Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 399 399 Hungry Wolf: Where are the people? ! (4K)

Chapter 399 399. Garou: Where are the people? ! (4K)


"Thank you."

Taking the water bottle from Xiaolan, Touma thanked her.

"You are really amazing. Mr. Kyogoku didn't hit you once."

Thinking back to the competition just now, Xiaolan felt it was a bit magical.

Touma's performance was beyond her expectations.

It's better to say that she really wants to know how he can see through Kyogoku's attacks every time.

It can be said that dodging once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but dodging every time is not a coincidence.

No matter how much luck you try, it is impossible to achieve this.

"Did Mr. Kamijou also practice it?"


"It's just that I often encountered similar things in the past, so I'm used to it."

"Used to it?"

Hearing Touma's sigh, Xiaolan tilted her head and asked in confusion.

She remembered seeing Touma's "miserable look" yesterday, and wondered what he had experienced.

"It's because I get involved in various events, and then I get into conflicts with people, and fighting is commonplace."

"Well, the result is that I often get hurt."

Standing up and taking a sip of water, Touma said self-deprecatingly.

He really didn't lie in this sentence

It's just that the "fight" he mentioned may be different from what ordinary people imagine.

"Although I don't understand it very well, it sounds like Mr. Kamijou is very great."

"Eh? Why do you understand it that way?"

Touma was stunned when he heard it, not knowing why this girl would think so.

"Because. Even if someone like you really gets involved in the incident, you will definitely stand on the side of helping others."

"Just now when you competed with Mr. Kyogoku, you only threw one punch and didn't fight back."

"And even though you said you were used to fighting, you didn't give people a bad impression."

After being evaluated like this, Touma could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

This girl is like an angel, her tone and attitude are so gentle that it makes people sigh.

After all, there was only one punch in the previous match, because Touma was testing his fist.

But he found that hitting Kyogoku Makoto had no effect except making the opponent take a small step back.

So he realized that he was still so weak in the "attack side", so he chose to give up counterattack, although it made Kyogoku Makoto misunderstand that "he didn't want to hurt me" and believed that he was "holding back".

It was just the fist that made Touma very confused.

Obviously, when he punched the gangster before, the opponent was knocked out with one punch, and it seemed that his reaction was quite effective, but it was not so obvious when he hit Kyogoku Makoto.

Could it be that the so-called "special attack" really contained it?

In this case, if he fights against others, does he still have to see how compatible they are?

If the fist can work, it proves that there is something wrong with the opponent.

But let's not talk about the Academy City for the time being. Just talking about the war here, how many people can take their own punches?

This seems to be something that can only be explored and tested slowly.

Strange gangsters, fashionable red-haired men.

Uncle with thick eyebrows

There are three more servants he has not seen

Hope they are not difficult guys.

"Thank you for agreeing to spar with me. I benefited a lot from it."

"No, I didn't do anything."

Looking at Kyogoku Makoto who changed his clothes and looked satisfied, Touma waved his hand.

"Fighting with you makes me more aware of my shortcomings."

"In the future, I will double my training to strive to reach your level."

Recalling the scene of the punch stirring the air and sending out shock waves, Kyogoku Makoto said seriously with his eyes shining.


After being said by Kyogoku Makoto, Touma didn't know how to respond.

From observing the other party's performance, if he were to say,

If it was Kyogoku Makoto, he might really be able to practice to that level.

This man is actually much more powerful than those special forces he has seen, and is not inferior to some ability users at all.

Don't look at him dodging so easily, that's just because he has a special bonus as a servant.

If it were him in the past, he would probably be captured at the first moment.

The more he came into contact with them, the more Touma felt that this kind of person with strong physical fitness really restrained him.

Of course, he had also considered similar things.

It was also a revelation given by Kyogoku Makoto.

As long as he was strong enough, he would not have to worry.

With the current body of a servant, he felt that it was not a problem?


"Is it this store?"

After hesitating for a while, Da Qiao looked at the pharmacy in front of him and wondered.

Originally, he should not come out casually to cover up Kenjiro, but because he got the important information that the other party wanted, and there were no suspicious people staying near the hotel after checking, he deliberately picked a time to come out.

"But can he really take it away?"

Knowing that Kenjiro intervened in this war for the woman he loved, Da Qiao admired his will.

In order to treat the so-called terminal illness, it was impossible in Kenjiro's era.

But with the scientific power of this era, that may not be a problem.

After all, the lives of the people on both sides are not at the same level.

This place must be much more developed. The diseases that Kenjiro called "incurable diseases" may be cured by taking special medicine here.

(Well, let's buy some first.)

I don't know if I can bring the things here back to my own time. With the mentality of giving it a try, Da Qiao plans to help Kenjiro buy the medicines he needs.

If he could help Kenjiro just by spending some money, Da Qiao would be very happy.

"Fortunately, I still had my wallet with me when I came here before."

He was wearing a serious formal attire, and his luggage was on the boat, but he kept his wallet in his pocket.

If I didn't bring my wallet, I might not even be able to afford a hotel stay, let alone buy medicine.


When his tall body walked into the pharmacy, the clerk was so frightened that he couldn't even finish his words.

He has the same physique as a bear, and I'm afraid he could be killed with one punch.

"Um. I need some healing medicine."

"The symptoms are"

But what made the clerk feel at ease was that this rough-looking man was unexpectedly calm.

"Well, I understand, please wait."

Understanding the medicine the man needed, the clerk turned around and went to grab it.

And not long after he entered the store, someone was already looking outside to observe.

(Why is this man here?)

Belmode frowned and looked at the big man standing in the store, feeling uneasy.

She had witnessed him being with a man with seven scars on his chest. It seemed like they were companions.

If possible, she didn't want to get involved with these people.

Belmode didn't believe that normal people could do that unreasonable fight.

Although I have heard of martial arts masters who can break stones with their fists or do some incredible things, it is not that exaggerated.

After all, judging from the style of the black organization, no matter how powerful the martial artist is, they are all guys who can be solved with a gun.

Jonathan Joestar

I also investigated the other party’s origins and found out his name after registering at the hotel.

Sitting naturally on the chair, she disguised herself as an ordinary delivery person.

Gin and vodka were still lying in the courier company behind her for treatment.

Thanks to these two injured guys, she, Chianti, and Cohen were temporarily unable to move.

"Well, it's not over there either?"

Footsteps and familiar murmurs came from the road next to him. Belmode was startled and glanced out of the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, she saw her "biological son".

(Even with the power of the black organization, there shouldn’t be many options for hiding.)

Looking around, trying to find those suspicious companies or houses, Conan acted alone.

He did not give up such a great opportunity.

Shuichi Akai and others are coming to support him soon, and he'd better find where the opponent is hiding.

(Your senses are still as sharp as ever)

Pretending to rest as if nothing had happened, Belmod looked at Conan passing by and commented.

The other party can always bring her unexpected surprises.

If this were Chianti or Vodka, I'm afraid it would be noticed.


Then Belmod saw Conan, who was turning around, and Da Qiao, who had just left the store, and bumped into him.

"It's okay, kid."

Holding his pocket in his left hand and squatting down, Da Qiao looked at the kid who was knocked down and stretched out his hand.

"Ah, it's okay. Thank you, uncle. It's all my fault that I didn't look ahead."

(so big!)

After reaching out and being pulled up, Conan noticed the majesty of the person in front of him.

He seemed to have just reached the opponent's knees.


Subconsciously glancing at the medicine and right hand held by the other party, Conan observed.

Because my right hand was wearing gloves, I couldn't see clearly whether there were any marks on it.

But this strong physique and soft temperament are simply full of contradictions.

"Uncle, are you here for a trip?"

"Uh, pretty much."

"But if you are traveling, why do you need to buy so many medicines? If there are patients, it would be better to go directly to the hospital."

Pretending to be an innocent child, Conan pointed to the pocket he was holding and asked.

"Well, because it's not that someone needs to take it now, but it's taken back to a certain patient when the time comes."

Da Qiao didn't pay attention to Conan's question, and answered him kindly.

"Really? Goodbye then, uncle."

"Oh, you have to be careful when you walk."

Hearing this, Conan did not continue to test, but closed his eyes and smiled, then he walked around Da Qiao and trotted away.

"What a lively kid."

"A little smart but also understands etiquette."

"Well, it would be great if this could be the case for my and Alina's children."

Not paying attention to this matter, Big Joel stood up and chattered.


Not long after he left, Conan stopped in the shadow of the corner and started thinking.

There is a high probability that this muscular man is a participant.

Although there was no conclusive evidence to prove it, he vaguely confirmed it from the conversation just now.

After all, there were abnormal weather conditions during the day, but at night the temperature had reached Singapore's normal temperature. It was abnormal for someone to wear such thick gloves under such conditions.

Let’s count the participants we’ve met so far.

There's Kaitou Kidd, there's the kid with the weird old man with thick eyebrows, and there's the pale-skinned detective.

And if you include the strong man in front of you.

It always feels like all kinds of characters are mixed together.


If the pursuit of the black organization hadn't concerned him, he would have followed directly.

Dealing with the Black Organization members is still the first priority.


And Vermouth, who had been observing him, realized that something was wrong.

(What does he know?)

Conan's every move just now was in her eyes. She was familiar with the behavior of this "son" and naturally knew what it was like.

"Shift change."

At this moment, Cohen's disguised voice came to her ears.

"Then thank you for your hard work."

Without hesitation, she stood up and walked out.


Cohen looked at Vermouth with unknown behavior and had doubts.

Facing Cohen's doubtful eyes, she turned her head and said casually.

"Relax for a while."



"I ate a little too much."

Holding her stomach, Ania put down the chopsticks in her hand.

"Hey, so the kid is still too young."

Looking at Ania who looked weak, Yusuke sarcastically said with relish.

"No, it's obvious that Yusuke eats too much, right?"

"I've never seen you have such an appetite before."

"Come to think of it, I always feel like I want to eat more after those fights."

After being told this by Tsunayoshi, Yusuke was stunned for a while, and then puzzled.

His appetite was not big at ordinary times, so he didn't know why he would eat so much now.

If this hotel didn't provide buffet, he would not be able to bear such consumption.

(Is the injury healed?)

Tsunayoshi handed a glass of water to Aniya, and then looked at Yusuke, only to find that the other's injury had almost healed.

It's a bit puzzling.

But it's okay if it's healed.

"By the way, Tsunayoshi, we have to continue later."

"Eh?! Or forget it?"

"No, it's only the second day, and you're thinking of giving up. Let me teach you how to show your manliness."

When he was relieved, he heard what Yusuke mentioned, and his face fell.

He tried to persuade her depressedly, but was directly rejected by Yusuke.

"Ah, spare me."

Even if he has the skills, what can he do?

It's impossible for him to learn from Yusuke and go looking for someone to fight.

Besides, he is not that kind of person.

It will just waste all his training for nothing.

He, Sawada Tsunayoshi, is just a student living his daily life.


"Tsk, no one is here?"

Wandering on the street, Garou kicked the can on the roadside and became unhappy.

He walked around for so long, but he only saw one servant during the day, and he didn't see the second one at night.

Isn't this wrong?

It was so lively last night, it shouldn't be interrupted today.

Although he knew that a thrilling battle had taken place before, Garou thought that it should not be a melee.

Even if two people were not there, there were still four servants left, right?

What are you guys doing?

Or are you fighting secretly somewhere else without him?

Looking up at the surroundings, Garou didn't see any exaggerated vibrations or phenomena in the city.


The wound still hurts a little. Although he doesn't know why the wound healed on its own, he doesn't bother to care about those things.

No matter how he heals, as long as it doesn't hinder him, it doesn't matter.

Now the only thing Garou wants is

to quickly get a servant to fight him!

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