Holy Prison

Chapter 1143: Poor Earth Trainer

"Go." Chu Feng said softly. In an instant, he, Tang Ming Zhouwen and the blue-robed middle-aged man all appeared in the blue-robed middle-aged man's office in Yangcheng University.

"Space shift!"

The eyes of the blue-robed middle-aged man were full of horror. On the earth, there are very few people who can jump directly from one space to another with a few people!

"Three seniors, the juniors are polite." The blue-robed middle-aged man hurriedly saluted respectfully. "We were also from Yangcheng University before, so we are not outsiders when we speak. Sit down." Chu Feng sat down and chuckled. "Senior, this, I'll still stand." The blue-robed middle-aged humane, originally he only thought that Chu Feng and the others had the strength of the distraction level, and now he estimated that Chu Feng and the others even had the cultivation level of the fit period.

On today's earth, the strength is divided in this way: the human level, the prefecture level, the innate, the golden core, the primordial soul, the sacred journey, the combined path, and the mahayana.

Among them, Shenyou is divided into two levels by some people, namely, out of orifice and distraction, and harmony, which is also called a combination. On the earth today, there are also practitioners in the Mahayana period during the Tribulation Period, but there are very few of them, and those who are strong in the integration period are really great masters on the earth.

Of course, the integration period, which is considered a master above the earth, if it is above the infinity, then it is the low hand among the low hands. The cultivation base of the integration phase is above the infinity and below the bronze level! Even a powerful Mahayana-level powerhouse, in the infinite level, is only equivalent to the strength of a general silver elementary intermediate!

Therefore, from this perspective, the strength of the earth today is very low, and the aura content in the atmosphere is much lower than infinitely low. Otherwise, many talented people will not need hundreds of years to reach the Mahayana level. The cultivation base had already broken through the Mahayana level and reached a higher level!

"Fine, just stand if you want to stand." Chu Feng said, "You guarded for several days before, what do you want as a reward?"

Zhou Wen smiled and said, "Friendly reminder, don't be polite with him, he is a big rich man!" "Senior, that doesn't matter, how dare you ask for any reward." The middle-aged man in blue robe respectfully said.

"Go ahead, I don't like owing others." Chu Feng said. The blue-robed middle-aged man hesitated for a while and said, "If the senior has a spirit stone, just give it a few pieces."

Chu Feng and the others were taken aback. They really didn't expect that the blue-robed middle-aged man made such a small request! A few spiritual stones, what the middle-aged blue-robed man said is definitely not the best spar. For them, let alone a few spars that are worse than the best spar, even hundreds of millions of best spars are trivial. !

"Let's give these to you!" Chu Feng thought a hundred pieces of the best spar appeared before him. "Senior, I can't use so much or so much." The blue-robed middle-aged man was shocked. He knew at a glance that these were the best spirit stones. There are no such best spirit stones on earth today, but they are extremely It is so rare that a single top-grade spar can support his practice for several years, and one hundred yuan can support his practice for more than three hundred years!

"That's it, it's nothing to me." After Chu Feng said, he and Zhou Wen, they all disappeared. "He" looked at the hundred top-grade spars, the blue-robed middle-aged man trembled a little. With these spars, he was confident that he would cultivate to the fit period or even the tribulation period within two hundred years. !

"Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, what do you think?" Chu Feng sighed quietly. At this time, they were riding the clouds and slowly heading towards Darongshu Village.

"Poor!" Tang Ming shook his head. "It's not that it's poor, it's that it's too poor and too poor! Although the environment for training on the earth is a little better compared to our time, it is still too poor compared to infinity! People on earth have many talents and are good. If they are above infinity, they will be able to reach the gold rank in a lot of twenty or thirty years, but on the earth, their talents are top-notch, and they will only reach the silver rank in three to four hundred years!" Zhou Wen frowned.

"Boss, you should have a lot of spars, let the earth grow a lot, I really can't stand it." Tang Ming said, "If there are not enough spars, we still have a lot of them. One hundred top-grade spars, unexpectedly They were so scared that they didn't dare to accept it. This is really messy and it's really too miserable."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "This will also improve without you mentioning it. The spars in my treasure space make the earth grow and improve a lot of spiritual energy easily."

If all the spars in Chu Feng's sacred prison space were transformed into top-quality spars, it would be a hundred million jin. Even if so many spars were piled together, it would be extremely spectacular!

"When I come back here, I feel that this is our root." Zhou Wen said softly, "We have to mix well, and we must also take out some things to build our hometown. The strength of the people on the earth has improved, and there will be people in the future. Only when the earth comes to make trouble, they will have the ability to resist!"

"Speed ​​up a little bit, you will start to improve when you go back!" Chu Feng said.

The earth is just that big. Chu Feng and the others speeded up a little bit. It was just a short time before they reached Darongshu Village. The earth has expanded a lot, but there is no change in Darongshu Village. That house is still there, and the rest of the houses in the village are basically preserved.

However, things are, but people are not. The power of time has long caused the death of the group of people Chu Feng and the others knew. Now the oldest in the village is only more than two hundred years old!

"Boss, this is really hard to hurt. When I go back to my own house, I actually have to enchant the surroundings like a thief." Zhou Wen laughed, and Chu Feng and the others entered a knot set by Yilian Lanwen at this time. Within the realm, the enchantment enveloped their house as a whole, so that when viewed from the outside, others would not find that there are people in their house now.

"Yes." Chu Feng said softly and authentically. In fact, it is okay for them to show their identities, but in that case, the entire earth will be shaken. Chu Feng and the others just want to come back quietly for a while, but don't want to get the whole The earth is not peaceful.

If there are still a lot of relatives on the earth, then it is not a problem to show it, but now that more than four hundred years have passed, there are really not many close to Chu Feng on the earth!

Chu Zhen and his line are not human on the earth, but there are people in Chu Feng's line, but now more than 400 years have passed, and Chu Feng’s spiritual sense has been scanned in the past few days, and he has the most relationship. He was close to a great-grandson of his brother-in-law, and his relationship with his relatives was far away.

When Chu Feng and the others fell, Feng Bingning and the women immediately surrounded them. Tang Ming and the others had a huge improvement this time, and naturally they had to say a lot to suppress their curiosity one by one.

"Wife, do you feel anything?" Tang Ming asked, holding Han Xiang's hand. The Korean shook his head slightly: "No, I guess Master is not prepared for this. Maybe, my strength is a bit lower. But it doesn't matter. You can deal with those fighting and killing things. We have the basics. I think the self-protection ability is pretty good."

"Sister Han Xiang, that's not right for you. We have to work hard to increase our strength, otherwise they won't shake the sky!" Tang Wan smiled and said, "The best strength is higher than them, so that they can be crushed to death, call them To the east they dare not go west, so that they will become Zhu Bajie and they dare not become Drifting Monks."

Mo Xiu smiled and walked out of the kitchen: "Whether you become a pig or a monk, you will change later. Now you are eating, and finally everyone can get together and have a meal on this side of the earth. When it’s time to leave the earth, and come back, I don’t know when it is!"

"Mom, it's easy to come back to the earth. If you want to come back in the future, you can do it anytime." Chu Feng smiled, "Okay, let's have dinner!"

This meal, Chu Feng, and the others ate quite happily, the joy of returning, coupled with the improvement of Zhou Wen and their strength, it is indeed worthy of Chu Feng and the others to be happy and happy!

"Feng, I seem to" Feng Bingning suddenly hesitated while they sat on the sofa and chatted. "What's the matter?" Chu Feng's heart tightened. Feng Bingning is now their Chu family's number one protection object, and a little bit of her problem can make everyone nervous. "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous." Feng Bingning quickly said, seeing Chu Zhen and their faces showing tension.

"It's not a bad thing, it may be a good thing. I just felt a little connection with a powerful existence in an unknown place, but the connection suddenly broke." Feng Bing condensed.

When Feng Bingning said so, Chu Feng's eyes lit up. "Sister-in-law, congratulations, nine out of ten, you can establish contact with a saint-level strong man!" Zhou Wen laughed, "Although you don't have a saint-level master, your bloodline concentration is high, 100%. With a concentration of more than 80 Phoenix divine veins, it is fully equipped to establish a connection with a sleeping powerful being!"

Saints have been asleep for countless years, so it is rare for them to be apprentices of Saints like Zhou Wen, and it is more common to have a high bloodline similarity with a sleeping Saint.

"You should stay in the same place, sister-in-law, just relax your mind these few days, don't think about this, you will naturally re-establish contact at that time!" Tang Ming smiled.

Chu Feng held Feng Bingning's hand in surprise. If Feng Bingning's strength could be as much as Zhou Wen and the others, it would be a great thing!

"Feng, you still don't be happy too early, you are happy now. If you don't come by then, you will be disappointed." Feng Bingning smiled.

Feng Bingning's expression changed slightly when she said this, her eyes slowly closed in the next moment. "So fast." Zhou Wen said in surprise, his voice was just for Chu Feng and the others to hear it, but Feng Bingning did not hear it. "Everyone, don't disturb Bing Ning." Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. They quickly walked out of the room lightly one by one.

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