament is also extremely noble and profound. Looking up at her, it is probably the same feeling as when Jiang Zizai looked up at the Xuanyin First God. Both of them are much older than him, but they are still peerless beauties with stunning beauty.

The reputation of the Eternal Night Star Lord must have lasted for tens of thousands of years. This is unquestionable. Although she is young, she is a figure of the same era as the Du Shen King. After the great waves, those of her generation are probably almost dead.

Her beauty, coupled with the supreme status and the strength of the Quasi-God King, that feeling looks completely different from Su Yuexi and the others. It is a noble, holy, eternal and noble appearance that makes people dare not think too much.

However, Jiang Zizai's mind was not on her. He just wanted to take a few more glances to confirm whether Lingxuan was here.

No matter how many times he looked, she was indeed not there.

But next to the Lord of the Eternal Night, he saw a girl with the same stunning appearance. This girl was lively and cute, with a baby face. She clearly had an attractive figure of an adult, but had a very tender face. Her big eyes flickered flexibly, and she looked around curiously. She was very cute. Even in front of the Lord of the Eternal Night, her light never dimmed. Such a face and such a devilish figure comparable to Su Yanyu reminded Jiang Zizai of Qi Yuan of the Origin Divine Sect. Although they were of the same type, there was indeed a difference between a grain of rice and a bright moon.

The attention that this girl could attract from young disciples was almost no less than that of Su Yuexi beside the King of the Capital God. Jiang Zizai was probably also a very top talent. She could be next to the Lord of the Eternal Night, which meant that she should be the first person under the Ancient God of the Eternal Night Star Sea.

Jiang Zizai recalled that Su Yuexi had briefly told him about the opponents he would meet this time. She said that it would be best for Jiang Zizai not to meet two of them. There was no benefit in fighting with them. One of them was Chu Ci from the Holy Emperor Sect, and the other seemed to be 'Ji Yingying' from the Eternal Night Star Sea. These two were the talents recognized as being similar to her before she became a god.

Even their ages were similar.

Then this lovely and charming girl should be Ji Yingying. After all, she looked soft and cute, and Jiang Zizai couldn't help but look at her a few more times. But according to Su Yuexi, she seemed difficult to deal with, especially her totem, which was said to be very scary. Su Yuexi said, but Jiang Zizai didn't remember it clearly, it seemed to be related to some 'black hole'.

Except for Ji Yingying, Jiang Zizai basically knew about the talents below the ancient gods. For example, Yun Muyan from the Forgotten River Sword Tomb and Jiang Shendao from the Daomo Sect.

Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu also came. Although Duanmu Lian was the leader of the Demon Sect, he was the fourth or fifth in the Dao Demon Sect. It seemed that he did not have a high status in the Dao Demon Sect, while Lu Dingxing looked very ordinary among a group of ordinary disciples.

Su Qianyu was different. He stood next to the Taier Sword Lord, and he looked like a core disciple of the Wangchuan Sword Tomb. Jiang Zizai saw the Taier Sword Lord again. This guy was ranked second in the Wangchuan Sword Tomb, but he was still sloppy. At this time, he was staring at the fine wine and delicacies in front of him. He was so focused that he squinted his eyes and smelled the aroma of the fine wine several times. He had already been tempted.

The current ruler of the Wangchuan Sword Tomb is called 'Taiyi God King', also known as 'Taiyi Sword King'. He was a young man with white eyebrows and white hair. At this time, he sat upright, as straight as a sword, with a restrained edge, which formed a sharp contrast with the Taier Sword Lord next to him.

Yun Muyan, the daughter of Taiyi Sword King, was right next to him. At this moment, she was also sitting upright, with the demeanor of a swordsman.

The fifth quasi-God King present was the leader of the Dao Demon Sect, named ‘Dongyang Xiong’, and his title was: Dongyang God King. This person had a celestial bearing, was detached from the world, and was very extraordinary. He should be the oldest person present, and he was probably approaching the end of his life as a God King. If he didn’t have the chance to become a God King, he might die at the end of his life. However, it seemed that Dongyang God King was still in high spirits, chatting and laughing with everyone. He had the demeanor of a great Dao.

Their elders were all talking and waiting for the arrival of the God King. The younger generation was actually looking around like Jiang Zizai, but Jiang Zizai didn’t look at Dongyang God King much. His eyes fell on Duanmu Lian, the gravekeeper of the ancient demon tomb. He was actually searching for Jiang Zizai in the crowd. When he saw Jiang Zizai, Jiang Zizai felt the shock in his eyes.

It was he who brought Jiang Zizai to the Divine Realm. At that time, he absolutely could not believe that Jiang Zizai could possess such status, position and strength in such a short time. When he saw Jiang Zizai again, with his strength, he would definitely know at a glance what level Jiang Zizai was. Such changes and improvements were comparable to those of Lu Dingxing who inherited the ancient demon tomb. He probably knew that he had definitely misjudged him.

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