Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 419 419 Fist of the North Star Eight Gates Ripple Breathing! The Ultimate Fist!

Chapter 419 419. Fist of the North Star Eight Gates Ripple Breathing! Ultimate Fist!

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

"Oh Oh!!"

The two men's fists collided and collided directly caused an unimaginable impact.

Even though they were at a distance, Shinnosuke and Aniya found themselves flying.

"It's too dangerous, it's better to stay away!"

Kyogoku Makoto grabbed the two children and held them in his arms, then shouted to the others.


Ignoring his painful arms, Da Qiao also felt that it would be much safer to do so.


Shinnosuke did not feel any sense of embarrassment and began to shout and command.

"Tsunayoshi, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I always feel light"

"After all, your head is still burning."


"What is this?!"

A group of people began to move away from the center of the battlefield. During this period, Tsunayoshi had not noticed his abnormality, and it was only when others reminded him that he found that his forehead was on fire.

But the incredible thing was that he did not feel burning or dangerous.

"Your Servant can't even knock down a helicopter, can it?"

"Is it really okay to leave it there?"

L turned his head and looked at Kaito who had followed alone and asked.

"Hey, Kamijou, he must have his own ideas."

"And you can't generalize servants and humans."

"You saw the impact just now, he blocked it with one hand."

Kaito knew that Touma wanted to witness the fight between the two and stop Garou's energy attack at the same time.

After all, the shock wave that Touma seemed to have easily blocked just now was enough to shatter the earth and hit the other side of the continent.

If left alone, it would cause big trouble.

"Mr. Joestar, is Mr. Kenjiro really okay?"

Holding two children, Kyogoku Makoto looked at the injured Joestar and asked.

The other party didn't look like an ordinary person at all. Just standing and facing such an opponent was a kind of chilling horror.

Kyogoku Makoto had also fought animals such as bears or tigers, but he had never fought such a strong "bull".

"Ken, there will be no problem."

"After all."

"He has become stronger than before."

Hearing this, Da Qiao responded with a confident tone.

That's right.

When Kenshiro fought with Might Guy, he still needed to press acupoints to force open the sixth gate, but now that he has recovered, he can open the gate by himself.

Therefore, Da Qiao believes in the man who is as strong as herself.

(I am still too immature. If I had used ripples to build defense for that attack just now, my hand would not have been injured so seriously.)

Thinking back to the right hand that was injured by Garou, Da Qiao was also reflecting on his own shortcomings.

Compared to the defense built by Kenshiro using fighting spirit, he is still a little inexperienced.

With the ripple power now stimulated, he can do many incredible things. He cannot be bound by past thinking and knowledge.


"Bang bang bang bang!!!!"

The consecutive fists touched each other, and Kenshiro and Garou fully demonstrated what it means to break the earth with fists.

The vibrations generated by the collision of fists alone can easily cause the ground to collapse and tear.

If a building far away is touched, it will collapse or have a gap.

In the embellishment of firelight and night, huge wind pressure swept around, making it impossible to approach.


Pulling away, Kenshiro felt his numb fist and felt very heavy.

Fist of the North Star + Eight Gates + Wave Ripple

He still didn't get the upper hand even with the three styles.

It's better to say that if there is no blessing of Eight Gates + Wave Ripple, he can't hold on here for even a second.

The Dou Qi bonus brought by the Fist of the North Star alone is difficult to resist the powerful force of Garou.

Only the combination of Eight Gates, Wave Ripple and Dou Qi can make him fight Garou.

(The sixth gate is still not enough)

Even though he has surpassed the past and reached an unimaginable realm, he is still defeated.

The enemy in front of him is undoubtedly the strongest person Kenshiro has ever met.

"But. Fist of the North Star is invincible!"

"I won't lose again!"

Kenjiro said in a deep voice, still believing in the inherited tenet of Fist of the North Star.

"Oh oh oh!"

He tapped his abdomen with his hand, and the deep fingertips showed his seriousness.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

The veins were exposed, the muscles were bulging, and Kenjiro was glowing white.

Eight Gates of Dunjia!

The seventh gate. The Gate of Shock!



There has never been a technique so suitable for Fist of the North Star.

The combination of Eight Gates of Dunjia and Fist of the North Star is like giving wings to a tiger.

Before, even opening the sixth gate required too much load, but now he can open the seventh gate directly with the help of acupuncture.

Squeezing the physical strength of his body, Kenjiro roared.


"What an amazing momentum."

Not far away, Touma stretched out his hand to block the front, feeling the wind pressure that almost blew him away and exclaimed.

Is this the power that can be achieved through martial arts?

Not a superpower nor a magician.

But a pure fighter!

I dare not think about fighting against such a person. How many seconds can he last.

If he exceeds his reaction limit a little, he might fall down with one punch.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

White waves of fighting spirit wrapped around his body, Kenshiro's eyes were filled with red light, and his skin was also red.


Garou's huge body rushed towards Kenshiro despite the shock.

"Hey!! Ah Da!"

The strength and speed were greatly improved compared to before, and Kenshiro gritted his teeth and didn't care about the pain coming from his body.

It seems that he can't hold on for long, but this time is enough!


It was no longer the shallow fist marks that only caused "bumps" before, but it directly penetrated the arm that Garou punched.


The two huge arms on the left exploded and broke at the elbow, as if they had suffered a fierce impact.

"Ah Da Da Da Da Da!!!!"

It was not the "Daytime Tiger" punch that Might Guy swung.

It was the ultimate fist created by combining the Fist of the North Star, waves, and the Eight Gates!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!!"

The sound of the air exploding could be heard, and even the clouds in the night sky were blown away by the impact.

In Touma's vision, he saw the whole body of the "devil" approaching was shriveled up by the blow.

"Ah Da!!"


With the heavy punch that hit his chest, a huge hole exploded in the belly of the wolf.

His body was blown away by the impact, and he flew through several streets and flew out of the city and fell into the sea.

The huge waves and the divided sea area showed the terrible destructive power of his remaining power.

"Ha Hu."

The eyeballs were no longer visible, only the whites of the eyes remained. Kenjiro half-knelt on the ground to adjust his breathing and ease the backlash caused by the violent punch.

Touma looked at the gully that was blasted into a "highway" in the city and murmured in a low voice.

"Did you win?"

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