Holy Prison

Chapter 1025: Persuade

"Chu Feng, you fellow, I was exhausted there, and you are actually here in the nephrite jade Wenxiang paper, drunk, gold, drunk, and dreaming." While Chu Feng's hand was doing evil on Miao Feiying's chest, Miao Xianer's voice sounded. In Chu Feng's mind. "Stop, what are you with?" Chu Feng quickly said in his mind. In a short time, Miao Xian'er was charged with more than ten crimes!

"Is there a result?" Chu Feng took out his evil hand and said in his mind. "Well, this young lady is going out, there is nothing wrong with it." Miao Xian'er said triumphantly, "Mashu's core rules have been revised, and now those core rules have no effect on her. Great, she has some complaints in her heart."

"Persuaded her to take refuge in us?"

"I don't have this. I have beaten her before. It can be said that you and I made her like this. She is also more annoyed with me and you in her heart." Miao Xianer said.

"Can you let me talk to her?" Chu Feng said. "This is no problem, she can form a figure in the holy prison space." Miao Xian'er, "Let her appear here?"

"No, wait."

After staying warm with Miao Feiying, Chu Feng left to another place in the sacred prison space. This was a pavilion. There were mountains, water, flowers and grass beside it, and various birds and insects could be heard.

"Miao Xian'er, let Miss Mo Shu come here." Chu Feng sat down and said. "Well, she will be there soon! Chu Feng, she is a beautiful woman, don't look at her eyes." Miao Xian'er appeared beside Chu Feng with a smile.

A strange wave appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others, and soon a tall blond woman appeared with slender legs, a towering, low-cut waistcoat and a short skirt. Chu Feng secretly praised. What a **** stunner! "Miss Magic Shu, please sit down." Chu Feng stretched out his hand and gestured with a smile.

Mo Shu lightly snorted and sat down opposite Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er. "Miss Mo Shu hates us?" Chu Feng smiled slightly, "It seems that I shouldn't let Miao Xian'er modify your core rules, so let's ask Miao Xian'er to change it back later, and it won't be too much delay. time."

Mo Shu's face changed slightly. After the core rules were revised, she had complete freedom. Such freedom was extremely valuable. Why would she want to go back to before?

"I was impolite, sorry." Magic Shu Zhu's lips said lightly. "Magic Shu, you belong to Wang Yuancheng, but you don't belong to Wang Yuan Mansion. Do you agree with Wang Yuan Mansion's deeds?" Chu Feng said as he poured a glass of red wine on the three wine glasses on the table in front of him. "I am hostile to Wang Yuan Mansion. I'm sorry about the previous things." Chu Feng held up the wine glass.

"Chu Feng, why are you so polite with her? If she wants to fight against me, I will spend more time and completely devour her!" Miao Xian'er said authentically, "It can be swallowed up to one or two thousand years. A little bit of time can't wait!"

"Swallow me, dare you!" Mo Shu raised his brows. "Well, you two, don't make trouble. Intelligent life awakened like you are relatively rare. Unconsciously, is it better to be friends than enemies?" Chu Feng said calmly. "What is fierce?" Miao Xian'er said.

Mo Shu's complexion eased and picked up the wine glass: "Chu Feng, what do you have to say, how can you tell me directly?" After touching the glass with Mo Shu, Chu Feng drank some red wine: "Okay, Mo Shu, you are a smart People, then I’ll just say it straight. You know my grievances with Wang Yuan Mansion. If it weren’t for Wang Yuan Mansion’s deceitfulness, Wang Yuan Mansion and I wouldn’t be in trouble until now! Last time, my wedding, Wang Yuan Mansion also sent people to "greet each other." In such a situation, do you think there is still room for peace between me and Wang Yuan Mansion?"

"No, you want to destroy Wang Yuan Mansion, they also want to get rid of you soon!" Mo Shu said. "It's not that I praise Miao Xian'er to look down on you. If you fight with Miao Xian'er, you will definitely lose in the end. Therefore, I hope you don't be arrogant. You should be clear about the virtues of Wang Yuan Mansion. What are you doing? It’s just a tool, you know this yourself!" Chu Feng said, "Wang Yuan Mansion occupied Wang Yuan City, but Wang Hao is your master? Even if you fight against them, you are not betraying them, do you ?"

Mo Shu was silent for a while, and Chu Feng was not in a hurry to let her think slowly. "Wang Yuan Mansion has also helped me a lot. I can grow up to now, and I cannot do without Wang Yuan Mansion's help." Mo Shu said.

"Your so-called help is that they made you swallow your brains one by one? You don’t know the consequences of doing so. If this continues, do you know what the consequences are? Originally you could continue to grow, even In the end it becomes a life like me, but it is swallowed that way, you will never have that day! Your growth space will shrink little by little because of that swallowing, until finally there is no growth space at all!" Chu Feng is not worried Not slow and authentic.

"How is it possible to become a human?" The Magic Shu said in a strange way. "What's impossible, here, I'm no different from human beings." Miao Xian'er said proudly. She said that she wrapped her hands around Chu Feng's neck and blew her breath in Chu Feng's ear, "Chu Feng, ask No, let's show her *****?"

"Cough!" Chu Feng coughed dryly. He was about to criticize Miao Xian'er, and Mo Shu snorted: "You perform, let me see, you really think that here, you can be no different from real human beings? "

Miao Xian'er smirked: "Magic Shu, are you sure?"

"I'm still afraid that I won't see it?" Demon Shu said coldly. "When we are performing, then you must not look down, and you must not stop us." Miao Xian'er said.

Miao Xian'er smiled triumphantly at the corner of her mouth, "Chu Feng, it's cheaper to see you. It should be more exciting to see such a big beauty next to her." Miao Xian'er said that she instantly turned into a magical figure, "Chu Feng, Love me"

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, and Miao Xian'er turned into a magical figure, and he could clearly feel the fiery figure. "You" looked at him in shock. She really didn't expect Miao Xian'er to become hers. Chu Feng's hand was placed on Miao Xian'er's chest. It felt like Chu Feng's hand was on her. The chest is average.

"Moshu, I just said that there is no opinion, right now?" Miao Xian'er said, the expression and voice are exactly the same as Moshu.

"Hmph, what do I have to say." Mo Shu snorted. Chu Feng's desire for fire had already come up at this time. It is estimated that he would not be unexcited in a situation like a man. Since Mo Shu has no objection, what are he waiting for? One hand instantly plunged into Miao Xian'er's upper body vest. !

Strong and full, Chu Feng kneaded his face vigorously with a look of enjoyment. "嘤" Miao Xian'er gasped, the sound of gasping came into Mo Shu's ears, Mo Shu's face was reddish, and she wanted to turn her eyes away, but Miao Xian'er occasionally made a provocative look that kept her from turning away. Instead, he stared without blinking.

With a deep tongue kiss, Chu Feng's pair of magic hands quickly touched every part of Miao Xian'er's body who had turned into a magic boy. The clothes landed piece by piece, and it didn’t take long for Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er to treat each other frankly, “Magic Shu, watch it carefully.” Miao Xian'er smirked and moved her head to Chu Feng’s compartment and then small. The mouth opened.

"Oh" Chu Feng showed an expression of extreme enjoyment on his face. Such enjoyment has often been experienced before, but now that the Lord is right in front of him, the feeling is even more exciting.

Mo Shu bit her lips tightly, she wanted to rush to bite Chu Feng and the others, but under the occasional provocative look of Miao Xian'er, she did not move.

"But so." Magic Shu said indifferently. "Well" responded to Magic Shu is a little sound from Miao Xian'er's throat.

It didn't take long for the show to take place, and the pavilion where Chu Feng and the others were was staged boundless spring scenery. There is an outsider like Mo Sister here, and Miao Xian'er is trying his best to cooperate, taking turns to perform each posture. In the end, Mo Shu couldn't help but turn his head away. It's not that she has never seen such a thing, but the Miao Xian'er in front of him is exactly the same as herself, and this feeling is completely different!

"Ah!" Chu Feng yelled, and finally shot the bullet deeply into the body of Miao Xian'er who had turned into a magician. "Chu Feng, how is the figure of Demon Shu?" Miao Xian'er gasped.

"Excellent!" Chu Feng said with a smile. "You two, that's enough!" The magic boy broke out and stood up and shouted, "No matter how you do this, there is no possibility of cooperation between us."

As soon as Chu Feng moved his clothes and appeared, Miao Xian'er changed into what he was like. Naturally, clothes appeared on his body. "Magic Shu, believe it now. Why are you angry? Isn't this what you promised before?" Miao Xian'er grinned.

"Magic Shu, agreed to cooperate?" Chu Feng smiled authentically. Mo Shu took a deep breath: "It depends on what kind of conditions you can give. If there are no good conditions, why should I be an enemy of Wang Yuan Mansion? After all, I am very familiar with those in Wang Yuan Mansion. Although some people in Wang Yuan Mansion are really bastards, there are also very good people."

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Magic Shu, I think you should be clear that if we cooperate, no matter whether Wang Yuan Mansion is a good person or a bad person, it will be my enemy, and similarly, it is also your enemy!"

"I know." Mo Shu said faintly, the blush on her face finally disappeared at this time. "What I want, first, you have the most convenient conditions to obtain all kinds of information about Wang Yuan Mansion; second, when I want to get Wang Yuan City to destroy Wang Yuan Mansion, you must help; what you can get, one , Miao Xian'er has gone farther than you on the road of evolution, you can communicate with her more and believe that it is useful for your improvement; Second, I have no ability now, but I have the ability to make you real in the future Life, if you want to be a real life, then I will help." Chu Feng said.

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