Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 522 522 Reasons and explanations!

Chapter 522 522. Reasons and explanations!

A deep purple-black portal appeared in front of him, and the undead that came out of it made an invitation of the same kind.

"Just say it here if you have anything to say."

The aura belonging to the Demon King spread out, and Rimuru could clearly feel the opponent's deterrent power that was far greater than before.

Rider really became a real Demon King

"It's colder than expected, Berserker."

Ainz met him in a spacious alley, and the aura he exuded made the creatures that tried to approach this side shudder and avoid him.

(It seems that I took the reputation of the Demon King first, which made him feel quite bad.)

(However, that's no wonder. It's better to take the first thing myself.)

(It's hard to make up for the missed advantage of the first move.)

Observing Rimuru, who was obviously not in a good mood, Ainz could only think so.

Even though he knew that this was the case, he couldn't say it directly.

This time, I came here to communicate with him, not to worsen the relationship.

So I can't be as hostile as usual.

Originally, I planned to invite him to the temporary base, but if he refused, there would be nothing I could do.

"Just tell me what you want to say."

"You won't come to me out of boredom."

"Or do you want to fight me now?"

With her arms crossed, Rimuru looked at him seriously and asked.

"Although that's not bad, you probably won't be happy about it, right?"

"The lives of those citizens are quite fragile in front of us."

Glancing at the surroundings, Ainz responded with a hint of meaning.

"You are really arrogant, Rider."

"Does gaining the power of the Demon King make you so confident?"

Rimuru said sarcastically with a rather cold tone.

Of course, he knew what the other party had done before.

The massacre of 30,000 soldiers of the Imperial Army must have taken advantage of this opportunity to become the Demon King.

This matter happened to be the opportunity Rimuru wanted to find an opportunity to question him.

As a result, the person in question appeared in front of him as if nothing had happened.

"Let's stop here."

"I'm not here to get along with you as an enemy."

"I have an important message that you may need."

"I met Saber."

After hearing this, Rimuru fell silent and frowned at him.


Speaking of which, Rimuru had seen all the servants in this war except Saber.

He was still wondering why he hadn't seen the one who should have the highest presence for so long.

Now that Rider mentioned it, Rimuru naturally cared.

"What does Saber have to do with you coming to see me?"

Being able to make Rider appear in front of him personally, could there be an important secret?

"You should know very well what kind of power and characteristics we, as demon kings, will have."

"But in fact, Saber can ignore my patience and cause damage"

"I once thought that it might be related to his weapon, but in hindsight, there is another reason."

Ainz thought that this information must be said.

Because it will involve the issue of "alliance" later.

As a being of the same type, it is hard to tolerate the existence of such an enemy.

The only worry is that Berserker will not believe what he says, which will be quite troublesome.


Hearing the scene described by Ainz, Rimuru blurted it out subconsciously.


Hearing this, Ainz was a little surprised, but then all his confusion seemed to be solved.

(Ignoring my patience, is it a hero's job?)

Ainz has of course heard of the story of "hero, demon king", so he is very clear about the cause and effect relationship.

I didn't think of it before, it was purely based on his experience of fighting against players, so he didn't think about it in this way.

I always thought it was the influence of special skills, magic, props, and equipment.

Now it seems that it is not those at all.

It is a unique restraint relationship.

(Theoretically, not all heroes have the power to restrain demon kings.)

(In other words, did Saber really kill the demon king?)

Feeling a little heavy, Ainz realized what a troublesome opponent he had.

This is a relationship that has no possibility of reconciliation.

The soldiers he killed alone are enough to make the other party miss him.

The title of Demon King

seems to bring not only benefits, but also hidden dangers.

(Is Saber also a hero?)

(This is really bad.)

Although it is only one-sided, Rider is not talking nonsense.

Because this is a fact that can be easily confirmed after meeting Saber.

From his few words, Rider has confirmed his identity.

(Just dealt with a pair of heroes. Is there another one?)

(It's Saber again.)

Feeling very troubled, he sighed and understood why Rider came here.

Don't think it was so easy for him to deal with Caste's heroes before, but that was because the other party didn't know his details and fell for it.

If there is a second time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to succeed.

But what people are concerned about is that as a hero, Saber, why is she so mysterious until now?

"So... you should understand why I came here."


"Join forces with me!"

The skull-like appearance stretched out his hand, his eyes flashing red, and Ainz extended an invitation.

This choice was made after careful consideration.

In Dragon Ball War, you don't fight alone. Combining enemies with enemies is also a basic tactic.

If the two demon kings join forces to deal with that Saber, there shouldn't be any problem.

As long as the threatening Saber is eradicated, the ensuing civil war will depend on their own abilities.

As for the other followers?

Ainz also had the patience to fight them slowly. There couldn't be that many special professions like the brave, right?

What's more, he was already invincible from the beginning.

As long as Ainz thought about it, there would be no winner in this war.

In addition, "Ainz Ooal Gown"'s reputation is still fermenting, and he will only get stronger and stronger.

It is precisely because he has such initiative that he has sufficient confidence.

Before growing, the right thing to do is eliminate Saber, which poses a greater threat.

The sworn enemy who is also a brave man has no reason to refuse.

Ainz thought so.

"I understand. But"

Sure enough, the other party will definitely agree, but there are additional conditions.

As long as the request is not particularly excessive, Ainz can accept it.

"Before that, I need you to answer another question for me."


Ainz was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the other party was just going to ask something.

I originally thought I might have to pay for some props or something.

"What do you want to ask?"

"As long as it doesn't violate my privacy, I can answer."

He spoke calmly, but Ainz didn't pay attention.

From Berserker's perspective, it must be a matter of abiding by the "contract" after joining forces.

While he was thinking that, Rimuru asked something that made him feel unclear.

"Why did you kill those imperial soldiers?"

"About that."

"I want to hear your reasons and explanations."

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