Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 27 27 Alliance! Two British kings!

Chapter 27 27. Alliance! Two British kings!


After adjusting his casual clothes, Weber was now very nervous.

Just now, he received a reply from Master Saber.

He said he hoped to meet and discuss the alliance.

(If you are afraid, you can refuse.)

Although Rider gave himself the right to choose, it must have some value for him here.

Thinking of Emiya Kiritsugu's "corrupted" reputation, Weber would be lying if he said he was not afraid.

That was a ruthless person who had indeed killed magicians by any means necessary in the magic world.

Being with him is like seeking the skin of a tiger.

(Calm down, Webber Velvet!)

(You are Rider’s master after all, so there is no need to be afraid.)

Taking a deep breath to calm down the restlessness in his heart, he persuaded himself like this.

After making sure that his mood was stable, he stepped out of the room.

"Long wait, Rider."

"We can go out."

Looking at Rider in front of him who was wearing casual clothes and long sleeves, Weber then spoke bluntly.

"Well, it's commendable that he didn't back down."

"I hope you can maintain your stage fright until the meeting."

Glancing at Weber's serious attitude, Lelouch responded.

"No matter what, I am your master and I will not embarrass you!"

"That's good"


"Choose such a conspicuous place, is it considered a sign of sincerity?"

Kiritsugu and Saber sat at a table outside the cafe, looking at the master and servant in front of them and said indifferently.

This is a shopping street. If there is any conflict, the surrounding area will definitely not be peaceful.

(No trace of magic arrangement)

(There are no hidden mines or bombs either.)

Kiritsugu, who was cautious by nature, certainly knew that his surroundings were safe.

"The magician killer, Emiya Kiritsugu."

"You have killed many magicians, but you have never intentionally harmed unrelated people."

"Although you may want to kill me right now, you would never do it on a street like this."

Much calmer than expected, Weber sat on the chair and answered elegantly, imitating Rider's usual posture.

He cannot let the other party see any expression of embarrassment, otherwise he will easily lose his right to reciprocity.


The hand that was about to smoke stopped in the air. Kiritsugu knew that the other party must have gone to inquire about the information.

People who dare to propose joining forces after learning about their own deeds

There were indeed many ways to kill Webb that flashed through his mind, but in this case, they were really not suitable.

What's more, he and Saber really need outside help now.

From the previous chaos, it seemed that Assassin and Archer were on the same team.

With the strength of those two groups, if they fought independently, they would easily be strangled.

Apart from anything else, as long as Archer holds back the other group of servants, Assassin's plan of running to kill the master will be impossible to prevent.

Because of this consideration, Kiritsugu also agreed to come out to meet.

However, he would decide what the alliance agreement would be based on the performance of Rider and his Master.

(No resentment?)

This disciple of Kenneth had a conflict with his mentor in the Clock Tower before, but now he has no "signs" about him as an indirect murderer.

Don't know? Or pretend nothing happened?


Saber was not polite, picked up the food on the table and started eating.

(Has she never eaten?)

Lelouch drank coffee and glanced at Saber, feeling shocked.

He has never seen such a delicious person.

"Let's get to the point"

The lit cigarette butt was placed under the chair, and Kiritsugu wanted to see what the other party could say.

"I won't say anything unnecessary. You must know it very well."

"For future wars, I hope both sides can temporarily join forces."

Weber crossed his hands on the table and then spoke.

Rider said that he had full authority to handle this negotiation, so he must treat it with caution.


Saber moved the dull hair on the top of her head and glanced at Rider who was leisurely drinking coffee and thought it was very subtle.

(Unknown King of Britain.)

(Don’t you have any intention of opening your mouth?)

Trying to figure out the other person's thoughts, Kiritsugu was a little confused as to what the emperor wanted to do.

Although I don't know the other person's real name, I can tell from Saber's attitude of approval.

There is no doubt that he was also the former "King" of Britain.

Logically speaking, Britain's past is not very long in its entire history. If you really look for its rulers, you can find similar identities.

According to the news brought by Saber, this young king of "Britain" seems to be a little different.

"Assassin and Archer are originally from the same camp."

"The masters behind them, Tokiomi Tosaka and Kirei Kotomine, also have a relationship between master and disciple."

"It's difficult for a single combination to deal with them. You don't want to suddenly face the attack of two mounted servants, right?"

"The same goes for you."

His eyes were still so dead, and this mature man remained unmoved.

"Although I don't know what you want."

"But no matter what, you can't tolerate yourself leaving the show midway, right?"

"What's more, the deaths of your wife and assistant and the deaths of my teacher and his fiancée did happen."

This is a conclusion reached after obtaining information from Weber and thinking on his own.


Then you must come up with conditions that can make the other party move.

The first is the equality of status of both parties, the second is the dominance of discourse, and the last is the agreed content of the agreement.

If it is just a verbal alliance, it has no binding force at all.

Emiya Kiritsugu

Being absolutely rational, he would definitely not reject the "friendship" offered by Rider and himself at this time.

After all, no one from the other combinations is willing to ally with this "Magic Killer".

In addition, Saber does not have the ability to deal with Archer and Assassin at the same time.

Joining forces with his own side will only help him get out of his predicament. This obvious benefit is the biggest motivation point.

Can't refuse

Staring at the calm young man in front of him with dull eyes, Kiritsugu also knew his position.

From the beginning of this negotiation, he was on the disadvantaged side.

The other party saw it very clearly.

Except for the Masters Caster and Berserker who have never shown up, the other Servant Masters are enemies that he cannot join forces with.

The Rider team, which was the first to throw out "goodwill", was also forcing him to take a stand.

Either you join forces with me, or you hide away and talk to Master Caster and Berserker who didn't show up.

The former is what we are facing today, while the latter is full of uncertainty.

If he rejects the Rider group, it means there will be another troublesome enemy.

As for showing off one's face, it all depends on one's ability?

Kiritsugu really didn't want to bet on whether Archer and Assassin would kill him faster together, or whether he would find a better ally.

This time he had no choice from the beginning

(No wonder.)

After roughly understanding the thoughts of the "Emperor" in front of him, Kiritsugu finally came to his senses.

The co-author Rider didn't speak because it was simply not necessary.

As long as he is not a stubborn person, everyone will definitely be happy.

In particular, Emiya Kiritsugu was a rational and extreme realist.

Unless he abandons his past practices, he will say "I refuse" if he is not clear-headed.

"Then use this to plan the details of the alliance."

Taking out the parchment roll prepared in advance from his pocket, Emiya Kiritsugu placed it on the table and said.

That is the paper of the spell contract


I'm late.

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