Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 401 401 Calculation! (4K)

Chapter 401 401. Calculation! (4K)



Seeing Shin-chan shaking his head, Yusuke, Tsunayoshi, and Aniya were all startled.

"how come."

It was hard to imagine that a Servant would be arrested. Although Tsuna didn't know the specific situation, he still thought it was exaggerated.

"It's probably because of the fight before."

"It's embarrassing to destroy the streets like that."

"The police guys are suspicious."

Yusuke didn't find it strange at all.

Even if they don't take it seriously, the police can't just watch the "suspect" escape.

What's more, if there are witnesses or surveillance, it will be even more troublesome.

His previous fight with the man named Kamui also destroyed a building, but fortunately he ran so fast that no one saw him. The police thought that he, Tsunayoshi and others who were wandering at the door were suspicious, but they didn't think so. I think a few teenagers can bring down the building.

"Well, even if you really want to escape, it will definitely be easy, but this kid will be focused on by the police later on."

Glancing at Shin-chan, Yusuke knew about his contact with Metkai before, so he was able to understand each other's situation.

Although the servant seemed to be slightly injured during the battle, it was not too serious. He should have no problem escaping the police's pursuit.

But if he does this, it will undoubtedly deepen the "misunderstanding" and make Xiaoxin, as the master, vulnerable to investigation.

"So it's right to run away after the fight. It will be very troublesome if you get caught by the police."

Aniya continued without paying attention to the way Xiaoxin was sitting on the back of Agang's neck.

"Oh, you know quite a bit."

Putting one hand in his pocket, Yusuke touched her head and praised her.

The world here is different from his place. Technology is much better developed, and surveillance cameras cover a wider area than imagined.

If there is a fight between followers, if the surveillance is not removed first, it will definitely be noticed.

"But I didn't expect there to be other children besides Aniya."

He no longer paid attention to the fatigue thing before, but Tsunayoshi looked at Xiaoxin who was grabbing his cheek and pulling it and said in surprise.

"Speaking of which, how do you know my name?"

Xiaoxin turned to look at Aniya, his big eyes revealing curiosity.



When Xiaoxin said this, Yusuke and Tsunayoshi were both stunned, and they also remembered the name Aniya had insisted on just now.



Because of her mind-reading ability at the time, she learned Xiaoxin's name from the police, and she subconsciously said it to cover up.

Looking back now, it is indeed a bit amazing.

"Tell me something"


"You're not shy, are you? That makes me so embarrassed."

Looking at Xiaoxin who leaned his head over, Aniya's face was stiff.

Too rich

The peer in front of her was simply beyond her imagination.

It's not that Conan and L think too much, but the ideas they generate are a bit wild.

Xiaoxin did it purely out of his heart, rather than premeditated or calculated.

Therefore, Aniya felt a sense of panic that "CPU overload" could not be understood.

"Okay, don't worry about this kind of thing."

It was obvious that Aniya was troubled, so Tsuna stretched out his hand to touch Xiaoxin's head back and said.

Although he was very curious about how Aniya knew the name, since he didn't want to say it, he wouldn't go into details.

After all, Aniya has shown unusual aspects before

If you calculate them one by one, it will be endless.

Anyway, as long as they want to say something, Aniya will naturally tell them.

"Thank you for your advice, Shinnosuke. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. Just call me Tsuna. He is Yusuke."

"Oh, Tsuna? Yusuke? Just call me Shin-chan."

Being able to realize that these people were not bad people, Xiaoxin accepted it cheerfully.

(really dangerous)

Heaving a sigh of relief, Anya leaned on the back of Yusuke's head with lingering fear.

If she was really pressed, she wouldn't be able to explain her "mind-reading" superpower.

And she didn't want anyone to know about it.

Even if there are followers who are beyond common sense, it is best not to expose yourself, otherwise who knows what kind of danger you will encounter.

The cover and steps Tsuna gave her were so reassuring.

I'm so glad I found him in the first place

"Well, how can we rescue the thick-eyebrowed uncle?"

"Don't you have a command spell? You can summon it at any time."

Facing Xiaoxin who was troubled again, Aniya looked at him sideways and said.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaoxin's staring eyes made her tremble a little.

Although he clearly has the ability to read minds, he is completely unable to understand his thoughts and ideas.

"You are so smart"

"I'll ask Uncle Thick Eyebrows to come over right away."

After a long time, Xiaoxin sighed, and then raised his hand.

"Wait, Xiaoxin!"

Quickly pressing down his raised fist, Tsuna quickly persuaded him.

"what happened again?"

"Isn't it bad that you suddenly summoned him here?"

"It would be fine if he disappeared from the police and no one saw him. If he disappeared out of thin air, it would cause a commotion."

"It's better to use the Command Seal when you have a good opportunity."

Not caring about his opponent's position, Tsuna explained to him seriously.

The command spell should be the greatest guarantee for the relationship between the master and the servant.

No matter how you think about such abuse, it is wrong.

And with the skills of a Servant, it should be no problem to escape from the police station alone.

There is no need to waste this Command Seal.

"That guy must be fine."

Yusuke had watched Metkai's battle and knew that he was no ordinary opponent.

"Yusuke didn't even think about fighting other servants for the first time."

Anya looked at him in surprise and then commented.

"I can at least tell my order."

"Only when I defeat that servant named Iori Yagami will I find another target."

Putting aside the fact that he had no conflict with that Metkai, what Yusuke wanted now was to "avenge his shame."

If it weren't for the fight that came to him, he wouldn't have caused more trouble now.

After all, judging from previous observations, the followers of this class all stand out as being arrogant.

Everyone is a master of "fighting".

As long as you can survive, you will encounter other opponents sooner or later.

"Agang, have you rested enough?"


"I just have a small load to carry, so keep running!"

"Why is it happening like that!"



With his hands on the keyboard, L heard the sound of police sirens outside.

His eyes fell on Leon being taken away in the picture, and L knew what was going on.

I am afraid that Kudo Shinichi and Kaitou Kidd explained what Leon had done to the police, which led to Leon's arrest.

"The speed at which the evidence was found was pretty good."

Although he directly threw away the answer, being able to use it to find evidence shows that he is somewhat capable.

Without paying much attention to the follow-up of this matter, L's eyes fell on the other side.

"Are the three masters mixed together?"

"We have to find a way to lure that servant away."

There was silence, and he looked at the screen and thought.

In a battle between masters, it is best to remove the servants, otherwise the variables will be too great.

Considering the convenience of command spells, it is best to ensure that the servants are entangled with each other.

"What's wrong, detective, the criminal has been arrested, but you are still looking sad."

Standing at the gate as "Kudo Shinichi" and watching the culprit being taken away, Kaito turned to look at Conan who was touching his chin and wondering what he was thinking about and asked.

"Even though we caught him and Rishi, it's honestly quite disturbing."

"Ah, do you mean what he said?"

Conan raised his head and responded with words that stunned Kaito, but then he remembered.

(Don’t think this is the end)

(Even if the police are fully prepared, the pirates will still come.)

I have to say that the disciples that Leon Law accepted were almost the same as him.

Leon himself was plotting the Cyan Fist and also used this gem to collude with pirates.

He planned to let the pirates destroy the city so that he could rebuild it through his plan.

It's an unprecedented idea, but unfortunately

His disciple Rishi serves as a reserve police officer and is the "partner" of the pirates.

Under this premise, everything Leon did was a wedding dress for Li Xi.

The disciples have penetrated and controlled the situation to this extent, but as a teacher, Leon has not noticed yet but is complacent.

It can only be said to be quite "clown".

But all this was revealed when the two were arrested.

What worries Conan is, why does Rishi think that the police are fully prepared, but the pirates still dare to come?

With the pirates' weapons, there was no way they could fight with the local police.

"Indeed, his confident and determined look doesn't look fake."

"How about I go take a look? If there are really pirates who hijacked the ship, then the nearby shipping routes should be disrupted."

The incident in which he was framed was resolved, and Kaito also said that during Kaito, so he could deal with other things with peace of mind.


Silent, Conan did not refuse. Now it is indeed safer to let Kaitou Kidd check.

If the pirates really crashed into the city with their ships as Rich planned, it would definitely cause a lot of casualties and panic.

Of course the police will be on alert, but there are always surprises, so it’s better to be careful.

"Speaking of which, tomorrow is the final, right?"

"Ah, only Mr. Kyogoku and Leon's original bodyguard are left."

"But now that Lyon has been arrested, he may not be able to continue to compete safely."

"That's for sure. People related to Lyon will be thoroughly investigated. It won't be over in a day or two."

The two communicated and saw Mouri Kogoro laughing at the door with his tongue sticking out.

"Well, I'll leave this to you, the famous detective."

Waving his hand, Kaito began to retreat from the crowd.

Conan didn't pay attention to Kogoro who was boasting, but instead went to find Xiaolan and others.


When he arrived at the corresponding floor, before he had gone far, Conan saw the figure coming out of the elevator.

For the first time, Conan saw Xiaoxin, an "acquaintance".

Then he noticed Tsunayoshi and Anya.

"You can't run anymore at such a young age. Gang has to work harder."

“That’s three times around the entire block!!”


Compared to the communication between Tsunayoshi and Shin-chan, Aniya heard Conan's weird thoughts.

This was not the first time she met Conan, and she could read a lot of strange thoughts every time.

He was the same type of person as the "madman (L)" who lived on the same floor.

The two of them would have many inner thoughts that were difficult for her to digest, just like a bombing.

Unlike Shin-chan's "sudden change of thinking", the heads of the two were more like a "trash can" that could not be filled.


As they approached each other, Aniya thought that they would not have any intersection.

But Shin-chan slid directly off Tsunayoshi's back and trotted to Conan.

"It's you."


Being "attacked" head-on like this, Conan really didn't know what to say for a while.

"Where is that beautiful big sister that day?"

"She's not here!"

"Oh, you're jealous, you really like that big sister."

Ania looked at Conan, whose expression was obviously a little bit unbearable, and looked at Shin-chan differently.

She was originally troubled by Conan's complicated inner thoughts, but after Shin-chan's tossing, Conan had no extra thoughts to think about other things.

"Shin-chan, do you know him?"

Tsunayoshi was relieved when he saw that there was no mark on the back of Conan's hand.

I thought it was another participant.

He has Aniya and Shin-chan here, and they always feel that the style of painting has become strange.

If there is another one, I'm afraid it will really get messy.

"He is."


"My name is Edogawa Conan."

The frowning and holding back for a long time without saying a word made Conan speechless.

Why does he act so familiar when he can't remember me?

"Yes, Kawanami!"

"It's Conan!!"

It's been a long time since I met such a troublesome child. Conan felt that he was normal in the past.

Sure enough, if I had to describe it, he and this person named Shin-chan were a bit "incompatible".

Obviously, he is already a high school student, and he shouldn't be serious with a child.

He was provoked by the other party for no reason

"Let's go."

"Goodbye, we'll go see the beautiful big sister next time."

"Don't say such ambiguous words!"

It was okay, the other party was called away by the boy before they entangled for a while, but Conan still couldn't help himself in the end.

"Oh no!"

Looking at the direction where the group of people left, after a while, he realized what he should do.

He hurriedly chased after them


But when he looked at the corner, he found that Tsunayoshi and the others had disappeared.


Covering his forehead, Conan knew that the other party had returned to the room from the sound of the door closing just now.

This time the "clue" was broken.

Originally, he wanted to see which room the group of people lived in.

As a result, he was interrupted by Shin-chan, and he forgot his original purpose.

It can only be said that the other party's "interference" was quite in place, so he couldn't notice what was wrong for a while.

If it was intentional, then his meticulousness might be no less than that of the pale-skinned detective.

In another corridor, Touma was wondering.

"Huh? Who left this?"

Looking at the note in his hand, he scratched his head and said in surprise.

Just now, a girl inexplicably slipped a note to him, saying that someone passed it to him.

After opening it, he found that the other party asked him to meet here.

"Huh, as expected, this tastes really good. I'll take some back to Tsuna and the others."

When he saw the figure coming towards him, Touma froze.

Because that was undoubtedly a.


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