Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 978 Mixed Bathing

Gu Yaoqin's divine body of light used the Light Splitting Sword. When the body that controlled the Purple Electric Qin was hit and could not move, the divine body of light could still move. However, even if it could move, it was actually only moving according to its original will at the moment of losing control of the body, and it could not attack on its own. Lu Dingxing dodged slightly and dodged its attack.

The three of them almost instantly leveled in front of Gu Yaoqin.

This is a fifth-level existence in the ancient god realm. The ancient god source power is much stronger than them, so they must take the opportunity to fight quickly. If they give the opponent a chance to counterattack, it will be difficult to fight.

In an instant, Jiang Zizai arrived in front of him with the Nine Flashes of God Killing. The thirty-three killing gods in his hand directly used the killing sword and stabbed Gu Yaoqin's eyebrows.

Overall, among the three, Jiang Zizai is much more balanced. He can control, fight, and kill, and his speed is fast. With a sword in hand, he is like a killing god descending.

Lu Dingxing actually has many control methods. His left eye is the eye of the ancient demon god. Among the magic skills he practiced, there are various pupil techniques. These strange pupil techniques can create illusions, impact souls, and even make people unconscious.


The moment Gu Yaoqin was freed from the infinite time-breaking blade, Lu Dingxing's huge panda claws grasped her shoulders. The majestic physical strength, combined with his ancient god source power, restricted her in this short period of time, leaving her bare-handed, directly facing Jiang Zizai's killing move, and ten black mists quickly stretched out from Lu Dingxing's fingers. The black mist entangled Gu Yaoqin like a long snake and tied her into a zongzi. This was a magic attack from the ancient demon tomb, which directly restricted her to death.

Her light body wanted to rescue, but Su Qianyu blocked it. Su Qianyu's dense sword net prevented her from getting in at all in an instant.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. In fact, Jiang Zizai could have killed her. After all, the sword of killing was born for killing. It seemed simple, but it actually contained the killing power of extinction. In just a moment, it could make the soul and body collapse at the same time.

However, it was definitely not appropriate to kill people in such a place, so he changed at the last moment. The power of the sword of killing was transferred to the abdomen, directly piercing through, and brushing past the opponent's divine source. However, the more than 30 sword qi of the killing god Xuanbing rushed in, still causing a great degree of trauma to her divine source. At least Jiang Zizai had to ensure that she could no longer have the strength to attack them.

That was the end.

With Gu Yaoqin's long and sad cry, the light divine body in the distance dissipated directly, which meant that she had lost the power to control the light divine body and could not protect herself.

The chaotic and violent sword qi of the killing god Xuanbing was still sweeping through her body.

Lu Dingxing had already let her go. After letting go, this straight man couldn't help but clap his hands, as if Gu Yaoqin had taken advantage of him. It seemed to him that he had touched Gu Yaoqin, and he felt guilty towards Ruoyue...

Gu Yaoqin's face was pale, she was holding the wound on her abdomen, and she almost couldn't stand steadily. When she raised her head, Jiang Zizai and the three of them were standing side by side, and the three of them were almost unharmed.

Among them, Jiang Zizai looked at her with a smile, "Sister, don't fight and kill so early, it would be better to come in and take a bath together, so there is no need to bleed."

Gu Yaoqin took a deep breath and looked at the three of them coldly. She gritted her teeth and said, "I hate you, but it's better to absorb the Dragon Spring of Light before I bring people back, otherwise, you will run away alive."

"Not only do you want to call for help, but you also want to kill us? We didn't kill you this time." Su Qianyu said.

"Two dragon servants dare to attack me like this, don't they deserve to die? You didn't kill me, just because you didn't dare to kill me." Gu Yaoqin said, and turned around and left.

"Then you'd better not leave." Jiang Zizai is a thoughtful person. If he lets her go to find mercy, she will definitely find an opponent that she can't deal with at all. In this case, it's better to leave her here.

He chased after her directly.

However, she still underestimated Gu Yaoqin's means. She had already prepared to escape. Just when Jiang Zizai chased after her, a talisman suddenly appeared in her palm. She activated the talisman, and the talisman exploded in an instant, forming rolling smoke and fog. Thick smoke rose up, and the majestic power shocked Jiang Zizai back. The next moment, Gu Yaoqin had disappeared.

After all, she was in the fifth level of the ancient god realm, and it was indeed not that easy to deal with. Moreover, how could someone who could enter the bright dragon tomb be unprepared at all?

"What should I do?" Lu Dingxing asked with a little worry.

Jiang Zizai said: "It's okay, keep going in, absorb as much as you can, and retreat directly when someone comes."

Although the Light Dragon Spring is good, you have to be alive to get it. He noticed that the Light Dragon Clan would definitely not kill each other for no reason, but if the 'Dragon Servant' offended them, they would kill even in this solemn Light Dragon Tomb, so he would at most suffer a little humiliation, but Lu Dingxing and the other two might die.

So Jiang Zizai had to act cautiously.

He believed that this Light Dragon Spring would definitely not be the only good fortune in this Light Dragon Tomb.

Of course, he also believed that in this huge world, it would not be so easy for Gu Yaoqin to find her 'own people'.

Once separated, it would not be so easy to find.

So they must still have time.

So, the three of them went in again without saying anything, and took an awkward 'mixed bath'...

"It would be nice if you were women, the atmosphere would be more erotic." Jiang Zizai said.

Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu looked at each other.

"Shameless." Su Qianyu shook her head, of course, he said this with a smile.

"You are a blockhead and a gentleman, so boring, I miss the days when I was wandering in the Well of the Divine Domain, hugging women on both sides." Jiang Zizai recalled the days when he wandered with Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan.

Of course, he was joking. It was indeed not tiring to wander with two beauties, Shen Xiao and Ling Xuan, but there was no such passion and fighting spirit as these two people, and the feeling of tacit cooperation between brothers fighting side by side was also quite good.

When thinking of Ling Xuan, Jiang Zizai suddenly thought that she was now practicing in the Evolution Realm. After obtaining Ji Yingying's gift, her cultivation level had made great progress, because after Ji Yingying became a god, her cultivation in the later stages of the Initial God Realm was much easier.

"She is also a dragon totem. If she can become a god, it should be easy for her to move around here. She just needs to avoid running into Bai Mu. After all, no one knows how many people Bai Mu has chosen."

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