Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 492 492 Fulilian:

Chapter 492 492. Fulilian: "He may be more anxious than me."

"It's you."

The shadow has turned back, and can glimpse the other party's smile as in memory.

If we talk about seeking the call of the "Heroic Spirit", who is the servant who can respond to Fulilian most actively?

It must be the hero who defeated the demon king with him.

Perhaps the monk Haita and the warrior Aize will respond.

Even Ferren and Shutark who have grown up in the future may respond.

But the most "urgent" one must be Xinmeier.

Even if he has to squeeze Haita and others out of the "pool", he may have to get out.


But the red light flashing in the magic circle went out.

There was no sign at all.

The figure that had appeared disappeared, and only the disintegrating magic power was left.

Fulilian is very familiar with this phenomenon.

The "remnant" when the magic fails.

How could this be?

According to the method just now, the summoning should have been successful.

Even the existence of "him" is about to be revealed.

There is no reason for it to fail suddenly.

Because when it was used, Furlian was sure that it would succeed.

But the gloomy scenery showed the cruel truth.



The feeling of lingering fear disappeared, and Rimuru was very surprised to see the extinguished magic circle.

He thought that there would be a troublesome opponent jumping out of it.

But he didn't expect that it would be a false alarm in the end.

Did the spell fail?

No. Rimuru didn't think so.

In the state that had been formed just now, it must have succeeded.

But for some reason, Furlian's "casting" went wrong, so it became like this.

(Raphael, how is it?)

(It has been confirmed through comparison that it was the influence of Remlia Scarlet.)

He asked a question, but got a positive answer, which made Rimuru not wrong.

Recalling the ability of that young lady, he did not expect such a change.

(Your fate has been changed by me)

I never thought that just contact with that young lady could have such an impact.

(If it weren't for Remlia's influence, I might have been attacked by two heroes next time)

(It's very dangerous if you think about it carefully.)

It's not that Rimuru has no confidence, but the additional effect of the hero on the demon king is too much.

It's not an exaggeration to say that every move is "real damage".

If he fights one, he thinks he will have no problem, but if he faces two heroes, it will probably be quite a headache.

Fortunately, it didn't enter the worst stage.

(Even if he is not here, he can affect the future fate of others.)

(It's the right choice not to create a bad relationship with her.)

I'm glad that I found the other party before, otherwise, even if I didn't encounter today's trip, I would face Caster sooner or later.

At that time, I wouldn't be so lucky.

"This is finally over."

Without planning to give Caster a chance to struggle, Rimuru immediately prepared to act.

But then the other party disappeared without a sign.


"Did the Master escape using the Command Spell?"

"That's terrible, Raphael, can you find him?"

(Informed, after the transfer, the other party has used space teleportation to leave again, and the specific location cannot be captured.)

"Ah, isn't this a big problem?"

I didn't expect it to turn out like this, Rimuru sighed.

Remlia's "fate manipulation" may only work on him once.

If you miss such a good opportunity, you may not have such luck next time.

"I suddenly feel quite dangerous."

I thought that the servants in this war should not be so difficult to deal with, but the facts are beyond my imagination.

The hero.

I want to communicate with him but get no response. This is the first time that no matter how I speak, I will not respond.

Maybe Caster has a deep opinion of the Demon King?

"No choice, it seems that we can only take it one step at a time."

"Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster"

"Are Saber and Assassin left?"

"There shouldn't be a hero among them, right?"

With a doubtful tone, Rimuru always felt uneasy.

Caster gave him a very tricky feeling.

It's not that he can't deal with it, but the opponent's attack is too deadly.

It's easy to get into trouble if you are a little careless.

Fortunately, it's just a magician type. If he encounters a warrior-class hero who has experienced many battles, he will definitely be suppressed in close combat.

And if he meets Caster again, he dare not think what will happen.

He doesn't think that this failure will make the other party give up.

(But she seems to know the person she just summoned.)

(Could it be a local hero?)

(I know there are elves here, but I rarely see them in other countries.)

"She is a truly amazing Heroic Spirit who can use the summoning technique."

"Her magic attainments are really high."

He had also tried to have Raphael analyze the Heroic Spirit summoning technique, but Raphael said it couldn't be used.

It is speculated that it may be related to his job.

"Well, we still have to be careful."

"The Demon King can't do whatever he wants."

"Does Rider know Caster?"

As a member of the Demon King, Rider must be treated the same as him.

It's just that I don't know whether the other party knows the existence of Furrilian.

If I don't pay enough attention, I might suffer a great loss.


"What's wrong?"

"You'd better take a rest. I feel very disappointed."

"Disappointed? Me?"

After being said by C.C, Furrilian was stunned, and then responded softly.

"Sorry, I messed up again."

"No need to apologize. After all, no matter what, there are always things that can't be done."

"Besides, we are not out yet, right? There is still a chance."

Hearing the other party's depressed apology, C.C smiled and comforted.

Although she didn't know why Furrilian was hit, as a master, she should take the initiative to encourage the other party at this time.

There is indeed only one Command Spell left, and both times it was used to escape.

It can only be said that it was quite embarrassing.

"It won't happen again next time."

Looking at the staff in her hand, Fulilian said in a deep voice.

She was in a low mood because of the regret of passing by.

If nothing unexpected happened, Xin Meier should have appeared.

But the completely unknown interference led to this ending.

Adding to the use of the command seal, there is always a feeling of guilt towards C.C.

"Learn from this lesson and be more prepared next time, wouldn't it be better?"

"As long as people are still alive, they are not considered failures."

The master is more comforting than expected, which also eased Fulilian's low mood.

After all, the failure of casting a spell with full confidence in the current state of becoming a great magician is indeed a blow.

"Yes, there is no time to be sad, the capital is not far away."

"I have to find out the reason for the failure of summoning"

"I guess Xin Meier is also very unwilling."

"He may be more anxious than I am"

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