Holy Prison

Chapter 1122: Extremely humiliating (2)

"Guaranteed? I'll protect you, uncle!" Chu Feng cursed and kicked directly to Feng Yi's face. The goalkeeper Feng Yi kicked several somersaults.

"Puff!" Feng Yi didn't hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out. "Grandpa!" Feng Qingyang yelled. He wanted to rush in front of Feng Yi, but Zhou Wenyi punched him in his stomach and bent down involuntarily. "Feng Qingyang, don't call it so intimate, Feng Yi is now A traitor to the Feng clan! When he betrayed the Feng clan, did he ever think about the fate of Feng Yi's line?" Zhou Wen said unhurriedly, "Although you are his relatives, in his heart, it is estimated that there are no couples. weight!"

"You fart!" Feng Qingyang roared angrily. "Tsk tsk, I like you to be **** me. If you start like this, I will feel better. I just beat your grandfather, and now I will fix you!" Zhou Wen said with a smile, and immediately countless heavy fists fell. Feng Qingyang's body!

"Chu Feng, it seems that you don't want Feng Bingning to survive!" Feng Yi said coldly, sweeping Feng Qingyang's place. "Feng Yi, old miscellaneous hair, take a closer look, is this young master frightened?" Chu Feng said, raising his hand and slapped twice, "I still know a little bit about you, old miscellaneous hair. , I won’t beat you, and neither will you tell me where Bing Ning Heroic Soul is. If I hit you, you won’t commit suicide, so you are beaten for nothing!”

"Torture me and not torture me. The difference is big." Feng Yi coughed up some blood again. He was already seriously injured. Now he was beaten by Chu Feng and the others for a while. Distance, but the injury is heavier than before! "The more tortured me, the lower the possibility of Feng Bingning's survival. If I follow my terms, Feng Bingning's heroic spirit, I will tell you where you are!"

"Feng Yi, I'm telling you very clearly, before you tell me where the frozen soul is and I get it, you absolutely cannot leave this space!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "I am for you and me. I can't believe it very much." Chu Feng said as he waved his hand, this space and the other small spaces became transparent.


"My husband!"

A series of screams entered Feng Yi's ears. Those people had a patriarch of Feng Yi's line, several sons of Feng Yi, and some wives of Feng Yi!

"Feng Yi, if you tell me where Bing Ning's heroic soul is, then I can guarantee that at least half of them will survive! Feng Yi's line of people who were in Phoenix Ridge at that time have all been given by me. I grabbed it, the total number is hundreds of thousands!" Chu Feng said, "If something happens to Bing Ning by then, I can assure you that there will never be a person living in Feng Yi's line, even a child who is not sensible! "

"Your character is too low, I can't believe it, but what I said is testified by them. If I don’t count, they will look down on me. If you say it, I can swear that there will definitely be more than Half of the people live, but you absolutely can't!"

"Chu Feng, I don't want to repeat it. You already know my conditions." Feng Yi glanced at those people and said calmly. "Very well, since that's the case, then I will let everyone watch the show together, Lao Meng, please seal Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang's cultivation base." Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, isn't this too cruel? This person has lived so long and protected the chrysanthemum for so many years. It is not easy. It's not easy to be exploded by an outsider, and exploded by his own grandson. This, this, is too cruel. It's too cruel." Meng Hao said too cruelly, but with a smile on his face, he quickly sealed Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang's cultivation base.

Chu Feng thought, a spatial ring appeared in his hand. "Feng Qingyang, is this familiar? Your spatial ring." Chu Feng smiled. He said that he took out a pink bottle from the spatial ring. "Feng Qingyang, what is this? Please tell us all about it. Say, say it well, otherwise, do you believe me to let you **** and eat it yourself?"

"Boss, your taste is heavy." Zhou Wen said with a smile.

Feng Qingyang gritted his teeth and said: "This is Lost Love San." "Talk about the detailed effects of Lost Love San." Chu Feng said lightly. "The ecstasy can greatly arouse the lust, and if you subdue the ecstasy, you can only let go of the lost mind." Feng Qingyang said, feeling that his body was trembling a little.

"Chu Feng, what do you want to do?" someone in those small spaces said loudly. "You will see it soon." Chu Feng said indifferently, "Feng Yi, do you want to think about it again? You have to believe in one thing. If you don't tell where the frozen soul is, what will happen next Compared to your future life, it will really be a happy memory!"

"The world is very big, and you can't find it easily if you took the frozen heroic soul to other places, but in such a big world, the ways to torture people are really countless! I guess, even me I'll try a hundred methods a day, and you won't enjoy the same one for a hundred thousand years." Chu Feng smiled, "Feng Yi, don't you want to answer my question? I will let you choose now. "

"Answer me a question, if you answer, they won't observe, if you don't answer, they will appreciate you all in vain!"

Feng Yi was furious, if Chu Feng this guy let go of the whole person, it would really make people want to die. "I will give you ten seconds to think about it, ten, nine, eight." Chu Feng counted slowly, and when he counted to three, he opened the lid on the other side of his distraction.

"Ask!" Feng Yi said coldly, letting so many people see him being humiliated, then he really has no face to live! "Really a good boy." Chu Feng smiled. "My question is very simple. Have you brought the frozen heroic soul to San Di'an?"

Feng Yi's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that this question asked by Chu Feng would immediately ask a more important point! "Don't make a sound? If you don't make a sound, then it seems to be brought here!" Chu Feng said coldly, "If you don't make a sound, then there is no answer. You can perform well for everyone!"

"Brought here." Feng Yi said solemnly, "Chu Feng, I will tell you where Ying Po is. You promised to spare at least half of Feng Yi's lineage!"

"Sorry, if you just said, then I promised to do it, but now, I don't need you to answer!" Chu Feng said coldly, "You old bastard, you actually gave your frozen heroic soul Bright God Cult! Feng Yi, if Bing Ning’s soul is destroyed, then everyone in your Feng Yi line will die. If Bing Ning’s soul does not happen then, then I can make you Feng Yi line most of ten If the children under the age of the age erase their memories and survive, please pray that Bing Ning’s Ying Po won’t have any trouble!"

"Feng Qingyang, enjoy your grandfather's old chrysanthemum!" Chu Feng said that the ecstasy broke into two parts and entered Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang's body separately.

Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang’s cultivation bases were sealed, but their bodies were not comparable to ordinary people. They were very resistant to drugs. However, those lost emotions were also good things refined by Feng Qingyang. The medicinal effects were amazing. Feng Yi absorbed half of the emotions. He was in a state of being half-fascinated, and Feng Qingyang, because his cultivation level was much lower, half of his fascination dissipated so that he in his current state was dispelled by endless **** in a short time!

Feng Qingyang's mouth made a sound like a beast. He couldn't feel Chu Feng's breath. The only breath that could be felt in this space was Feng Yi, so he immediately rushed towards Feng Yi. .

Feng Yi still has a bit of saneness. He wants to take Feng Qingyang into the air, but now his power is not stronger or even weaker than Feng Qingyang!

"Feng Qingyang!" Feng Yi roared desperately. He wanted to awaken Feng Qingyang, but this was only in vain. Feng Qingyang's eyes were full of **** and he kept touching Feng Yi with both hands, but Obviously, the structure of the person he touched was different from the person he touched before, which made Feng Qingyang roar again and again.

Life will always find a way out, and **** will always find a way to vent. Soon, Feng Qingyang realized that his sinful right hand touched Feng Yi's unexploded old chrysanthemum.

In the next picture, it’s not just Shao Yi. Normal people are not suitable. Chu Feng and the others don’t have the excitement to stay to appreciate it. Knowing that Ying Po is now in the hands of the Bright God Sect, Chu Feng and the others immediately all appeared in Outside.

"Boss, something is wrong, you have talked about your sister-in-law's heroic spirit before, why did the palace master say that you don't know?" Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng had a sullen face. He had already thought of what Zhou Wen said, and the better news for him now is that Feng Bingning has not sensed the destruction of her heroic soul!

"The San Di'an Temple Master is no longer in this San Di'an city. He should have left for Bing Ning Ying Po. The Bing Ning Ying Po is probably more useful to the Light God Sect and was offered up!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Tao. "English soul is not a complete soul, what use can it do?" Zhou Wen frowned.

"That's not what I care about. I only need Bing Ning's Ying Po to come back, otherwise I will not hesitate even if it is the enemy of the entire Guangming Divine Sect!" Chu Feng said with a thought, Feng Bingning appeared outside, she was in the holy prison In the space, the holy prison will block some of her soul's induction of Yingpao.

"Ah." Just appearing outside, Feng Bingning immediately cried out with her headache. Chu Feng's face changed wildly and hugged Feng Bingning, "Bing Ning, how are you? Did you feel Ying Po"

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