Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 430 430 Afterwards!

Chapter 430 430. Afterwards!

"Next, I will report to you about the terrorist attack in Singapore a few days ago."

"According to the information released by the police, there were no large-scale casualties this time because of the timely evacuation."

"But there are suspected to be several missing persons."

Grayhara silently watched the news reported on TV, and then turned his head to look at Conan who was absent-minded.

Since returning to Japan, this guy has been unusually silent.

She didn't know what happened there.

From the information revealed by the police, it was only claimed that the city was destroyed by a pirate attack.

But from the exaggerated traces and the pictures and videos taken and sent by people, she didn't think the pirates had that kind of ability.

A huge dragon hovered in the city.

The eye-catching title was hung on the discussion webpage.

"Beep beep beep!!!"


Conan's mobile phone rang, he glanced at the caller and then answered the call.

"It's me."

The voice of Akai Shuichi came from the other side.

"According to the clues you provided, we investigated the victims. Except for Vodka, we caught him, but the situation of Gin and others is unknown."

Hearing that, Conan thought there was nothing unexpected. After all, with the cunning minds of those guys, it was impossible for them to die there.

It's just that Vodka's arrest is a good thing.

But Shuichi Akai's next words stunned him.

"But. Vermouth's body was still found."

"After many confirmations, it was her, and there was no possibility of disguise."

Silently, Conan always had a complicated feeling after hearing that news.

"It is not possible to rule out whether it was internally liquidated for the time being. After all, it is not the first time that Gin has done something similar."

"We will investigate this place more deeply next."

"Ah, thank you for your trouble, Mr. Akai."

After that, Shuichi Akai also hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at his thoughtful look, someone next to him asked him.


Without saying the doubt in his heart, Shuichi Akai knew that Conan might have concealed some information.

Looking up at the ruined city, he didn't think it was a simple terrorist attack.

That group of pirates couldn't possibly have such a capability

It's a pity. There's still no way to explain it.

What exactly is that huge dragon?

It can't be concealed at all. Everyone witnessed the dragon's shadow.

It was even uploaded to the Internet and became a "spectacular scene".

Filming a movie?

If it wasn't for the attack on Singapore, I'm afraid outsiders would only think so, right?

The abnormal phenomenon that happened that night was simply like a dream.

"I hope it's just some unrealistic delusion"


"Is Vermouth dead?"

After receiving this news, Huiyuan frowned and couldn't believe it.

That woman would die so easily?

Could it be fake?

Huiyuan had such an idea because she knew those people too well.

If it was really an "accident" that could kill her, she wouldn't have been so frightened for so long.

"Ah, Mr. Akai and the others have confirmed it many times."

"The face can be fake, but blood and fingerprint DNA can't be faked."

Talking about this, Conan was also in a complicated mood.

He couldn't say what he felt about Vermouth, but at least it wasn't as infuriating as Gin.

"Gin and the others don't know where they are going."

"Vodka was intercepted by Mr. Akai and others."

"Ah, is that so?"

Looking at the screen displayed on the computer, Huiyuan's fingers trembled slightly for a moment.

Although he didn't know the news about Gin, it was also an unprecedented "big victory".

In the past confrontations with the Black Organization, the other party had never suffered such a big loss, right?

There was always a sense of relief that the organization could be overthrown.

"So, what did you see?"

Lifting the hair by the ear with her hand, Huiyuan looked at Conan, who had obviously changed after returning and asked.

Putting the matter of the Black Organization aside for the time being, it seemed that something more concerning had happened, which made this energetic detective fall into the "mature" stage.

"You won't believe it even if I tell you."

"Oh? How about telling me? Maybe I will believe it?"

It was rare to see Conan sighing helplessly, and she became interested.

Maybe it had something to do with the photos provided by the other party before?

At that time, she received pictures sent by Conan in a frantic email.

Among them were several people she didn't know and dressed strangely.

After some investigation, she didn't get any good information.

It was like a group of people who appeared out of thin air.

But Conan's next sentence made her have a question mark on her head and a puzzled face.

"Do you believe in superpowers and magic?"


"Look, when I said this, you looked like you were looking at a fool."

"No, Shinichi, you can't blame Ai for this, right? Obviously the topic is wrong, is it some kind of cold joke?"

"Doctor, that's why I said, there is no point in explaining it. No one will believe it unless they see it on the spot."

Looking at the voices of Conan and Dr. Agasa communicating, Huiyuan immediately asked him.

"Do you want to say that Vermouth or Gin were killed by supernatural forces?"

"Maybe there is a possibility that those people can do it."

After saying that, Conan touched his chin and muttered after thinking seriously about the possibility of what Huiyuan said.

Without refuting, Huiyuan felt that there might be something wrong with his brain.

She reached out to touch his forehead, and her face was very close, and she didn't feel anything unusual, so she turned to wonder.

"You don't have a fever either?"

"I'm normal!"

"It's abnormal for you to say such a thing as if nothing happened."

"I think so, Shinichi."



"Sonoko, what's wrong?"

Ran looked at Sonoko who was lying listlessly on the desk and asked her.

"Ran! Listen to me!!"

But then Sonoko stood up and hugged her and complained loudly.

"Ah-Jin has been acting strange since he came back from Singapore."

"He would talk to me on the phone, but I never know why he went to the mountains to train."

"He kept talking about reaching the pinnacle of martial arts, but he always came back with wounds."

When it comes to this, Sonoko started to talk non-stop as if she had found an outlet.

"Ah, by the way, didn't Mr. Kyogoku send that email before?"

Listening helplessly, Xiaolan then moved on to another topic.

"Huh? Are you talking about the health-preserving method called ripple breathing that Ah-Jin left behind?"

"Sonoko didn't really read it."

"Is there any need to read it? It's just a cliché fraud!"

"You're so rude to Mr. Kyogoku. He clearly said that he learned the skills by visiting a great master."

"It seems so fake no matter how I look at it. He even said that it can resist aging. Is it really that magical?"


Seeing Sonoko's disbelief, Xiaolan could only smile awkwardly.

I don't know how to explain it to Sonoko, but she tried it anyway and it was incredible.

There are no obvious results yet, but maybe there will be some difference in time?

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