Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 465 465 Battle of wits and courage!

Chapter 465 465. A battle of wits and courage!

"Lord Momo, us"

Nabe glanced at Ainz, who had not moved yet, and made a tentative voice to ask.

"Don't worry yet. They may think that we are spying on you secretly and may be treated as enemies."

Ainz waved his hand to signal her not to be overly sensitive.

No matter what the identities of those two people are, there is a need to explore.


The strong one among the natives?

Or. Servant?

That extremely fast flight is not something ordinary people can achieve.

And the other party is definitely still nearby

Although he couldn't pinpoint the other party's traces, Ainz had this feeling.

(Test it first.)

He couldn't just pretend that nothing happened, he always wanted to see the other person's details.

"I am Momo, a steel-level adventurer."

"I was so rude just now. I'm afraid I caused you a misunderstanding."

"I apologize to you for this matter."

"We don't mean to intrude."

The sound was so loud, and the eyes hidden in the helmet were watching the surrounding changes.

(If it were just other adventurers, Momo’s reputation wouldn’t have made the atmosphere so tense.)

Thinking about the next action he should take, Ainz also waited for the other party's response.


But the expected answer did not come, instead the quiet wind pressure blew.

(No response?)

Realizing that the other party had no intention of communicating, Ainz began to rule out their identities.

Since the identity of "Momo" cannot make the other party feel at ease or show up, it means that there is an ulterior secret.

Player followers.

The likelihood of both is high.

I tried to observe the surroundings with the data eye transformed into a heroic spirit, but I still couldn't get accurate information.

(Is it too well hidden or not enough distance?)

With this thought in his heart, Ainz secretly contacted Suzuki Satoru.


(Saber, are you sure?)

(The distance is too far to be completely confirmed, but you can’t get too close to alert the enemy.)

(If you really get close enough to observe, if the other party is really a Servant, you can also detect it.)

(Really? Then you have to be careful.)

Hiding in a deep pit dug out, Seiya popped up and looked at the two people outside who were also communicating with Kiritsugu.

When he realized he was being spied on, he tried to counter-detect it, but unfortunately he was too far away to discover the identity of the hidden person.

Dark Momo.

If I remember correctly, he was a very famous steel-level adventurer in the kingdom.

Seiya had heard the information collected by Kiritsugu.

The wise king who conquered the forest, the powerful adventurer who dealt with the undead riots and eliminated the vampires in the plains.

We don't rule out the possibility that the other party is the Master. Maybe the attractive-looking beauty next to her is the Servant.

It was precisely because he was considering this kind of thing that Seiya didn't take the initiative to show up.

Even if the other party apologized like that, he didn't care at all.

(That thing hidden in the armor might just be a corpse or an empty shell.)

(It’s just to attract other people’s attention. The woman next to you is the one who controls it.)

(Or maybe those two people are actually dead people)

Being able to clearly hear the words Seiya described, Kiritsugu's eyelids twitched as he stayed in the camp far away.

Why don't you think that the famous adamantium-level adventurers in the kingdom are not this kind of thing?

Saber's brain circuit was as difficult for him to follow as ever.

But I didn’t care too much about it or refute it.

Kiritsugu couldn't worry about how to do it specifically.

After all, when it comes to winning and saving the world, the other party is the real expert.

Compared to him, a layman who could barely save his family didn't have to point fingers.

"Let's rest here for a while, Nabe."

After waiting for a while, there was still no sign of the other party appearing. Most people would probably think that he had left long ago, right?

But Ainz didn't think so, and that uneasy feeling of restlessness still existed.

This also proves that the other party is still lingering and hiding nearby.

His ability is so good that even if he hides it, it is difficult to find his specific location.

A career that specializes in thieves?

That's the only possibility

Maybe the other party is waiting for you to leave, becomes careless and waits for an opportunity to attack.

Pretend to rest here first and see if the other party will take the initiative to reveal any flaws.

If you can't find the other party, then "leading the snake out of its hole" is the best way.

Anyway, the Kaz Plain is very close to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. If necessary, you can teleport away or call for reinforcements at any time.

It's just a pity that "Momo"'s identity cannot be wasted meaninglessly.

This is the "trumpet" that he finally raised to walk in the outside world.

Because irrelevant things are exposed, it will be a huge loss, and all the reputation and hard work will be in vain.

Therefore, the security of this identity must be ensured so that no one can see what the identity is.


Nabe had no idea how many thought storms Ainz had gone through in such a short period of time.

She could only watch her surroundings with slight suspicion and sit next to him.

No matter how you perceive it, there is no breath of any living thing.

But Lord Ainz said that the man was still nearby.

Could it be an enemy with a higher level than yourself?

Her expression was more alert than before. If necessary, she would act as a human shield for Ainz at any time.

(Not coming out.)

Sitting on the ground and thinking, Ainz was a little impressed by the other party's patience.

He was clearly deliberately exposing a lot of flaws, just to see if he would be attacked.

But he didn't expect that even so, the man still didn't take the bait.


What is the other party thinking about?

Does he have to leave by himself?

There is no gold or silver treasure in this area except the ashes of the undead?


Sat down to rest?

Not understanding the other party's intention, Seiya frowned and observed.

He was sure that the other party should be aware of being "spying".

But why didn't he leave but chose to rest on the spot?

Is he confident or... has other plans?

I thought that the continued peeping would make the other party intend to leave, so I planned to follow him and see.

But I never thought that the other party would do the opposite, and it seemed that he was planning to stay here overnight.


This is a very difficult guy to deal with.

After making such a judgment, he had a slightly changed view of him.

Most of the enemies I met in the past wanted to be the center of attention. Even if there were some who had hidden cards, they would be easily caught.

But the two people in front of me were very patient.

It was impossible to launch an attack without authorization. The opponent might have prepared skills or magic to counterattack.

Originally, he could have chosen to leave directly, but because of the investigation of the identities of these two people, Seiya still did not intend to leave so easily.

Any information that may be related to the Dragon Ball War is worth paying attention to.

Not to mention that "Dark Momo" is an adamantium-level adventurer and has the possibility of becoming a master.

Then in the long confrontation.

It was late at night.

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