Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 961 Green Dragon Fang

Jiang Zizai could only laugh or cry. If he was less than twenty years old, they probably wouldn't believe him. And if he was only at the first level of the ancient god realm, they would be even more disbelieving, so it was better not to retaliate.

Seeing that they didn't even dare to name them, Xiao Yunyu was even more certain that they were foreign thieves who had just been discovered.

However, he knew that his strength could at most suppress Xiao Chang, but he might not be sure when facing Xiao Yunyu, who had a divine king-level totem, because at the fourth level, his ancient divine power would be able to defeat Jiang Zizai again. Forming suppression, and there will be more god-level battle tactics mastered in this realm.

Facing an opponent who defeated Xiao Chang, Xiao Yunyu would definitely not despise him. If Xiao Chang did not despise him, there should be a possibility of a head-on fight with Jiang Zizai.

Xiao Yunyu was difficult to deal with. She struck very fiercely. In the first moment, her body was covered with snow-white dragon scales, and her god-level totem weapons turned out to be gloves, and those gloves were green. 'Color', a sharp blade extends from the tip. This totem weapon is called 'Green Dragon Tooth' and it looks extremely sharp.

Xiao Yunyu is already a very famous person in their ranks. She is at the fourth level of the Ancient God Realm. She is already close to half of her cultivation in the Ancient God Realm. It is said that from the third level to the fourth level, from the sixth level to the seventh level, it is a big leap.

"It will be easy for Xiao Yunyu to take down these three 'hairy' thieves."

"But you still have to be careful. After all, we don't know what state these three people are in. How many years have they been practicing? It may be hundreds of years. In that case, Xiao Yunyu will suffer a little bit."

"It's okay. She has defeated many opponents who have been practicing for two to three hundred years. Many people have not made any progress after becoming gods."

While they were talking, Xiao Yunyu came directly to suppress her. The vast power of her ancient divine source really put a lot of pressure on Jiang Zizai and the others. Moreover, her totem was exactly the same as Xiao Chang's, both of them were radiant saints. The dragon totem's totem ability is the glow. The glow emitted from the toes of her eyes is thicker and faster, which directly poses a great threat to Jiang Zizai and the three of them. Facing this Xiao Yun If Yu didn't fight back, she would probably be beaten to death.

"Come together." At this point, Jiang Zizai can only delay. Now that the news here is probably spread, Yonghe should come. After all, King Yongshen wants him to lead Jiang Zizai and the others to get started.

In fact, it is good for them to be able to face such pressure when they come here. They have no opponents at all in the Qingchuan Divine Realm. Everyone will respect them, and only here, no one looks down on them.

When Xiao Yunyu came with pressure, Jiang Zizai and the two of them faced off directly.

The light in Xiao Yunyu's eyes shot everywhere, and she simultaneously used the "Qinglong Fang" to use the god-level battle technique "Green Dragon Exploring Claw". This claw method is extremely fierce, and it can pull up large objects even if it is scraped on the ground. A piece of floor, this is a floor forged from top-quality materials.

Although she is a woman, her fighting style is much rougher than that of Xiao Chang.

However, what she faced was Jiang Zizai and the three of them!

The fourth level of the ancient god realm is very strong, but their three skills are also extremely rich.


The Fighting Holy Demon Panda rushed forward and confronted Xiao Yunyu head-on. His huge panda palms were much larger than Xiao Yunyu's dragon claws, but people didn't believe that he could stop Xiao Yunyu. After all, He looked too bulky.

However, what happened was beyond their expectations. Lu Dingxing was rough-skinned and thick-bodied. He looked bulky but was actually full of skills. There were traces of magic skills on all the hair on his body. He rolled like a wave, making Xiao Yunyu's dragon claws When I scratched it, it felt like it was scratching on water, but it didn't cause any damage!

When Xiao Yunyu wanted to get rid of Lu Dingxing as soon as possible, Jiang Zizai went straight up and used the Ghost Dance Demon Sword in his left hand to directly use the Phantom Soul Suppressing Sword Art. Before that, the Hundred Ghost Night Parade Formation contained in the Ghost Dance Demon Sword itself came directly and shrouded it directly. On top of Xiao Yunyu's head, Jiang Zizai used a divine soul as the core to cast the Phantom Soul Suppressing Knife, which was directly superimposed on the Hundred Ghost Night Marching Formation. The power of this knife directly split Xiao Yunyu's soul defense, allowing The power of the Hundred Ghost Night Parade was almost a hundred times amplified on it!

At this moment, Xiao Yunyu screamed, allowing Lu Dingxing to seize the opportunity and hit the ground with a palm. Before she landed, a sword light shot out, fast and fierce. When she stared at When the sword was shining, it was a little confused, as if it had forgotten many things.

Fortunately, she reacted and tore apart the sword light with her green dragon teeth. Only then did she see a young man sneaking up on her from a distance.

"Damn Dragon Attendant!" She rushed angrily, but Jiang Zizai's Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts once again suppressed her. This time, the Phantom Soul Suppressing Sword with the Infinite Time Breaking Blade hit Xiao Yunyu again. Their method was too weird. At the moment of the hit, Su Qianyu's sword net directly wrapped around her whole body. Lu Dingxing stretched out his hand to form a huge black sphere in front of his eyes, and hit her head directly!


At this moment, she didn't know how many layers of protection were broken. She thought she had withstood the pressure and could fight back, but there was an invisible sword light that pierced her throat. At that moment, she felt death. At that moment, my whole body was cold, and the Qinglong fang in my hand softened. A figure in front of me turned from an afterimage into a real entity. It was the leader Jiang Zizai. He pressed a black sword against his throat. , put a long knife on his shoulder, raised his chin slightly and looked at himself, "Sister, don't be embarrassed, you lost."

She did understand that at that moment, he should be able to kill her if he wanted to.

Xiao Yunyu took a deep breath. This battle was very frustrating for her, because her strength was not shown at all. She was completely controlled by Jiang Zizai. At first, she suppressed her soul, and then used a strange move to freeze her body. If If not, it would be difficult for the other two to do anything to her.

At least in terms of strength, Jiang Zizai gave her a little approval. She sneered and said, "Okay now, what realm are you at? The fifth level of the ancient god realm?"

Jiang Zizai didn't respond. He put down his sword and said, "I hope you can calm down. I am telling the truth. I really don't want to worry about you."

"What do you think you can do if you defeat me? Thief Mao, you have been exposed. This is the Yong tribe. You have no way to survive!" Xiao Yunyu said coldly. As she spoke, her friends They were all surrounded, and some elders who were passing by had already set up traps.

"Teach me a lesson first, chop off my hands and feet, then put you in jail, ask for your identity, and then execute you." There was a middle-aged Ran Lai who was very authoritative and should be the Divine Lord. Seeing that he looked similar to Xiao Yunyu, he might be Xiao Yunyu's father.

"Yes!" Many young people obeyed the order. Many of them were stronger than Xiao Yunyu. Judging from their postures, they would definitely take action together.

Sure enough, the danger is getting bigger and bigger, and the explanation is unclear.

Before they took action, Jiang Zizai could only retreat, and at the same time looked around and said: "Yong He, your father has handed us over to you, how long do you want to watch the show?"

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