Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 411 411 Who are you? !

Chapter 411 411. Who are you? !

"Oh yeah"

"We meet again."

"However, we didn't actually fight last time, but this time we should have a chance."

Seeing Iori Yagami coming out, Kamui suddenly became interested.

When he was fighting with Might Guy in the store building, Yagami only intervened in the middle and then there was no follow-up.

So Kamui never fought with him at all.

But now he met him again here, he really felt it was too coincidental and too happy.

What's the saying?

Beginning and end?

After fighting with Might Guy, he immediately met Iori Yagami, which was really the luckiest thing for Kamui.

Especially now that his strength is fully released

He was worried about not finding a suitable opponent to fight.

"With a child?"

"It's better to keep him away as far as possible."

"Hmph, a guy like you can also give advice?"

"Well, after all, I won't kill women and children in principle. But if it hinders me, I can't care so much."

Yagami looked at the rising momentum of Kamui, and then glanced at Taichi.

He felt a terrifying sense of oppression from the guy in front of him, which was obviously not on the same level as before.

If an opponent of this scale really fights, it is really difficult for him to consider Taichi's safety.

After all, not to mention the shock and impact, just the residual power that spreads out may cause ordinary people to be injured or killed.


After looking at Yagami, Taichi nodded and retreated not far away.

He didn't intend to leave completely.

Just like when Agumon fought with other Digimon in the past, he would not run away no matter what.

"What a courageous child."

"Dare to stay after witnessing the destructive power just now?"

"Earthlings are really interesting."

Admiring the other party's courage more and more, Kamui narrowed his eyes and said.


"You make it seem like I'm an alien."

"No, you misunderstood."

Yagami was slightly startled, but in an instant he sensed a sense of crisis.



The sudden elbow hit his body hard and sent him flying.



"It's not like."

"But to earthlings, I'm really an alien."

Looking at Yagami who was blasted into the pool in the distance, Kamui said seriously.

"Mr. Yagami!"

Witnessing the amazing scene, Taichi hadn't reacted yet.

He couldn't see it at all.

He didn't even know when Kamui made his move.

He only knew that after he came to his senses in the blink of an eye, the pool in the distance splashed high waves.


"The ninja disappointed me a little."

"But... fighters shouldn't be, right?"

The pool exploded, and the water splashed around. Kamui saw the figure standing up with blood on the corner of his mouth.

"I see. Is that your power after releasing the Noble Phantasm?"

Feeling his almost broken right hand, Yagami said in a deep voice.

Just now, he finally reacted and barely blocked the elbow with his hand, but the strange power contained in it is not so easy to resist.

If he was really hit in the chest, he would probably fall to the ground at this moment and his life would be in danger.

Frenzy (EX).

Perhaps this Noble Phantasm is more dangerous than he expected

He had paid attention to it before, but because he could not test it, Yagami did not know how it performed specifically.

But the strength reflected by Kamui is probably far beyond imagination.

It has already shown a height that humans can never reach.

"Say, do you choose to fall to the ground like that ninja or release the Noble Phantasm to fight me?"

Clenching his fist, Kamui asked politely.


Hearing Kamui's words, Yagami did not answer but remained silent.

Release of potential

So which one is he?

Is he Iori Yagami as a fighter?

Or is he a descendant with the blood of Orochi?

Or both?

But no matter which one it is, there seems to be not much choice in front of him.

Judging from the fight just now, he can be said to be completely defeated.

"Then let's try it."

"What will happen to my berserk (EX)?"

After speaking, his eyes widened, and then a surging magic power burst out.

The eyeballs dissipated, leaving only a trace of white

"Oh oh oh oh!!!!"

A chilling sound was made, and the fierce momentum shook.

"Oh oh. This is really scary!"

Raising his hand and looking forward, Kamui became more and more excited.

The nearby rubble was rolled up, and Might Guy who fell to the ground and Taichi who was not far away were blown away.

"Mr. Yagami!!"



"Where is this?"

The surroundings were all white, and Garou felt dizzy.

He opened his eyes to a strange environment, and frowned.

Things that he had done in the past began to appear in front of him.

He shook his head, and after a while Garou roughly understood the current situation.

When he was fighting with Urameshi Yusuke before, he was hit by a mysterious wave, which made him halfway through the underworld.

When he thought of that situation, he felt confused.

Who is behind this?

I finally met a guy who was fun to fight with, and now I'm in a revolving door.

"But if I'm still conscious, it means I still have a chance."

Without stopping for the clip in front of him, Garou cares more about what happens after he wakes up.

Although he doesn't know which guy launched the attack, just touching him has that kind of power.

"Humph, as long as I don't get hit, it's fine."

With inexplicable confidence, Garou learned a lesson from this time.

Next time, he will never let that thing touch him.

No matter how powerful the attack is, it's meaningless if it doesn't hit.

This is how he understands it.


Garou slapped his face with both hands, trying to wake himself up from his "sleep".


"That bald guy."

An incredible scene flashed before his eyes, and Garou became suspicious.

He was easily knocked down by a bald guy, and then inexplicably lost his memory.

"Wasn't I knocked down by King?"

Realizing the before and after of the coma, he murmured.


"It seems that you are determined to do that."

"I want my disciple to return to the right path."

"Alas, no matter what, I can't just leave him alone."

"I'm old now, and if this old bone can do something, I'm going to try it."

Gradually, strange scenes appeared, and Garou began to feel unhappy.


"Old man."

"Mind your own business!"

His lips moved, and he clenched his teeth for a while.


As if a taut string broke, Garou found that the surrounding environment had changed.

The destroyed ground appeared in his field of vision.

He himself was standing, all black, as if he was wearing armor, and he could hardly be seen as a human.

Next to him was a man with a naked upper body, strange patterns on his body, and unusually long hair.

The two looked at each other, and then asked the same question in unison.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

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