Holy Prison

Chapter 1013: Conspiracy, mission

A rolling wave of lava hit the Burnshark. Under such a wave, although the speed of the lava is not slow, it is still too weak compared to when it was moving at full speed!

Speed, defense, these all need to provide energy, the Lava has a powerful energy supply system, but it can't provide the strongest protection while providing the strongest power!

"What's the matter, where did this go?"

"Really, where are we going, this magma wave is really scary!"

"We seem to be still in the center of the lava ocean. It's just a waste of time. If we lose our lives here, it would be too costly!"

"Yan Clan, such a dangerous place is an area where powerful Yan Clan people prefer to stay!"

On the deck of the Burning Shark, there was a lot of discussion among the people. The stronger ones are better, and the lower ones are not so calm at this time. The lava waves outside are indeed terrifying!

The deck surface of the Burnshark is forty to fifty meters above the magma surface, but the terrible crimson magma waves are as high as sixty or seventy meters. Such magma waves come, if there is no defensive cover, the terrifying temperature of magma will be It will rush to the deck. The deck is extremely resistant to heat, but people on the deck whose strength is below a certain level will definitely be melted instantly!

"Chu Feng, found a lot of criminals, and a bone ship is also going towards our goal!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng's expression changed slightly, "It seems that it is not only the Zijin family who knows that heavenly heart!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart!

In the lava ocean, divine consciousness is not easy to use. People with strong eyesight can't see too far in the lava ocean. The holy prison’s eye’s induction is not limited by this, but before the opponent finds them. Found the existence of the other party.

"Miao Xian'er, will the opponent's speed be faster than ours?" Chu Feng asked in his mind. If the opponent is faster or about the same, then he will order the Burning Shark to reduce its defense a little bit and increase its speed. , Don’t ask for much faster than that bone ship, a little faster is needed!

"The other party is a little slower than us, and should not arrive faster than us, but Chu Feng, with this ship, do you think there will be a second and third ship?" Miao Xian'er said.

"There are not many people who have seen Tianxinzi and know that Tianxinzi exists, right?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Without letting the Burning Shark speed up, the Burning Shark continued to advance, and about ten minutes passed. "Chu Feng, found another bone ship!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded.

Chu Feng's heart sank, and he felt something was wrong. "Miao Xian'er, receive those people whose kindness value is higher than sin value into the holy prison space!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Hey, Chu Feng, no, if they charge it, their chance of death is more than one-third!" Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, this area is rather abnormal. There is no big problem for you and Leng Li to enter the holy prison space, holy prison People can come out of the space, but if other people take in, it is very dangerous!"

Chu Feng frowned, and an order was immediately passed to the captain of the Burning Shark. The Burning Shark's captain thought he was Zi Jinyao, and accepted his order. The Burning Shark immediately changed some directions towards that ship. The bone ship approaches.

When it was far away, the people on the bone ship did not find the Burning Shark. Two minutes later, the Burning Shark approached many of the bone ships and finally someone discovered the Burning Shark.

"Chu Feng, the other party has accelerated!" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, he ordered to go down, and the Burning Shark also accelerated and approached the bone ship.

Five minutes later, the bone ship did not get rid of the Burning Shark, and nearly destroyed the ship under a huge magma vortex. The bone ship finally reduced its speed.

The bone ship descended at a speed, and the Burning Shark quickly got close to the bone ship. "The Burning Shark, what's the matter with the bone ship approaching us?" A deep voice reached Chu Feng and his bone ship.

"Are you also here for something?" Chu Feng's voice passed into the other party's bone ship. "So are you?" After a few seconds, the voice came over again.

"Yes, we met here, how about you?" Chu Feng passed an image. In the image, there was Yan Clan and Tianxinzi, but Tianxinzi was very vague and could not see clearly.

Chu Feng's image passed, and the faces of the three people on the bone ship changed. "Big brother, what's going on, different from the news we got, is the other party cheating us, or is the Yan Clan cheating us?"

"The Yan Clan lied to us? Those guys are very low-wited, how can they use any tricks to deceive us, it should be the other party who wants to lie to us!"

"Second brother, I don't think this is the case. The other party should have discovered us before we found them. In that case, why did the other party do this? They should be able to increase the speed of their boat a little bit, and they can rush to us!"

"Third brother, tell each other the truth." Old Dadao among the three.

Soon Chu Feng also received an image here. The Yan clan was also in the image, but the location was different. Someone also discovered Tianxinzi by accident.

One accident is accidental, two accidents can be said to be coincidences, if three or four such accidents, then it is definitely not accident or coincidence but conspiracy!

"The conspiracy of the Yan tribe?" This thought flashed in Chu Feng's mind. The wisdom of the Yan tribe was low in the minds of countless people in the abyss. The concept was deeply ingrained, but Chu Feng was not a man from the abyss. His source of understanding of the Yan tribe I have learned a lot from the information about the lava ocean I bought before, but Chu Feng would not despise the Yan Clan like ordinary people in the abyss.

Being able to survive in the hot magma, being able to survive the killings of countless strong men, treating the Yan tribe as a beast, and perhaps only oneself will suffer!

"Turn around and leave!" Tianxinzi might be true, but going forward, the danger is already too high. Even if he is immortal, being trapped is very troublesome. Chu Long can't wait for him for too long. If it is delayed for a long time, Chu Long's exercises may be rebelled! Among Chu Long and the possibility of getting a heavenly heart, the natural Chu Long is more important.

Chu Feng gave an order, and the Burning Shark immediately turned its head. When it turned its head, the attack of the magma wave immediately became stronger, and it was not a little bit stronger, but suddenly it was many times stronger, if it didn't turn its head. When the speed slowed down, the defensive shield would definitely not be able to bear being destroyed by that powerful magma wave!

"What's going on, how can the magma wave become so much stronger all at once, it's terrible!"

"U-turn, the U-turn magma wave will be big, it's weird!"

There were tens of thousands of people on the Burning Shark, and most of the tens of thousands were talking about it. "Damn it." Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart. At this time, if he didn't know that he was calculated, he would be too stupid. If something is abnormal, he is a demon. The magma is obviously too unusual!

"Yan Clan, a race with low wisdom and low wisdom, I don't know how many people have counted this time!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly on his face, and the magma waves got bigger and bigger. Chu Feng could only order to change the course again. After the change, the magma wave is much smaller than before!

"Chu Feng, it has been calculated." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. "Yeah." Chu Feng took a deep breath and calmed down. Soldiers came to block water and soil. Now his strength is not low. In terms of cultivation base, he already has Emperor God level cultivation base, although his true self skills cannot be used at this time. , But even without using real self skills, Chu Feng's strength will not be lower than the average Emperor God's top powerhouse!

As for the entourage, he has coldness and green robe. In addition, he has some merit points. If necessary, it is no problem to exchange for a general god-level entourage.

The most important thing is that there are three of them in the space of Chufeng Saint Prison, Menghao Bruin Jitian Slaughter, and the strength they can play together is extremely powerful.

If Meng Hao and the others can't figure it out, he still has a lot of poison in the holy prison space, too much movement is not good, but temporarily moving a little bit will not have any effect on Miao Feiying.

The Burning Shark adjusted its speed, and it didn't take long for the Burning Shark to approach the bone ship that had just approached. "Friends, you are endless!" A somewhat angry voice passed into Chu Feng's bone boat.

"You turn your head and try." Chu Feng passed a very simple sentence. Adjust your head, this is very simple. The boss on the bone ship immediately decided to try it. Soon, they enjoyed the same treatment that the Burning Shark enjoyed, under the powerful magma wave, their ship The bone ship, which is a little smaller than the Burning Shark, is almost destroyed!

Turning their heads again, many of the people on the bone ship turned ugly. Not only the three brothers found the problem, but the rest of the people also found it!


A voice rang from the bone ship of Chu Feng. "Cooperation, but we may be less, we still need more partners." Chu Feng passed through.

"Yeah!" None of the three actual controllers on the opponent's bone ship are stupid. Such an abnormal situation is very likely to die. Needless to say, the chance of cooperating to survive is much greater!

"Chu Feng, the three of them are all powerhouses at the venerable **** level. If you are close to them, will the abyssal aura on your body" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "Huh"

"Mission, you have a mission!" Miao Xian'er said in a bad tone, "Chu Feng, this mission is difficult to complete!"

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