Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 435 The Strongest Man!

Chapter 435 435. The strongest man!


"Jojo, have you been taught a lesson again?"

"Stop talking, it doesn't matter if you get scolded by dad, but Grandma Alina is also there."

"You have no idea how terrible that is!"

When asked by his companion about his morning experience, Joseph Joestar's face was filled with confusion.

"Haha, there's nothing we can do about it."

"After all, Jojo, you are from a very orthodox aristocratic family. Your elders must have etiquette requirements. If you beat someone up in the street without saying anything, you will definitely be scolded."

"Fortunately, that stubborn old man is not here, otherwise I would have been dragged into the mountains to further my studies."

Er Qiao scratched his hair, shaking all over, very reluctantly.

"Haha, speaking of which, jojo, you seem to be very afraid of your grandpa."

"You have no idea how scary he is."

"Obviously he's getting older, but he's still walking as fast as he can. He doesn't look like an old man at all."

Er Qiao felt that it was hell when he thought about how he often tried to climb over the wall from home when he was a child, only to be caught back easily by the old man every time.

That's right

Er Qiao has been very naughty since he was very young. He couldn't stand the complicated etiquette and teachings at home, so he often sneaked out.

But this situation completely changed after Grandpa Jonathan came.

ten years

Do you know how he came here after ten years?

In his youthful years when others were having fun, he was struggling in the cycle of "escape→get arrested→escape→get arrested".

Father George and mother Elizabeth couldn't control him, but the old man could always catch him without any temper.

What's going on?

He had obviously used the energy that emitted electricity to escape.

But even so, it still can't compare to the tempered body of Grandpa Jonathan.

Over time, he got used to it.

Sometimes competing with grandpa is a kind of fun in life.

Er Qiao vowed to beat his grandfather one day.


"What's wrong?"

"I always feel like I'm being watched."

"Huh? Is there any?"

Suddenly his footsteps stopped, and Er Qiao looked back suspiciously. His friend asked him confused questions.

"No, it must be an illusion."

Withdrawing his gaze and shaking his head, Er Qiao didn't say much.

The shadow following behind revealed a pair of scarlet eyes.

"As expected. Your talent."


"Stop joking, you bastard. Do you think I can't recognize you because you have an inhuman face?"


"Tell me, what do you want to do? Otherwise, don't blame me for blowing your head with this electrified fist!"

Standing under a bridge, he beat up the vampire who was following him, and Er Qiao scolded him angrily.

Do you really think that the battle of wits and courage between him and his grandfather over the years was in vain?

Not to mention the so-called "ripples", just speaking of my own skills, I have already mastered them to the point where even my father, who is a soldier, is amazed.

"Hmph, do you really not even know what kind of power you are using?"

"It seems that Jonathan and the others haven't revealed anything to you at all."

Showing his fangs, Stray fell to the ground and sneered.


"That's Ripple Qigong. The power that your grandfather and mother can use."

"Your father was not able to inherit and practice it, but as Jonathan's grandson, you possess such precise ripples."

"It's so enviable."

Er Qiao frowned when he heard what the other party said.

(This is originally called ripple?)

(Wait, he said grandpa can do it too?!)

For the first time, he knew what kind of energy he was using to risk electricity, but then Er Qiao was shocked.

He wouldn't be surprised if his mother knew how to do it, but if his grandpa knew how to do it, he wouldn't be surprised.

Thinking back to the battle of wits and courage with that old man over the years

He didn't seem to have seen the other party use it at all?


I always feel that there is an unimaginable gap in some sense.

"Hmph, how long has it been since your mother, Elizabeth, has been out of contact?"

"What do you want to say?!"

Looking at Er Qiao who had a strange expression on his face, Strai said those words at the last moment when he was about to disappear.

"The Pillar Man has woken up."

"That's not an enemy that Ripple Warriors can easily defeat."


He wanted to ask something else, but the way the other party turned into ashes and disappeared made Er Qiao a little irritated.



"Those guys in Germany are really causing a lot of trouble."

"If there are other pillar men, I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve."

Caesar looked worried at the injured Elizabeth.

Recalling the pillar man named "Santana" who was liberated by the German army just now, Caesar looked quite solemn.

He and his teacher teamed up to defeat him completely.

But even so, they also got terrible news.

That means there is more than one pillar man.

"They are looking for the Red Stone of Ai Zhe."

Shaking her head, Elizabeth thought it was nothing after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Aizhe Red Stone is the safest place in the world."

"If they can't find it, maybe even if they find it, it won't help."

Elizabeth felt confident when she thought of the location.

"Could it be that one?"

Hearing this, Caesar seemed to have thought of something, and then he put down his hanging heart.

"Yes, at my father Jonathan's place."

"Caesar, you have visited him before, you should know what kind of ripple warrior he is."

When mentioning this, Caesar's memory emerged of the strong old man who was obviously old but still looked very energetic.

The other party could easily defeat him without using ripples.

Caesar had also learned from the master there.

Because of this, he knew how powerful that person was.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest ripple warrior in the world!

Many times he envied jojo (second jojo) for having such a powerful grandfather but not knowing how to cherish it.

"Let's go back first. I'm afraid people will be worried if there is no news for so long."



"So that's it, you are Jonathan Joestar?"

A few days later, night fell, and Kaz led Wamu and Aisidisi to this ancient mansion.

As soon as they stood on the pillars and watched the moonlight, they saw the old man standing in the garden, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

His slightly pale hair matched his strong body. He was obviously over 70 years old, but there were still no wrinkles.

Just standing there, he had a terrifying sense of awe.

Hiding in the room, Stroheim looked out the window.

"Although the message was spread to attract the Pillar Man, do you really not need our help?"

"Since my father said he can do it alone, it should be no problem."

"If it doesn't work, Caesar and the others will help."

The mansion was already full of people watching the battle.


Looking at Elena with a nostalgic expression, Jotaro was puzzled.

"That kind of Jotaro"

"I haven't seen it for a long time."

In those words, everyone could feel unquestionable trust, without the slightest worry.

"Hand over the Azer Redstone!"

There was a faint sense of uneasiness, but Kaz still shouted to him.


When Da Qiao raised her hand and revealed the gem from her palm, Kaz and the other two breathed faster.

"But if you want it, take it with your strength."

The old man's calm words without any emotion also aroused the fighting spirit of the three.

"Let me deal with him."

Wamwu landed on the ground first and fought as a pioneer.

"Be careful, Wamuwu, he seems to be called the strongest ripple warrior."

After a reminder, Kaz still didn't feel at ease.

What is this uneasiness that seems to have never dissipated in his heart since he came here?



Then he roughly understood where the uneasiness came from.

The clothes that were blown apart were torn apart, revealing the strong body of the old man.

Seven dense holes from the chest to the abdomen were exposed like stars.

In just a blink of an eye, Kaz and Aisidisi witnessed the explosion.

The speed that is completely impossible to capture and the ripple qigong that can illuminate the night.



Just a face-to-face, Wamu, who was still standing on the ground, "evaporated".


"What did he do?!"

Stroheim widened his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

Such a big Pillar Man is gone?

You know, that was a trio that caused heavy damage to the German elite troops.

In the end, in front of this old man, it took only a breath to be solved.

So terrifying.

"Hey, did the old man have such a trick up his sleeve?"

Thinking of the battle of wits and courage with Da Qiao, Er Qiao felt that he was really too sweet (naive).

The old man is still the best!

He almost didn't react just now. It is conceivable that when playing chase, the old man still let the sea go.

"Father once said that he can open the Jingmen normally."


"That is a kind of acupuncture point. It seems that father has been studying some kind of exercise. Different from the wave qigong, it is another kind of strength to strengthen the body."

"The exposed acupuncture points on the chest and abdomen are proof of this."

"It sounds painful."

As they were talking, Kaz and Aisidisi outside could no longer remain calm.

Being able to deal with Wamu so easily, he can be regarded as the strongest enemy in their life.

"As long as we defeat him! We will not have any obstacles if we get the Aizhe Red Stone."

Even though he knew that this step was not easy, Kaz had to take it.

His self-esteem and honor did not allow him to escape.

Perhaps as long as he waited until the old man died, it would be easy to snatch it again.

But that ugly way of winning was really humiliating.

"Two of you come together!"

Said that sentence very politely, and Da Qiao gave them a chance to make a move this time.



Using their strongest killing moves, Kaz and Esidisi attacked him.

"Beidou. Eight Gates Ripple Rush!"

But as Da Qiao's steady voice came out, what was left was the residue that turned into ashes and disappeared.

It was impossible to describe the shock in his heart. Stroheim finally understood how important what Spitwagen had said was.

(Go and invite Mr. Joestar!!)

When facing the Pillar Man, they didn’t understand why that guy yelled like that, but now they understand.

The old man in front of them is truly the strongest man who surpasses the Pillar Man!

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