Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 945 Eternity

"Is this liberation?" Jiang Zizai lowered his head and looked at his body, where flames burned, thunder shone, and ice froze...

Next to him was Jiang Junjian's head, the corpses of his parents, and a hundred thousand bloody corpses on the waste gate!

The Imperial Martial Sect disappeared, and he stood in the deserted pass. A hundred thousand corpses piled up into a mountain. He stood at the highest position of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​​​blood, watching the corpses scattered all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers. Such blood color, even the sky stained red.

"In this life, it's hard to understand your sins. Only death can put them to rest and allow you to escape from this sea of ​​suffering and have a new voice. Don't be a waste in the next life." The touching woman is right in front of you. She is like this She was beautiful, Jiang Zizai was familiar with every inch of her body, but at this moment, she was looking at him so coldly.

"Mom, who is he?" Suddenly a girl appeared, looking at her with disgust, as if she were a bell.

"A sinful and lowly person has no other way out except death." Jiuxian said coldly.

"Did he kill all these people? Is he an evil devil?" Lingdang asked.

Jiuxian nodded.

"Then you'd better die a simpler death so that you can make amends to these kind people." Lingdang smiled.

"Die." Jiuxian pointed to the knife in Jiang Zizai's hand.

"Death, devil." The bell rang.

"Hurry up and die." Shen Xiao also stood beside him.

"You can be freed only when you die." Lingxuan also died, her eyes were cold.

"Brother, I'm going to take the first step." There was another person behind her. It turned out to be Yue. She also had a knife in her hand, which was 'inserted' into her chest.

Blood gurgled out, and she looked at herself with a smile, looking relieved.

"Jiang Zizai, your existence is just a joke. You are a waste who can't do anything. Your parents and brothers are guilty, and you are just a playboy. In the past fifteen years, you have done nothing but humiliate them. Now you If your whole family is a dead soul, what dignity do you have, living in this world, you will die early and be reborn!"

The woman who made him think about it day and night had a sarcastic smile.

Jiang Zizai's hands were trembling, and he held the knife against his chest. It seemed that he finally felt more comfortable at that moment. Only death could provide relief.

Those flames, thunder, and storms were extremely gorgeous, as if they were commemorating their own death.

"When he dies, we will go find daddy, hee hee." The bell was held in Jiu Xian's arms.

"Your father is tens of millions of times better than this kind of trash. He is just a wretch at this time." Nine Immortals looked down upon him.

"Hurry up, the bell can't wait any longer." The girl looked at him with a sneer. This smile was also a sharp blade. In fact, he didn't even have to commit suicide. He was already riddled with holes.

All this made Jiang Zizai take a deep breath.

Suddenly, he smiled.

The smile was shocking, the smile was magnificent and domineering.

"I know that you are the calamity of my soul. You did almost kill me and almost annihilate me completely. But I, Jiang Zizai, am destined to be immortal. At this level, you can destroy hundreds of millions of people in the world. But you can’t kill me!”

Is the calamity of his soul terrible?

Jiang Zizai admitted that it was so terrifying to be so real and create such a sea of ​​suffering for himself that it would make one's scalp numb.

He tried to commit suicide countless times, proving this soul calamity, and came close to killing himself countless times.

However, he is stronger than ever, and his spiritual will is strong enough. When he became a god, the dignity, freedom and protection he longed for made him already see through this conflict.

He knew what the meaning of cultivation was, so this might be a soul calamity that even the gods could not survive, but with a loud laugh, everything in front of him disappeared into thin air!

With a bang, the soul calamity was destroyed first, and the Nine Immortals, Bells, Shenxiao, and Lingxuan in front of them all collapsed!

At that moment, his divine soul grew unprecedentedly, transforming directly from a semi-divine soul into a divine soul. From a void soul, it directly condensed into an entity in the natal sea. It was a nine-color shining divine soul, sitting in that natal sea. Above the totem, the light shines!

He didn't know what other people's souls were like, but at this moment, his own soul was vast and majestic, domineering and eternal. He felt that the power of his soul exceeded the limit of his imagination. Everything around him seemed to be under his control.

For example, even though he was still surrounded by numerous calamity clouds, he 'saw' Lu Dingxing's side. What he saw was that Ji Yingying was screaming in despair, wailing every moment. , the blood she had received was extracted bit by bit at this time and returned to Lingxuan's body. This was the real pain, so her screams were inhumane.

Jiang Zizai even saw that the gifts that originally belonged to Ji Yingying were being transferred at this time, her blood was also being taken away, and even the totem was disintegrating, as if it was about to degenerate. Totems can degenerate.

Most of her blood and talents have now been transferred to Lingxuan. From this moment on, after going through a miserable process, Ji Yingying has been reduced to a useless person. As a result, even her snow-white skin has begun to age. , the plump and tempting figure also began to become shriveled.

Jiang Zizai didn't think how miserable this was. Some people do evil, and sooner or later they have to pay the same price. This is called karma. If she hadn't treated Lingxuan like that, she wouldn't have ended up like this today. When she took Lingxuan's When it comes to blood, it must be artificial and joyful.

Sooner or later, you will pay for what you have done.

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Her despair and trembling at this moment were all given to herself. Who made her unlucky to provoke Jiang Zizai? At this moment, even the Lord of the Eternal Night could not protect her.

Although it was a pity to see her wrinkled figure, it was caused by sin and was not worth regretting.

Jiang Zizai's soul was unprecedentedly powerful, and his will was tenacious and eternal, difficult to shake. After experiencing the forging of the soul calamity, the transformation that took place was really terrible. It was a soul calamity that not many people in the world could survive. The divine calamity was a double-edged sword. The more powerful the divine calamity, the easier it was to kill people, but once it was survived, the benefits obtained were even more terrifying. Jiang Zizai survived this cruel soul calamity. His soul absolutely surpassed all the ancient gods who had just become gods, and his inner quality was also unparalleled in the world.

At this time, the physical calamity was still going on, still tearing and reorganizing his body crazily, but it was useless. Jiang Zizai's will was already terrible enough. The severe pain in the physical body brought by these divine calamities was nothing compared to the double pain of the physical body and soul just now. After experiencing a more tragic disaster, the disaster suddenly eased and no longer had any lethality.

Now, Jiang Zizai only needed to let nature take its course and get through this physical calamity, and everything would be over.

His godhood was completely secure. The current physical calamity was just the unparalleled divine body after forging his soul.

From now on, he was almost an ancient god, and Ji Yingying, who had just become an ancient god, was now a cripple. Lingxuan had also recovered, and even after absorbing Ji Yingying's blood, her talent had grown.

Everything was settled.

Everything on Jiang Zizai was like a gorgeous firework.

He looked at the flames in his palm and suddenly smiled in the calamity cloud.

"From now on, I will embark on the path of divine cultivation, just for eternity."

That is the will of the King of Gods!

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