Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 425 425 Fist to the face!

Chapter 425 425. Fist in the face!

What kind of landscape is that?


People felt it was too flashy and flashy.

But if it was a projection or hallucination, they really saw the smashed buildings and streets.

"I didn't drink either?"

Wiping his eyes, Mouri Kogoro opened his eyelids and looked at the scenery outside the window and murmured.

Although it was night, the golden dragon and red dragon that flashed just now were not fake.

Rather, it was too cool and scary.

Almost all the big cities in Nuovo are about to be wiped out.

Now looking from a distance, there are only a few high-rise buildings standing in ruins, and the streets have long been destroyed.

I can’t even imagine how many people would have been injured or killed if the evacuation order had not been issued.

"What exactly is that?"

"Is it possible that a god has appeared?!"

Compared to Xiaolan's doubts, Yuanzi lay beside the car window and became excited.


"That is undoubtedly a dragon!!"

"I've only seen special effects like that in movies!!"

"Maybe so-called superpowers and magic exist?!!"

It could be said that her eyes were shining, and Xiaolan even suspected that she had forgotten what happened to Kyogoku.

"Speaking of which, this kid didn't respond for a long time. Was he scared?"

Compared to Sonoko who was excited, Conan was much quieter.

It would be better to say that through his previous partnership with Kaitou Kidd, he knew a lot of inside information.

If that was really the power displayed by the Servants, then perhaps the confrontation between that group of people was more exaggerated than he expected.

Just look at this city

There is no doubt that after one night, it will be razed to the ground.

It can only be said that this is indeed enough to cleanse one's outlook and knowledge.



Lying on the ground with Xiaoxin in his arms, Taiyi tried to get up after he found that the terrible impact had stopped.

"It seems it's okay."

But he discovered that Kyogoku was really protecting him and Xiaoxin at some point.

No wonder they were clearly at the center of the battle, but somehow they were not affected at all.

It turned out that Kyogoku really withstood the flying gravel and impact.

Recalling his experience just now, he felt that these people were really powerful.

Especially the man with the thick eyebrows suppressed his opponent throughout the whole process, leaving him no room to fight back.

In the end, he kicked out the unforgettable red dragon.

"Where are you going?!"

Seeing Xiaoxin free himself, Taichi and Kyogoku shouted to him.


As if he knew something, Xiaoxin ran in a hurry.

Looking at his back, the two of them also chased after him.

Then he and Kyogoku saw a figure lying on the ground, covered in charred black.


"Mr. Kai!!!"

Recognizing who it was, Xiaoxin sat next to his head and shouted, while Kyogoku was shocked.


As if he had responded to Shin-chan and Kyogoku's calls, the slightly moving fingers looked so conspicuous.

But even so, no words could be said.


He never expected that it would become like this, and Xiaoxin could feel the gradually disappearing connection.

"do not Cry!"

"He's already won."

After hearing this, Xiaoxin then saw Taiyi picking up a dragon ball in the distance and walking over.

Seeing Taichi hand over the dragon ball, Shin-chan and Kyogoku were stunned.

There is no regret in a man's youth!

Holding the dragon ball in his hand, Xiaoxin seemed to feel the will conveyed, and then became strong.

Although it is only a brief moment, that moment is eternal!

Next to him, Kyogoku Makoto understood the ultimate outcome of pursuing martial arts.

This "moment" of blooming is also what he longs for!


Seeing Xiaoxin who didn't continue to cry, Metkai's black face moved slightly, as if he was trying to force out a smile.

But the skin that had been reduced to ashes looked extremely difficult.

"Uncle with thick eyebrows!! I will never forget you!!!"

After wiping his tears, Xiaoxin imitated Metkai's usual movements and said seriously.

And at this moment, Taiyi could also feel the other person's admiration-like response.


As a gust of wind roared by, his body dissipated on the spot, leaving only a dirty forehead protector.

Picking up the thing, Xiaoxin put it into his pocket very preciously.

Taiyi looked at his patient expression and looked at him differently.

She is obviously younger than him, but her heart is stronger than imagined.


Then Taiyi turned his head and looked into the distant sky, where there was lightning and thunder.

The battle between Yusuke and Yagami continues!


"What's wrong, Anya?"

"Kamui. Lost."

Tsuna, Da Qiao and others just ran across the broken bridge and asked, looking at Aniya who looked obviously wrong.

"Kamui? Your servant?"


Da Qiao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then became a little concerned.

Tsuna thought of Aniya and Kamui's situation, but then he was not as relaxed as he imagined.


Can't say.

"Obviously the relationship between him and Aniya is not very good, but Aniya feels it is a pity."

Looking at Tsunayoshi, Daqiao, L, and Kaito around them, he also thought of Shin-chan, Kyogoku Makoto, and others.

She always felt that if Kamui wasn't so paranoid, he might not have fallen to this level.

Maybe his strength is not the strongest, but with Aniya here, he actually has the most convenient support.

If masters and slaves work together, the power they can exert in war is beyond imagination.


Neither of them had any cooperation. Even when he was attacked by Ye Kai, Kamui had no extravagant hope or hope for the Master's rescue.

Rather, he was so lonely that no one came to save him.

Ania looked at the three command spells on the back of her hand and felt a little heavy.

Obviously everyone can get along with each other.

(If you dare to hinder me, I will take action even if it is a woman or a child)

Think about it now.

Communication is indeed a very important thing.

"Shenwei is also a..."



"Have a drink."

Kenjiro squatted on the ground, frowning as he felt the life force rapidly dissipating from his body.

The Eight Gate Dunjia is indeed a unique skill that can allow humans to break their limits.

But the cost is also quite tragic.

Even the strong Kenjiro cannot ignore the consumption of the first seven doors.

The Eight Gates once entered the realm of "death".


Using ripples to suppress the weakening vitality, the blood in his body almost evaporated and dissipated.

This kind of serious "injury" is enough to kill someone.

Eight Doors Dunjia, Ripple Breathing.

Maybe the encounter in this war was not accidental.


Hearing the strange sound, Kenjiro then looked at the tunnel-like ground in front of him.

There was a deformed figure standing faintly, moving towards him at a very slow pace.



Only the head remained in the shell, and even a hand was missing. There was a huge hole in the chest, but even so, he was still approaching.

"Oh, I haven't lost yet!"

"I can change the world"

"Evil will win this time!!"

"You...are finished!"


Talking intermittently, Hungry Wolf's amazing obsession continued until the end of his life.


But before Kenjiro could get up, the figure approaching from the side had already attracted their attention.

In Hungry Wolf's field of vision, the figure wielding a fist was no stranger to him.

It's that irritating hedgehog-headed man



With no energy left to dodge, the demonic head shell was shattered by a punch, revealing the confused look of a hungry wolf.

The fist of his right hand also hit his face firmly.


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