Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 484 484 Suspicion!

Chapter 484 484. Suspicion!

Although it was very weak, the sudden change could not be hidden from the two.

(So that's it, has anyone witnessed it?)


(No human presence was detected nearby.)

(But two bat life forms were detected.)

I thought it was someone approaching, but after hearing Raphael's explanation, Rimuru immediately understood.

As for the bats

No matter how you think about it, it must be Remlia, the Lancer?

His battle with Ainz was not covered up too much, so it was natural for the Servant to discover it.

But for this sudden fear, Rimuru could only judge that it was due to the relationship with his Master.

After all, that young lady would definitely not be afraid of the current battle situation.

Then there was only one possibility left.


Looking at Ainz in front of her, Rimuru felt a sense of commonality.

(Informed, the analysis result was correct, the Servant in front of her also had the characteristics of "Demon King".)

Even without Raphael's reminder, Rimuru guessed that result.

"Demon King?"

The other party's eyes happened to be looking over, and he must have discovered this secret.

To be honest, Rimuru's previous understanding of "Demon King" was only traditional.

Becoming a "Demon King" given by a Heroic Spirit is also a very common sense skill, but he never expected such a thing.

But there is a Servant with the same characteristics in front of him, so maybe he should pay attention.

The power increased by the fear of just one life can be ignored.

But if it accumulates to the level of a country or a world, it cannot be ignored.

(Solution, the result of the simulation shows that the fear accumulated by one-third of the life forms on the continent is enough to have the power to destroy the world.)

"It's more dangerous than expected."

It doesn't just include humans, but also other sub-humans, animals, etc.

If you really do whatever it takes, then using the mechanism of the "Demon King" may easily surpass other servants, right?

But the premise is to spread your own existence as a "Demon King".

To make life feel afraid, the easiest way is to kill.

And it was the kind of extreme and brutal massacre and destruction.

For example, by destroying a famous country

Only in this way can many lives be quickly infected with fear, and then a large amount of feedback can be obtained in a short period of time.

Shaking his head, Rimuru would not do such a thing.

Although he sought the power to deal with everything, he also had a bottom line.

So even if he understood the characteristics of the "Demon King", he did not intend to use it.

On the other hand.

(Is anyone nearby?)

Thinking alone, Ainz glanced at Rimuru who did not move, and thought to himself.

He had more or less known the effectiveness of the "Demon King" before.

So he quickly realized that there was a life nearby and felt afraid of him.

The performance of the "Demon King" is quite superior, which means that as long as it is well prepared, it can be used as a trump card for strengthening at any time.

This is nothing short of a surprise to Ainz.

After all, as a game character, he has reached the upper limit and can no longer grow.

But the existence of the "Demon King" has made him see new possibilities for becoming stronger.

Even if the level cannot break through level 100, there is still room for his own attributes to become stronger.

(But I am not a complete Demon King yet. It may be related to what I did before.)

(The reputation and fear spread are not enough.)

(If the previous plan is really carried out and the Magic Kingdom is established to fight against the Kingdom, then I should be a complete Demon King.)

With a little caution, Ainz suppressed his restless mood.

The confidence to win this war comes from this.

Excluding the Noble Phantasms he has, relying on the special nature of the "Demon King" alone gives him a great boost of confidence.

Although it is a more extreme path, he will choose to do so if necessary.

For the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

With a firm mind, he then thought about the changes in Rimuru.

If the feeling just now is correct. This Berserker seems to have the same power as himself.

Demon King

Then the feeling of disharmony that has always been there is very clear.

The other party is not his incomplete "Demon King" but a fully evolved Demon King.

No wonder even as an undead, he also experienced an unpleasant "suppression" from the other party.

(If he is the first to harvest the Demon King's fear, it will be very bad for me.)

Realizing this, Ainz felt a rare anxiety.

After all, no matter how you look at the characteristics of the "Demon King", the first one to eat the crab will make the most money.

The imitators behind can only be said to be eating the leftovers.

He didn't dare to bet whether the other party would do it.

One step wrong, every step wrong. This is the possible adverse effect.


Fortunately, Ainz has never heard of a demon king named "Limuru" in this world.

That is to say, the other party may come from other places.

There is still a chance.

As long as you make a name for yourself before the other party spreads fear, you don't have to worry.

Even if it is not spread all over the world, at least you must have a certain degree of "popular base".

(Then. This battle should not be delayed.)

(You have to prepare quickly.)

Thinking this way, we shouldn't have fought a protracted war with the other party here.

"I didn't expect that there is still a demon king."

After saying that tentatively, Ainz observed the other party, but unfortunately, under the cover of the mask, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

"To be honest, I was also shocked. There is actually a similar person."

Rimuru was really surprised when she answered that.

The person in front of her was also similar to the demon king. It can only be said that this encounter was quite coincidental.

"Then, Berserker, no, Lord Limuru, how about you and I join forces?"

"We have the same power, so we can definitely defeat other servants easily."

After making an invitation, Ainz deliberately said this.

"Well, if it is other servants who sit down and talk together, I would be happy, but forget about a unilateral alliance."

"You obviously don't think so in your heart, right?"

Rimuru shook her head and spoke, aware of the other party's insincere invitation.

The opponent may think that he has hidden it well, but he will not mistake the malicious intent that is ready to move.

Compared with Sasuke and Remlia, who he had fought before.

The undead in front of him is more thoughtful and thoughtful.


"That's a pity."

After saying that, Ainz felt a little bit sorry.

"High-level teleportation!"

"The most powerful magic: true death!"

At the moment of teleportation, Ainz used another combination.

[True Death].

This is also a compatible instant death magic.

It is usually used in the combination of "time stop" with the help of [magic delay].

But now it is different. The demon king in front of him, time magic is not effective, so he can only try alternative strategies.

The gray aura attacked the opponent.

He waited for the result.

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