Holy Prison

Chapter 1147: Is there such a thing as the Emperor God?

"Yes, Uncle!" Chu Yi saluted Chu Feng and they all left Darongshu Village without looking back. "Feng, maybe Chu Yi will get better after your education." Feng Bingning smiled.

Chu Feng said: "It would be best if it can become better, but his talent is okay. It is estimated that he is too lazy and didn't spend much time on training." "The aura of the earth is too low, it takes a short time. His training will not have any effect at all, and ordinary people really don't have that perseverance." Tang Ming said with a smile.

"The earth has stopped growing." Zhou Wendao, after a month of crazy growth, the volume of today's earth has increased many times on the original basis. The diameter of the earth before was a little more than 100,000 kilometers. Reached one hundred and fifty kilometers!

"The earth before was beautiful and beautiful, but now that we have played it, it must look ugly from the sky." Tang Wan said. "That's for sure. There are so many plants on the earth, and the area has grown so much. Many places are now covered with plants. However, the concentration of aura on the earth has increased a lot compared with before. The vegetation is growing vigorously, and it will not take long. The earth will become lush and lush again!" Zhou Wen laughed.

"See some people, and then we have to leave." Chu Feng said, and his hearty laughter sounded over the entire earth: "My fellow citizens, I am Chu Feng. This time the earth has Not a small change, but it is still our home, our common home, I hope everyone can work hard to improve their strength and protect their own home! Within the earth, a little bit less internal fighting, a little bit more peaceful coexistence, The universe is very big, and fighting in the nest is really meaningless!"

"The concentration of the earth's spiritual energy has increased, and it will be easier to practice. Those who have been discouraged before can try again!"

"Everyone knows that on the earth, no matter how high you practice, you can only live for a thousand years. This is probably the reason why some people are unwilling to practice and choose to have fun in time. But I'm here to tell you that the thousand years of life for the earth The restrictions have been lifted! This means that if you embark on the path of training, as long as you practice to a certain level, you can live for 2,000, 3,000, or even 20,000 and 30,000 years! Here I can tell Everyone, with my current cultivation base, as long as there are no accidents, I will live a billion years without any problems!"

"It's really not easy to live a billion years, but if you practice hard, it's not a dream to live for thousands of years!"

"Okay, let’s stop here. I’m not a leader, so I won’t talk about it for a long time like the leader’s speech. During this month, I will move you to the place where I am now. , Those who have not been transferred, don't come to join in the fun!"

Chu Feng finished speaking, and in the blink of an eye, about a thousand people suddenly appeared in the sky in front of Chu Feng's villa in Darongshu Village.

"Everyone, everyone did a good job." Chu Feng laughed into those people's ears, and soon Chu Feng and Zhou Wen all flew from the villa.

"Senior Chu Feng! Senior Tang Ming, Senior Zhou Wen"

The thousand people hurriedly bowed their salutes one by one. Because of their excitement, they did not uniformly bow, but Chu Feng and the others did not have any requirements in this regard.

Chu Feng's eyes swept over the 1,000 people, and there were some old faces among these 1,000 people. It was only four hundred years or so, and even those who had lived for four to five hundred years could still live to this point.

"Senior Chu Feng, I have a few questions." A strong Mahayana period said loudly. Chu Feng looked at the strong man in the Mahayana period: "Ask, you can ask anything you want."

Chu Feng said that patches of clouds appeared under their feet. People like them stepped on the clouds as if they were stepping on the land.

Clouds appeared, and soon jade futons appeared around, "Please sit down, everyone," Chu Feng said. He said that they had reached a jade futon with Tang Ming and sat down on it. People also sat cross-legged on those jade futons.

"Boss, it's a bit of Tathagata preaching now, haha!" Zhou Wen smiled, "Speaking of which we haven't been to Tathagatas before, we can go there if we have time in the future."

"Fatty, don't interrupt, how dare they ask questions when you speak." Tang Ming said. "It's okay, we're not in a hurry. Senior Zhou Wen don't care about us." The strong man in the Mahayana period said quickly. , Chu Feng looked at the strong man in the Mahayana period: "Ask first." The strong man in the Mahayana period nodded with excitement and said, "Senior Chu Feng, the thousand-year death calamity, has that really disappeared?"

"Naturally it is true, how would I make a joke about such a thing?" Chu Feng chuckled. "Great!" The Mahayana powerhouse was pleasantly surprised, and the rest of the people also showed joy. It is only a thousand years, which is too short for the practitioners. A retreat may be one or two hundred years, too hurt. get up.

"Senior Chu Feng, we have reached the Mahayana stage. I don't know what level we will be next? In the later stage of Mahayana, will we ascend to the immortal world?" said the strong man in the Mahayana stage.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, there is no immortal realm, nor **** realm, humans, immortals, and gods. Now they are in the same realm. This is a chaotic era!"

Chu Feng and the others know some information from ancient times. Long, long ago, there was a division between the Mortal Realm, the Immortal Realm and the God Realm. The three realms would be separated and the order would be much more orderly, but now it is the unity of the three realms! The three realms are united. Now this universe is very large and very chaotic, but the world is like this, and in it, there is no choice at all!

Each of those thousands of people seemed a little at a loss. They believed in the immortal realm and the **** realm, but now Chu Feng told them that there was nothing in the immortal realm, and there was nothing in the **** realm.

"If the three realms are separated, then there will be no strong people far beyond the Mahayana cultivation base to gain the earth, then the people on the earth will be much safer, but now you also know how terrible this world is, let's put it this way , As long as there is a person with a relatively strong cultivation level to reach the earth, then if he wants to destroy the entire earth, then the earth will not be spared." Chu Feng said, he scared these people a bit, killing wildly on the earth , That would bear a great price, the strong of the abyss had only killed about 100 million people in the underworld.

"Regarding the level of training, I can tell you about it. The training levels are divided into bronze, black iron, silver, gold, platinum, general, king, emperor, emperor, and deity. ! Intermediate level crossing the robbery to the early stage of Mahayana is probably equivalent to the bronze level." Chu Feng said.

Those thousand people were dumbfounded, in the Mahayana stage of crossing the catastrophe level, this is definitely a master on earth, but it is actually equivalent to the bronze level!

Bronze rank, that is the lowest rank among the ranks Chu Feng said!

The strong man of the Mahayana period said in a astringent voice: "Senior Chu Feng, what are the following in the early stage of the transition?" "No entry!" Chu Feng said indifferently.

"Don't enter the stream." Some powerhouses murmured these three words in their hearts and smiled bitterly. They have worked so hard for hundreds of years to get such an evaluation.

"Get hit? If you get hit, then I don't think you should practice anymore. You can enjoy it for a few years. Anyway, your cultivation level is okay. There is no problem in living for one or two thousand years. "Chu Feng said. "Senior Chu Feng, since we have embarked on the path of training, we won't answer!" an old man who had passed the catastrophe said loudly.

"Yes, now that our cultivation base is low does not mean that we will be low in the future. Low is not bad. It means that we still have a lot of room for improvement! Senior Chu Feng, dare to ask, I don’t know what kind of cultivation level you have. ?"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Regarding my cultivation base, if any of you reach platinum level cultivation base, I can tell him." Those people are secretly speechless, Chu Feng said that, that cultivation base must have surpassed platinum level at least. The repair of the **** level. "Senior Chu Feng, General God, is that a Conferred God?" someone said.

"Yes, there is a huge gap between platinum-level and god-level powerhouses!" Chu Feng said.

Those people kept asking some questions, and Chu Feng answered some, while others didn't answer the ones that were not suitable for them. After the question and answer, an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Chu Feng said and glanced at those people, and no one asked any more questions. "Since no one has any questions, I'll just say a few words."

"You people are basically the top people on the earth. The earth is very small, the outside world is very big, and there are many threats. With so many people on the earth, it is impossible to have no contradictions, but you can usually do something. , Try to resolve some contradictions and fight less!"

"Basically, we will come back every few years. Don't let us find that the earth is misty. Otherwise, I won't find someone else. First of all, I will find your troubles."

Chu Feng said that a thousand spatial rings appeared in front of those people: "There are some crystal stones for training, and there are also three hundred exercises, three hundred different exercises! I want you to be on the earth. Academies have been established in many places, and the three hundred exercises belong to the academy. All students who enroll can choose one of them to practice at will!"

"The academy faces the entire planet. I don't want these exercises to be occupied by a few people. If that happens, you should know the consequences!"

"Senior Chu Feng, Daren, I will try my best to run the academy, but I don't know what the name of this academy is?" A Mahayana powerhouse showed excitement respectfully on his face.

Chu Feng chuckles and said, "Let’s call Shenchu ​​Academy! God’s first mortal, the Emperor God, God Ning have kindness? I hope that by that time there will be many emperor God God level powerhouses on the earth!"

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