Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 404 404 War is about to begin!

Chapter 404 404. War is about to break out!

"what happened?"

"A ship fell from the sky!!"

"Please don't panic!"

The ship falling from the sky shocked people throughout the city.

"Mr. Kyogoku! Are you okay?"

Xiaolan looked at Kyogoku who jumped out with someone on his back and shouted.


Carrying Sonoko on his back and not caring about anything else, Kyogoku really looked at the chaotic surroundings.

Fortunately, the boat landed in the middle of the hotel and did not affect the residence.

I just don’t know if anyone else was affected by that trajectory.

"what happened?"

Yuanzi was so frightened that her soul almost flew away.

She watched helplessly as the ship flew over from a distance.

If Kyogoku hadn't really carried him away, she probably wouldn't have been able to react for a long time.

"Let's go quickly. The hotel just received a notification from the police. It seems that pirates are coming here."

Mouri Kogoro stood at the top of the stairs, looking at several people and shouted.


Xiaolan exclaimed, unable to imagine such a thing.

In the past, it was okay to just encounter murders, but now we also encounter pirates attacking the city?

Do these people have such courage?

"Shinichi and Conan don't know where they are either."

Then she remembered that the two people who were usually with her were missing. Xiaolan quickly took out her mobile phone and made a call.


"What on earth is this commotion about?"

Cohen looked at Belmode who was returning, and then asked.

"I heard that a large number of pirates are coming here to snatch the Cyan Blue Fist."

"That seems to be a pioneer."

Pointing to the boat that landed in the middle of the hotel in the distance, Belmod slowly explained.

"Are you kidding? That ship flew down from the sky!"

Chianti couldn't stand Belmode's understatement at all. She didn't think it was a simple matter.

"Yeah, what on earth do we have to do to make such a big ship fall off?"

Compared to Chianti's somewhat unacceptable look, Belmod also squinted his eyes and looked over there.

You must know that this is not as simple as lifting it up with an airplane.

The size of that big ship is no longer something that a single politician or entrepreneur can maneuver.

"no doubt."

"This is."

"Terrorist attacks"

"Oh, Gin, you're awake."

Before they finished speaking, the sound of difficulty coming from behind made the three of them look over.

I saw that Gin had his chin bandaged and a lot of teeth in his mouth were missing. He was standing there awkwardly even when he spoke.

"While I was resting, you probably didn't learn anything, right?"

Every time he opened his mouth, his jaw ached, and it seemed difficult to speak, but his cold attitude remained the same.

"I know who the mouse is, but it's not convenient to find him now."

"Stop coming"

Looking straight at Belmode, Gin would not believe her lies.

If he really wanted to kill people, Belmode would not say "inconvenient".

"Humph, no matter what, they are just a group of pirates."

"They can't accomplish anything big."

"Hurry up and kill that rat and leave immediately."

Ginjiu didn't pay attention at all to that horrific terrorist attack.

With the size of their black organization, if they really wanted to do it, they could achieve an even more exaggerated scale than this.

His cold look surprised Belmode.

He never mentioned who he and Vodka were injured by.

(What kind of scene did you see? Gin?)

There must be something unexplainable, otherwise Gin would not have remained silent.

Whenever someone provokes him, this guy will definitely come to kill him.

This kind of "forbearance" attitude is not in line with Gin's style of conduct.

But if Ginjiu didn't say it, she couldn't know the content.

He could also detect Belmode's observing gaze, and Gin knew what she was thinking.


But is that something that can be said?

Recalling the young man with a very arrogant attitude, this was the first time he had encountered such a "master".

When Vodka was hit against the wall, even though he quickly pulled out his gun, he was punched in the chin before he could aim at the opponent, and he fell into unconsciousness.

He didn't even see how the opponent punched.

The memory is fixed on that face.

Revenge is something that needs to be done, but it is absolutely impossible to let people like Bermode and Cohen know about it.

He Gin remembered that guy's face.

He is indeed a very powerful guy, but no matter how powerful he is, he can't withstand bullets.

Sooner or later he will tell the other person what "the times have changed" means.



Da Qiao stood at the door of the hotel, his expression serious.

How dare pirates attack this city so openly?

"No, there should be a follower mixed in."

"Otherwise the ship wouldn't have been able to fly down from the sky."

He also saw the big ship smashing into the city like a cannonball.

Such an abnormal phenomenon is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"But he's still alive"

Some time has passed, but Kenjiro has not yet woken up, and Da Qiao does not dare to leave here easily.

The police had already begun to evacuate the crowd. Looking at the people leaving on the street, he returned to the hotel and planned to find a place to hide with Kenjiro first.

As the master and servant, they cannot leave the city yet

"But if everyone is evacuated, we can fight freely."

The arrival of the pirates is also a good thing.

When the battle begins, we won't have to worry about so many things.

Even if the city is destroyed, we can explain it as a "terrorist attack".



"Hey, kid, go this way."

Ignoring the people leaving the street, Yagami shouted to Taichi.

Taichi did not hesitate, but followed him directly.

"Servants must have intervened in this incident."

"Don't stay too far away from me."

Turning his head to look at Taichi who was following behind, Yagami spoke rarely.

He didn't ask the kid to leave because he knew it would be useless to say anything.

What's more, it would be safer to follow him.

This so-called "flying ship" is obviously not an ordinary "terrorist attack".

"Over at the hotel."

Taichi looked up at the place where the ship fell, and he didn't mean to leave alone.

For such a thing, he didn't think there was anything to be afraid of.


"Will everyone come over now?"

"I've made such a grand appearance."

"At least you have to give me some face, Sea King Kamui."

Looking at the two parties who were just confronting each other, Kamui said with a smile.

"So, who is my opponent?"

"You? Or you? Otherwise, two against one is fine."

"Hey, you're so bold, you two need to fight me together."

"Humph, that's my line."

Under Kamui's instigation, Yusuke and Garou were a little uncomfortable.

Just kidding, they won't join forces with others, it's better for others to join forces to fight themselves.


Although Kamui's master "Ania" is there, it's not safe to be honest.

After all, Kamui doesn't look like the type who will obey.

"I know!"

Running to the side, Xiaoxin raised his right hand and shouted.

"Come out!"

"Ninja Superman!!"

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