Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 408 408 Madness (EX)!

Chapter 408 408. Frenzy (EX)!

The 1,218-style Yatagarasu!

That was the move that Iori Yagami used to kill him.

But I don’t know whether it was because he was lucky or because Iori Yagami avoided the fatal injury, Garou did not die.

Garou, who woke up again, has memorized the opponent’s martial arts moves.

He can even reproduce them to a certain extent.

It’s just that the inexplicable "aeration" he has not yet grasped the essence.

From observation, it should be some kind of "qi" utilization.

Now I am still too immature and have not figured it out. I may not be qualified to replicate the opponent’s powerful three claws.

But if it’s just one time, Garou is still confident that he can do it.

“One time is enough!”

While jumping in the air and observing the floor below, Garou said in a deep voice.

Such an interesting battle, he doesn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.

What’s more, it’s more fun to fight in a spacious place.

This building is a bit too much of a hindrance.

"Oh oh!!"

"Something is coming!"

The vigorous momentum made Yusuke alert.

The next attack that Garou will perform is definitely not so easy to ignore.


(No need for magic to fight)

Thinking back to Iori Yagami's words of "I hate iron for not being able to make steel", Garou also felt that he was a bit too stupid.

Using this kind of power will also make him stronger with only fists.

Or I have too little experience and am ignorant.

The magic power is contained in the fingers. This is the manipulation method learned from Yusuke before, and it comes in handy at this moment.


The black claw attack appeared out of thin air as Garou waved his hand.

And then it rushed down like that.


Realizing that this is a cutting skill, Yusuke did not think of blocking it hard, but dodged to the side.


The black claw attack disintegrated the entire building just like cutting tiles.


“The seventh door is open!”

The blue flame wrapped around him, and Might Guy made the air explode with just a move.


There was no extra nonsense, and the speed of the surge made Kamui's eyes widen.



This time, he was a little slow to react, and when he wanted to dodge or block, he was hit by Might Guy.

“Oh oh oh!”

“Bang bang bang bang!!!”

Fists kept falling on his body, and every blow made his body scream.

I will die

It is no longer as simple as pain, but a more intuitive sense of death.

Kamui tried to turn over and struggle, but unexpectedly, Might Guy did not give him such a chance.

The figure in front of him, the pale eyes looked so scary.

“Daytime Tiger!”

The punch was aimed at making him completely lose the power to resist.

The air vibrated, forming a powerful shock wave, and the body that turned into a tiger head completely engulfed Kamui, and at the same time bombarded the restaurant that was only half of the back.


As if it had been agreed in advance, the two buildings on the left and right collapsed under the erosion of the white tiger and the black claws, and they no longer had their previous glory.



Standing in the distance, Da Qiao could see the collapse of the hotel where the hull should have fallen.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of battle had happened there.

It was obvious that there were servants fighting.

The noise was too loud and could not be covered up at all.

"I don't know if the people there have evacuated safely."

A group of pirates fell around, and Da Qiao was a little worried.

Although it had been a while since such a fierce fight had started, according to the previous arrangement of the police, the people in the city should have been evacuated.

But maybe there would still be people who didn't have time to take refuge.

I dare not imagine how many people would be affected if a fight of that scale broke out in such a densely populated city.

The invasion of these pirates gave a good opportunity.



Hearing the movement behind him, Da Qiao turned around in surprise, and then saw Kenjiro, who was a little stiff, walking out of the hotel.

"Are you okay now?!"

Can feel the strong breath of life on the other person, Da Qiao spoke.

But he soon found that Kenjiro's expression was quite solemn, as if something serious had happened.

"The Noble Phantasm has been unlocked."


I didn't quite understand what Kenjiro said, but his difficult voice foreshadowed trouble.


There was no time to explain too much, Kenjiro could only say this to Da Qiao.

"Frenzy? Is it the one you mentioned before?!"

Hearing this, Da Qiao reacted and knew what Kenjiro was referring to.

Frenzy (EX).

That is the "Noble Phantasm" given to Berserker, and all the servants of this generation have it.

Although it can only be used once, it will free itself from its limitations and unleash all its potential.

But the problem is that Kenjiro said that this "Noble Phantasm" cannot be used actively.

It can only be used under certain conditions.

"Does that mean someone has used it?"

The expression was quite bad, and Da Qiao thought that something terrible might have happened there.


"It's just that the conditions for using the berserk mode have been unlocked."

"Someone has fulfilled the request"

Walking with his feet, Da Qiao supported him and heard the answer.


Frowning, Da Qiao also realized that it was not simple.

Could this "Frenzy (EX)" have a hidden secret?

But what Kenjiro said next also made him understand.

"As long as one person unlocks it, the other servants can use it."




Falling on the ground, taking a breath, Kai originally tried to find the trace of Kamui, but suddenly sensed a bad breath.

Turning his head suddenly, a terrifying force burst out from not far away.

What kind of creepy thing is that?

At least even with the seven gates open, Might Guy can feel the chill that penetrates into his bones.

Tailed beast?


Far beyond that level!

White light swept from the ground to the sky, as if responding to the black claw attack just now.


"What is this?!"

There was no time to react. Garou and Yusuke, who were falling from above, only touched the edge. They were immediately hit by the unreasonable wave and fell into a near-death state and lost consciousness.



A shocking scene appeared as the body fell to the ground.


It was clearly late at night, but everyone witnessed that the invisible wave from outside the earth illuminated the sky.


It was like welcoming the day.

It was impossible to understand what happened.

And somewhere, someone was still in shock.

"Damn it!"

Covering his arm, Touma sweated.

The "power" that slipped out of his right hand and counterattacked almost destroyed the planet.

Fortunately, the direction was outside the earth.

If this shot hit the ground, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just now, in order to help Anya and Xiaoxin escape, he threw the two out, but his right hand was cut off by the black claw, causing something to slip out.

That is the mysterious power that has been hidden inside Touma and cannot be seen.

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