Holy Prison

Chapter 1039: Pushed down

The pilgrimage stairs, tens of thousands of steps, are all pure white. On the stairs, there are now thousands of people walking, and everyone's face is showing gratitude and devotion.

When Chu Feng reached the stairs, there were also several people here, but when he arrived, those people looked away, and there was no one talking here.

"This saint, whether it is hypocritical or really kind, is really amazing to be able to convince so many people!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he lifted his right foot and stepped on it. The first step.

When he reached the first step, Chu Feng was taken aback. He seemed to hear the wonderful sound of the avenue, which guided him to discover something, but the feeling at that moment was too short. Chu Feng didn't catch it. . "Interesting, interesting!" Chu Feng said in his heart and quickly reached the second step.

Sure enough, the wonderful sound of the great Dao appeared again. This time Chu Feng was prepared, so he finally gained some benefits. "This" Chu Feng was surprised, he felt that his soul had been cleansed, and that feeling made him very comfortable!

After being born, through all things and everything, the soul is dusted, and this step has such a great magic power to clear the dust in his soul!

"The red dust is rolling, the heart is like a mirror, and it is not stained with dust, so that you can quickly reach the heart of the road!"

Chu Feng slowly went up step by step, and the insight he gained gradually increased, "No, why do you want your heart to be like a mirror and not stained with dust? It is an earthly world, with red dust rolling in, keeping your heart like a mirror and not staining dust. Isn’t that too tired?"

"If the heart is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, it will be contaminated by dust. What is the defense? The human heart can tolerate the heaven and the earth, and all things and everything, what can shake the heart between the heaven and the earth?"

Chu Feng's eyes were in a trance, he moved up step by step somewhat mechanically, and within his soul, a little bit of sentiment was constantly produced!

Level 1, Level 2 and Level 10, Level Hundred.

A few hours later, Chu Feng had almost finished walking the stairs. The only people who could get to this place were to talk about a few people. For the rest, some of them could not go down after only one tenth.

"This person has such a high level of savvy." At the top of the Most Sacred Mountain, a woman in white in the secret room showed a surprised look, "Heart, encompasses all things, is heart infinite?"

Feeling that, the white-clothed woman quickly closed her eyes. She faintly felt that if she seized this opportunity, then her strength could be improved a lot, and she would be more confident when dealing with the Dark Demon Temple. .

A mouthful of blood came out of the woman's mouth quickly. "How could this be?" The woman said in a daze, "A person of the Emperor God level can feel that realm, why can't I have a quasi-sage level cultivation base? The heart is infinite, what is it, Trapped my heart?"

On the steps, Chu Feng's eyes regained clarity, he felt a force acting on him, and then he instantly disappeared on the pilgrimage steps.

"You" Chu Feng spoke, and he was shocked when he said a word. The beautiful face and temperament of the woman in front of him are really only seen in his life. Feng Bingning and the others are very beautiful, but In terms of empty appearance, Chu Feng had to admit that the woman in front of him was even better.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Feng recovered his mind and smiled quietly: "Presumably this beautiful woman is a saint." Without the insight from that step, it would be impossible for Chu Feng to do it all at once. He recovered, but with the feeling of being on the steps, Chu Feng knew a little bit, if he didn't want to, it would be difficult for him to have anything to make his heart dust.

"What kind of saint, that was what they barked. I want them to call it otherwise. It's impossible for them to call me Yilian." The white-clothed woman, Yilian, said helplessly, "Sir, I want to ask you something. What, why, you only have the cultivation base of Emperor God level, but the cultivation base of the state of mind seems to be higher than mine!"

Elaine knew that she had only achieved the unity of nature and man. She had just forced a higher realm and her heart could contain all things, but she failed. "Beauty Yilian, you are ridiculously complimented. My mood cultivation is not higher than yours. You should have reached the unity of nature and man, and I'm just a state where my heart is not stained with dust." Chu Feng said. There was a look of helplessness on his face. He did realize a lot of things just now, but he was only a cultivation base of the Emperor God level, and he was immediately beaten from that higher realm.

Heaven and man are one, how can the cultivation base of the Emperor God level do it? How vast is the world, it is difficult, difficult to achieve the unity of nature and man!

To achieve the unity of nature and man, the most basic requirement is to have a sage-level cultivation base. If Chu Feng can enter the unity of the pseudo-cosmos and the pseudo-transcendence of heaven, earth and everything, but the fake is fake after all. It's far!

"How come? Sir, I feel that you have just reached a higher level." Yilian frowned slightly and said. "That's a fake. No, I was beaten down very quickly." Chu Feng curled his lips and said.

"Sir, can you please try to enter that realm? This may hurt you, but if my strength can't be improved a little, this sacred mountain will probably not exist at that time." Yilian said with her face An expression of worry, "A few days ago, I felt the aura of Dark Moon, the lord of the Dark Demon Temple. His aura has increased a lot. I have a feeling. If I can feel that realm again, I should be able to improve. Strength."

As she said, Yilian actually knelt down on one knee: "Sir, I beg you on behalf of the billions of innocent people in this world. If the Dark Demon Temple regains control of this land, the number of people who died will definitely be trillions!"

Down below, Chu Feng still thought that the saint might be just a hypocritical saint, but at this time, Chu Feng's thoughts have long been thrown away. The one Yilian in front of him is absolutely impossible. hypocritical! If hypocritical, she is a half-step saint, how can she kneel to him, a man of Emperor God level?

"Please get up, please get up soon." Chu Feng said hurriedly, "Aren't you trying to break my life? Fortunately, you are only a half-step saint. If you are a true saint, you kneel, I absolutely have to get rid of it. A lot of longevity!"

"Sir, did you agree?" Yilian stood up and said in surprise. Can you not agree? Destroying the Dark Demon Hall, this is his task. With his strength, he definitely can't deal with the Lord of the Dark Demon Hall. Then I can only rely on the one in front of Yilian, although it looks soft and weak. , But they are a strong man of false saint level!

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, it's just that, beautiful Yilian, I enter that state like this, and I don't have much time, at most three seconds, three seconds, are you sure you can get the harvest?"

"I don't know." Yilian shook her head, "Sir, there is no other way but to try it." "Okay! Pay attention." Chu Feng said, and his soul trembled quickly as he said.

Heart is not stained with dust; now Chu Feng is in such a realm, he needs to rise to the unity of pseudo-heaven and man, and then needs to rise to the pseudo-environmental integration of all things. In Yilian’s eyes, Chu Feng’s figure seems infinitely tall. It seems that the whole world is included, however, there is not much time for "Puff!"

Chu Feng sprayed out a mouthful of blood. After that mouthful of blood, Chu Feng vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and his face became pale in a short time.

"How are you?" Yilian said and quickly flashed out a few colorful lights on her fingers. The colorful light entered Chu Feng's body, and Chu Feng suddenly felt a little better in her heart.

"The strength is too low, the strength is only so high, where can the heart go?" Chu Feng wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth and sighed, "Beauty Yilian, did you feel anything?"

Yilian shook her head slightly. She seemed to have turned a little red after thinking of something, but soon her eyes showed firmness.

"Sir, your body is very strong. Although you have suffered a serious injury, you should be able to hold on again." Yilian said. Chu Feng frowned, he felt that Yilian was a little bit too much.

"Sir, I'm offended." Yilian said that she immediately clicked on Chu Feng's hand. With her pseudo-sage-level cultivation base, Chu Feng didn't see it clearly before she got the point. "Sir, am I beautiful?" Yilian said softly, and the white long dress on her body slowly slipped from her body to reveal the perfect inside!

Chu Feng's eyes widened, "Ilian, what do you want to do?" Chu Feng said loudly. He looked at his lower body and his face blushed, and his lower body was actually already setting up a tent for the boss. "How could this happen?" Chu Feng was startled. He was a powerhouse of the Emperor God level. Xiao Chufeng couldn't get up and he should be able to control it completely, but now.

"Yes, it should be Yilian's just a few times." Chu Feng quickly reacted. It is very simple to block some of his control power with Yilian's method.

"Sir, I just sensed a little bit, but I didn't catch it. If this kind of induction can be strengthened, I can definitely catch it. The combination of Yin and Yang can make this kind of induction reach the greatest degree of enhancement. Sacrifice my body, If it can save countless people in the world from the poison, then it is worth it." Yilian said generously, but Chu Feng could hear her voice trembling slightly at this time, "Sir, please be at your place. Feel it again when it comes out, and that time is the strongest time!"

Just as Chu Feng was about to say something, his clothes were torn apart, and a bed appeared behind him. With a light push by Yilian, Chu Feng was immediately pushed onto the bed.

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