Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 421 421 This courage! Passed!

Chapter 421 421. This courage! Passed!




His fist was on his cheek and his claws were deep in his chest.

Yusuke, Yagami, and Kamui formed an unprecedented melee.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Hey, have you completely lost consciousness?"

"It's so boring."

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Yusuke looked at the howling Yagami and commented.

That kind of aggressive attitude with no defense at all was so easy to defeat that he actually didn't really want to fight Yagami in this state.

"Really? I think it's not bad."

After looking at the wound on his chest, Shenwei reached out and touched it. An astonishing amount of blood flowed from the area where his claws had penetrated, but even so, he didn't care.

"Hey, after all, you are also a guy who relies on instinct to fight."

"But compared to this random fighting style, he is stronger because of his experience as a fighter and his martial arts."

Moving his arms, Yusuke thought of Yagami back then and couldn't help but feel pity.

The current Yagami has improved his physical strength, but has lost the essence and experience of martial arts, which makes it easier for him to deal with.

In front of Yusuke, who also has a huge change in "statistics", it is not an exaggeration to say that the current Yagami is "weaker".



Yusuke stepped back to avoid the jumping attack, and then reached out to grab the opponent's wrist.


The two then continued to wrestle on the spot, not caring about the collapsing ground.

"You can't exclude me from such fun things."

Without any intention of watching the fight, Kamui immediately rushed forward and punched both of them in the face with both fists.



After suffering a heavy blow, both Yagami and Yusuke flew to the other side.

But both of them rolled in the air and landed on the ground easily.

"Your fists are still the same, with no strength at all."

"No, you are obviously injured."

"Injured? This kind of wound is just like being bitten by a mosquito."

"Then I'll let you get bitten more by mosquitoes next time."

The heated exchange also showed the two people's mutual dissatisfaction with each other.

Each other's strength has improved unexpectedly after the lockdown was lifted.

Not only the magic power, but also the physical fitness, that is, the attack and defense aspects have undergone very tough numerical changes.

As a result, many times, the body is able to withstand injuries that it was previously unable to withstand.

But compared to Yagami who frequently used his claws to cut the ground into pieces, things like fists lacked a lot of threats.

It's a pity that Yagami's current attack mode is so monotonous that Yusuke always feels that it's a bit uninteresting.

If this guy hadn't lost his mind, he might have been able to have a hearty battle.


When my ears moved, I clearly heard a slight running sound not far away.

Yusuke and Kamui turned to see the small figure approaching across various obstacles and uneven ground.


"It seems that his master is here."


He turned around to avoid the claw attack, and the residual power directly cut several deep ravines in the ground behind him.

"If possible, I hope he can stay out of the way."

Picking up a stone and flicking it towards Taiyi's leg, Kamui spoke.

He planned to immobilize the opponent's legs to avoid disturbing the situation.


But Yusuke stretched out his hand to catch the pebble that was thrown out.


Kamui tilted his head and looked at him incomprehensively, but Yusuke just grinned, then ducked close to Iori and punched him hard in the abdomen.



Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent was stiffened by the blow, he swept his legs with his lower body and kicked him to the ground.

"Mr. Yagami!!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

But what Yusuke didn't expect was that when Yagami fell to the ground, he put his hands directly on the ground and stood up with a spin.


Immediately afterwards, a violent momentum erupted and drove away those who were close.


When Tai saw that he was about to be blown away again, he immediately lay on the ground and grabbed the rough and upturned earth peak.

"I'd say there's more to his power than that."

"Sure enough, it's still interesting to regain your sanity."

That momentum already made Yusuke ready to move.

There is no doubt that only a guy of this level can completely make him enjoy himself.

"Really? My opinion is different from yours."

"Hey, I really can't get along with you."

Hearing Kamui's retort, Yusuke just chuckled.

He knew that Kamui had never seen the normal battle of Yagami, otherwise he would not have made such a judgment.

"Mr. Yagami!!"

When the shaking stopped, the two of them saw the panting figure running towards them again.

Because of the bumps and bruises, there were wounds all over his body. He looked very embarrassed, but he was still approaching.

"What a brave boy."

"Unfortunately, he will die."

Shenwei didn't stop him, thinking that a very bloody scene would happen next.

In Yagami's current state, that child would definitely be torn apart by hands.


"I won't let that happen."

But Yusuke wanted to stop him, so he was about to take action, but Kamui had already stopped him in front of him.

"Although the Master is dead, the Servant will soon leave the scene, but before disappearing, it should burst out with stronger power, right?"

"It's too meaningless to let you block it like that."

"Get out of here!"

The voice became cold, and Yusuke's expression at this moment was extremely scary.

"I won't let you."



"Cough cough!!"

Facing the blocking Kamui, Yusuke punched him in the face at a very fast speed.

The overly fierce blow almost made him faint.



The body rubbed against the ground and slid out, just like a hoe.

"It's bad!"

Just after dealing with Kamui, Yusuke's expression changed.

As Kamui thought, seeing Taichi approaching, Yagami just showed a very scary expression, and then grabbed his neck and lifted him up.


The painful expression was revealed, and the feeling of suffocation and death was approaching, but Taichi still did not give up.

"Please, wake up!"

"Mr. Yagami now is not Mr. Yagami Iori in the past!"

"Although he looks powerful, he is not as good as you in the past!"

Yusuke was about to rush over, but saw Taichi raising his right hand and shouting.

"Command. Spell. Command!"

"Recover to normal Mr. Yagami!!!"

If it weren't for the use of a Command Spell, Yusuke could clearly see that the red marks on Taichi's right hand had all disappeared.

"This is..."

Blinking and watching the clenched hand gradually loosen, Yusuke was stunned.


Falling to the ground and breathing heavily, the blood on his neck made Taichi feel uncomfortable, but the next moment he heard a familiar voice.

The terrifying momentum was still alive, but the cold and critical words concealed a softness that others could not detect.

"You are a little too reckless"

"But. As a master, this courage to face the snake in close range and not turn back..."


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