Holy Prison

Chapter 1128: The problem of the awakening of the saint

"Boss, through the sub-control tower, really can't return to Earth?" Zhou Wen also frowned. Chu Feng shook his head: "A lot of them haven't been back. You think I don't want to go back and have a look, but it doesn't work. The ability of the sub-control tower can only allow us to communicate with the earth, and this is the past. Now, we don’t have strong blood connections on the earth, so contact is impossible."

"Then from the abyss? Is it possible to pass through the Ascended Demon Well?" Zhou Wen said. Chu Feng shook his head: "At least it doesn't seem to me. If you have a Saint-level cultivation base, you might be right. You must return to Earth, what's the matter?"


Zhou Wen said with a sigh: "Our masters are all earthlings. If our cultivation base is stronger, we may be able to establish a little contact with the master's deity! If the connection can be established, then certain conditions are met. It is possible to gain benefits just like the people of Guangming God religion believe in the sleeping strong! It’s just that we are not faith, but through the relationship between master and apprentice. If we are lucky, we may even borrow a little bit of the master’s power, even if only ten thousand people. One hundred millionth, that kind of power is extremely powerful!"

"You can get benefits and you may borrow power," Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

Zhou Wen nodded: "Yeah, but it is not easy to obtain benefits and borrow power. It is not easy to obtain benefits and borrow power. The rules of heaven and earth do not allow it!"

"Senior Pangu told you? I'm not quite clear about this. You can explain it in detail. If you can get the benefits and use the power, are there other people who can also have a strong master-disciple relationship? People with blood connections can do the same?" Chu Feng said.

"Okay, let me elaborate. Master said this to me not long ago." Zhou Wen said, drinking a sip of wine and Zhou Wen continued, "Sage-level powerhouses will fall asleep every now and then, no one at this point. Knowing the specific reasons, Master and the others do not know. The saint-level experts call it the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and when they sleep and wake up, it is like the day and night of ordinary people."

"The time of the saints sleeping is the same, but the time of waking up will not be the same. If all the saint-level powerhouses do nothing, then the time of awakening will be the same, but in fact, many saint-level The strong have made many arrangements to wake up earlier!"

"The thousand years before the saints fall asleep is a very important thousand years. The heaven and the earth will give birth to some strange things. Some of those things will be better than usual if they are used before they fall asleep. Some are used and repaired before they fall asleep. In order to be much weaker than usual! Stronger, can be much stronger, for example, a lower-level saint, if he uses many strange things that enhance his cultivation base, his cultivation base may even reach the level of an immortal saint! "

"Weak can also be much weaker. If an immortal saint uses many items that weaken his cultivation base, then his strength can be reduced to a lower saint!"

Listening to what Zhou Wen said, Chu Feng was very surprised. Such an item is really strange, and the lower-ranking saints can actually achieve the strength of the immortal saints!

"Originally, the time of awakening is fixed. If someone uses a strange thing that enhances the cultivation base, the time of awakening will be delayed; and if the item that weakens the cultivation base is used, the time of awakening will be earlier! The first point is definitely Yes, but the latter point is that if there is a saint-level powerhouse who makes other arrangements, then it is not for sure. For example, my master may have prepared some items and has a bit of strength, and the preparation of these things will wake him up Time is delayed."

Zhou Wen said in one breath. He drank a big sip of wine and moistened his mouth, "Boss, why do you look puzzled, should I make it clear?"

"There is one thing that I can't figure out. Didn't you ask me how the power of the law of space came from? I was not in the mood to say at that time. I can talk to you now." Chu Feng said that he would be in the mechanical tower city. Things have been told. "That mechanical saint powerhouse should have woken up early, how could he wake up early?"

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "I think I know this. Some saints think that they can take advantage of the gaps in the world and wake up early. Now there should be a long time before the saints wake up, the awakening of the mechanical saint-level powerhouse Obviously, it just wakes up abnormally."

"For that mechanical tower city, if it were not for the perverted boss you, then I think that ordinary people will definitely die if they enter it. If one person dies, the mechanical saint can probably gain a little bit of strength and gather like this. With the strength and the dedication of mechanical life, he may wake up early!"

"But obviously things did not develop according to his estimation. You reached the 33rd floor and saw the powerful mechanical clan. His deity began to wake up forcibly, even if it was Brother Feng, you did not kill him. It is estimated that the power of heaven and earth will also let him know what destiny cannot be violated!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Fatty, if this is the case, then, as the time for the saint-level powerhouse to wake up slowly approaches, maybe some people can borrow power, and their strength will be much stronger than before!"

"That's for sure. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Infinity are the strongest now, but maybe this will not be the case by then." Zhou Wendao, "I don't know if Master Xiao Mingzi told him about these things. I planned to meet him and talked about it together. Now that you asked, the boss, you naturally said it first."

"In that case, the world will be even more chaotic! Fatty, you still have to find a way to return to the earth. The problem of lack of power in the chaotic world is very serious." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Zhou Wen nodded and said: "I was not in such a hurry, but my sister-in-law had an accident, and now I see Feng Yi and their tragic situation, I do feel a little urgent. If I don't have the strength, then maybe I can only watch if something happens to Wan'er. Now, thinking about it, I feel a little scary!"

"If you want to go back, you have to find the main control tower, but who is holding that thing or where is it?" Chu Feng frowned slightly, "This time I go back, I will let people look for it with all my strength. Big deal If you release the news, who can give me the main control tower, I owe him a favor!"

"Boss, thank you for the bird." Zhou Wen smiled, "Your current favor, that is quite valuable, even the strong person who respects the gods and perfection also wants you to owe a favor!"

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. After two days of flying, the flying boat finally left the vast sea and reached the infinite land.

"Hu Donghuang's breath, I like the breath of Infinite Donghuang. The mountains are high and the water is deep, and the world is vast. It can make people's hearts calm and broad!" Zhou Wen took a deep breath and exhaled and laughed. "Fatty, where is your state of mind?" Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "Boss, do you want to point me to my state of mind?" "Point to your ass, you have an indestructible saint-level expert as the master, how can I have the qualifications to point you, just ask curiously. "Chu Feng said with a smile. "This is my sad thing." Zhou Wen said helplessly, "Master said, the five levels of mood, my state of mind has not even entered the first level now, I went away, it is really sad."

"Fifth level of mood? The first level did not enter," Chu Feng said blankly. Zhou Wen curled his lips and said: "Well, the first level is not advanced. Although I am majoring in the physical body, I am not very demanding on the mood, but if I want to reach the Saint level cultivation base by then, I must at least reach the first level. The state of mind is like a mirror and does not provoke dust, and the heart is like a knife, cutting all the dust! Brother Feng, why do I feel a little more idle now than before? That’s because Master also realized that this problem is serious, my state of mind The improvement is very slow, so now I often spend some time thinking about life."

"Sao Nian, don't you think you have no Huigen?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said: "The training of the state of mind pays attention to a chance. When the chance comes, the possibility of improvement will be natural. By the way, the state of mind I know is for three levels. The first level is just like you said; the second level Heaven and man are one; the third level of heart is infinite, and the fourth level and fifth level?"

"Master said, but Master’s state of mind has only reached the third level. As far as Master knows, only a few people have reached the fourth level, such as Nuwa in myths and legends. The fourth level is heaven and earth. Heart, the fifth level, there is no world, no earth, no self! The fourth level is only reached by very few top saints. As for the fifth level, that is the level in the legend, the master said that he does not know who is there. Achieved!" Zhou Wendao.

"Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart, there is no heaven and earth, and there is no self. It turns out that there is still such a level. Before, my vision was low." Chu Feng said with emotion, that level of mood is far beyond what Chu Feng can achieve now. , If he feels that level now, it is definitely not a blessing but a cup, and that kind of mental power will instantly turn his body and soul into nothingness!

Zhou Wen helplessly said: "Boss, don't beat me to success? I know from the master that my vision in this area is high, but my eyes are high and my hands are low. At the first level, my heart is like a mirror, and my heart is like a knife. How can my heart be like a mirror? Rudao is completely clueless and troublesome! Boss, I don’t think you have reached your heart like a mirror, your heart is like a knife!"

"The heart is like a mirror and doesn't provoke dust, but your sister-in-law has an accident. You are so anxious as to be like a mirror?" Zhou Wen said strangely.

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