Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 468 There shouldn’t be such an “unlucky guy” in 468!

Chapter 468 468. There shouldn't be such a "unlucky guy"!

"By the way, I'd like to ask you something."

"Did you feel strange after entering the camp?"

The two walked out of the tent, and Ainz then thought of something very important and asked her.

"Strange feeling?"

Not understanding what Ainz meant, Ibiruai looked confused.

"If I have to say, there is a subtle sense of security."

After thinking for a while, she answered.

"Sense of security?"

Ainz asked, a little surprised at what kind of mood the other party was describing.

"I always felt uneasy on the way here, but after meeting Momo-sama, I didn't feel that anxious."

This is what Ibiruai thought.

It was because when I came into contact with Ainz, the uneasiness and boredom that had been lingering in my heart disappeared.

Until now, when I think of Lancer's affairs, I will no longer panic.

This must be brought by the other party


But Ainz fell into deep thought.

Is it a sense of security for Ibiruai?

Is it the same as the adventurers and soldiers in the camp?

(For some reason, I suddenly feel confident about this cleanup.)

(Don't tell me, I saw monsters like the bone dragon, but I'm not afraid anymore.)

(Me too, now I find that kind of thing is not scary at all, and we can still defeat it with good cooperation.)

Recalling the previous exchanges between adventurers and soldiers, he thought it was just a boring aftertaste.

But now it seems that it's not that simple

Until now, the uneasiness in his heart has not dissipated.

He doesn't think that the physical sensations of the crowd and himself are illusions.

What is the difference between the two?

Speaking of which, Nabe doesn't seem to have this experience.

Is it just a magic that oppresses his mind?


It doesn't make sense. If he is really subjected to some kind of magic, the guardians and Suzuki Satoru, as the master, will definitely know.

"Is there anything strange?"


Shaking his head, he couldn't give a specific answer, and Ainz didn't want to talk about this strange phenomenon.

"Well, Master Momo, I'll take my leave first."


Seeing Ibiruai about to leave, Nabe next to her wanted to step out but was stopped by Ainz.

"Master Momo."

Although Nabe didn't know what the two talked about, she thought that guy must be quite rude.

"It's okay, I know some information."

"I just don't know how much of it is true."

Ibiruai, this "chess piece", still has value.

The "Momo" he has been working hard to create has not been in vain, and now it has come in handy.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to grasp the other party's identity as a master.

If you know, it will be easy to deal with.

(Albedo, send a small number of eight-limbed sword assassins to the capital.)

(The order is to monitor and investigate.)


"A meeting between the adamantium-class?"


Compared to the obvious signs of disguise of "Momo", the departing Ibiruai can be seen through at a glance.

Returning to the camp, it would be too obvious to continue to observe secretly.

After all, Seiya has no stealth skills other than spirit transformation.

It is not appropriate to get too close to "Momo" when the identity is uncertain.

He temporarily gave up tracking and returned to Kiritsugu's temporary residence as if nothing had happened.

Before, he sent Kiritsugu back to the camp first, and then returned.

Considering safety, it is actually best to stay by his side, but you must also pay attention to the possibility of a fight.

"From your appearance, it seems that you haven't found it well."

"He is very cautious."

Staring at Seiya's unchanged face, Kiritsugu knew that he could not get accurate information.

"But we don't have the leisure to stay here and continue to stalemate with him, right?"

Although investigating the opponent is something that needs to be done, it is impossible to waste the whole day like this.

Especially Saber still needs a certain degree of "training".

In her words,

He is a growing Heroic Spirit.

Fighting, training, and learning can all continuously grow oneself.

In order to defeat the opponent, it is best to hone to the extreme and be unable to grow in order to have a complete chance of victory.

So it is impossible to delay his own improvement because of too many other things.

"If you want to investigate, leave it to me, you can just train with peace of mind."

"After all, I have done similar activities before, so I am still confident."

"If there is danger, I will call you immediately."

He did not just think that it was useless, Kiritsugu then spoke.

The stronger Saber is, the higher the possibility of his victory.

So he did not object to her neurotic "overtime leveling" approach.

As long as he can win, he does not mind the effort required.

Glancing at him, Seiya then took out a bracelet from his arms.

"What is this?"

"Equipment made by synthesis."

"It has sacred attributes and the effect of breaking the barrier."

"It is enough to let you survive in danger."

Although it did not specify how valuable this item was, Kiritsugu knew it was very powerful just by listening to the description.

As long as he holds this thing, he can definitely use the command seal to summon Saber in times of danger.

Even if he encounters a barrier of the blocking system, he can still turn around.


Looking at this silver-white bracelet, Kiritsugu was very curious about how he did it.

She is obviously a Saber (swordsman), but her skills are inexplicably biased and numerous.

But it seems that Saber has no intention of explaining.


A loud shout came from outside, which also diverted the attention of the two.

"It seems that the morale of the soldiers and adventurers in the camp has been boosted by the arrival of the adamantium-level adventurer."

"They all seem to think so."

Kiritsugu glanced at the people outside who were full of fighting spirit and said sarcastically.

Whether it was brought by the adamantium-level "Momo", Kiritsugu could deny that possibility.

If it is true, it should be Saber's "brave" characteristics that are at work.

Wherever he goes, he will have a certain impact on others.

The same is true for the savior.

As long as Saber passes by, the spirit and morale of the people there will be encouraged.

On the contrary, if they encounter an extremely evil creature, they will feel uneasy.

(However, if there is such a creature, it is probably only the Demon King.)

The only one who will be afraid and frightened of the hero is definitely the enemy on the opposite side.

Demon King

Although it seems that this world is still in a period of war among multiple countries and races, there is no such thing as the "Demon King Army".

But who knows if there is a "Demon King" who is hiding and has not revived or is still growing?

However, even if such an enemy exists, Kiritsugu does not need to worry about anything.

After all, Saber is a real hero who has killed a demon king.

If there is such a "unlucky" demon king here, maybe it is the right thing to do not show up.

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