Holy Prison

Chapter 1161: Secret sharing

"I am weak, I am indeed weak." Chu Feng sighed and shook his head. "What do I do? For Song Ye, I think I like it better. To do so is irresponsible to myself, and also irresponsible to Song Ye. Master asked me to take care of her, but Master Just as soon as I left, I actually hurt Song Ye's heart!"

Miao Xian'er sat down next to Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, actually it’s not that serious. Feiye shouldn’t be too sad. After all, she’s not you, you know that you didn’t give her the beads, but she But you thought that the beads were given to her by you, and you gave her all the important things. She will definitely feel that she also has a certain status in your heart. You are not just pulling her to make up a number."

"Fake, it's just a fake after all. I can lie to her, but I can't lie to myself. I was really reckless just now." Chu Feng exhaled, "Song Ye is indeed a very good girl. It’s a good thing to be together, but let it happen!"

Miao Xian'er blanked Chu Feng and said, "Chu Feng, you are not going to ignore Song Ye for a while? In that case, she will really feel that you are playing with her feelings." "Then what am I going to do? Pursue her? Before we are sure, it is not good for me and her to do that. Okay, don't you not mix my feelings?" Chu Feng said.

"Forget it, whatever you want. A dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people." Miao Xian'er hummed softly. "Why, I'm angry? I'll take care of it, but for this kind of thing, you can't be rushed." Chu Feng said, "Well, I'm going out first. I have to ask about her specific strength, Sun Shu She actually shot her, this one failed, and maybe there will be another one!"

Chu Feng left the holy prison space in an instant and appeared in Song Ye's room.

"Song Ye, just now" Chu Feng said hesitantly. "The village chief, don't say anything, nothing happened just now." Song Ye smiled calmly.

Chu Feng nodded: "Song Ye, I don't know much about your current strength. Can you tell me in detail? That guy Sun Shu actually used a method on you. This is the first time, maybe There will be a second and third time. If your strength is not enough to protect yourself, I think it is better for you to move to Shenchu ​​City."

"The village chief, I don’t think I need it anymore. My natal weapon is very powerful. It can provide powerful attacks and defenses. It will allow me to display my quasi-sage-level strength for four to five minutes. Dzogchen’s strength can be used for more than an hour. Unless Sun Shu’s deity comes in person, I don’t think there will be any problems. Sun Shu has not recovered now? It will take a lot of time for him to recover. At that time, I might be stronger." Song Ye said.

"The village chief, I am fine here in Orga Village, the village chief, I want to have a quiet rest by myself."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, then you have a good rest." Chu Feng opened the door and appeared at the outer door, "Village Chief, how is it?"

"Village Chief, Sister Song Ye is fine, right? The world has changed just now, but it scared us to death!"

"Scare you a ghost, can Sister Song Ye be connected with the change of heaven and earth? It is estimated that something big happened to the change that day!"

As soon as Chu Feng came out, many people in Aojia Village outside quickly asked. Chu Feng glanced at it, and there was a trace of anxiety in the eyes of everyone in Aosong Village. They were sincerely concerned about the situation of Song Ye. "Compared with the outside, Aojia Village is indeed much simpler here. With the character of Song Ye, it is reasonable to like it here." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with Song Ye, but she needs a good rest now. Don't disturb her at this time. I believe she will recover in three to five days at most." Chu Feng smiled.

"That's good, that's good."

Many people around Chu Feng let out a long sigh. "Okay, let's practice. If you have a higher strength, you can live better in this world in the future." Chu Feng said.

"Village Chief, you are scaring us. With our strength, can't we survive better?" A young man laughed. He is now a primary cultivation base of the Emperor God. Many people in Orga Village are Those who have the talents of the enchanting level are basically the cultivation base of the Emperor God level.

"Don't be complacent, if Sun Shu comes up, can you resist it?" Chu Feng said. "Ah, this, the village chief, you are kidding us, Sun Shu is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and also a very powerful quasi-sage-level powerhouse, we" the young man Shan said with a smile.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Why, you don't have a little confidence? Some of you have enchanting talents, and you also don't have a little confidence. If Sun Shu comes, you will definitely not be able to beat it now, but if you have a lot of If you can reach the god-exalable level, you can reach the god-exalable perfection, and you have no resistance at all."

"The talent of the evildoer, if you work hard, as long as you do not die, it is almost a certain thing to achieve the great perfection of the gods, and the great perfection of the gods to the quasi-sages, to the saints, it is not impossible! If you work hard, you will have it by then. When your companion is killed by the enemy, you won't regret it. If you don't work hard, you won't regret it." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Don't wait until the danger really comes to know that you regret. This world is amazing, but there is no such thing as regret medicine! Even if it does, you probably won't be able to eat it." Chu Feng said. "The village chief, we know that we know that your old man has calmed down. Let's practice, and it flashes. Let's practice!" The young man said and immediately all the people in Orga Village disappeared in Chu. Before the peak.

"Song Ye, I'll go first, and then I will see you." Chu Feng Transmitted a word and quickly appeared on the edge of the underground ancient teleportation formation. The teleportation formation was activated, and Chu Feng's figure immediately disappeared in the teleportation formation. in. "Chu Feng, what do you guys think? Give me this thing and make me your woman, but it doesn't seem to love me that much." Chu Feng just disappeared and Shao Ye appeared in the teleportation formation and looked at the sky. The teleportation array is quiet and authentic.

"Feng, where did you just go? The world has changed, but it scared me to death." Feng Bingning breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Chu Feng come back. "Silly wife, what are you scared of? Does your husband and I have that much influence? Make heaven and earth cry for me." Chu Feng smiled. "Huh" Feng Bingning inhaled, "There seems to be a woman's breath on her body, where did she go?"

"In Aojia Village, Song Ye just had a problem." Chu Feng said. "What's wrong with her?" Feng Bingning asked quickly. Song Ye often came to Shenchu ​​City. Feng Bingning and the others often went to Aojia Village to look around, so they were good friends with each other.

Chu Feng took Feng Bingning's hand and both sat down: "Sun Shu launched an attack in the abyss. He is going to attack someone who loves me very much."

"I wanted to attack us, but ended up attacking Yan Ye?" Feng Bing condensed. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Don't worry, she has nothing to do now."

"You can come back so soon, I'm just saying that she should have nothing to do. I told you a long time ago, Song Ye loves you, hehe." Feng Bingning said with a light smile, "Why, is it right? Launched an attack?" "What do you think of her?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning nodded slightly: "Very good, with a gentle and stoic personality, she is quite compatible with us. If you look for her, we won't have any opinions. But this matter is mainly not how we think it is, but You think she loves you, but if you don't love her, don't provoke her. Her character is probably not acceptable."

"Bing Ning, do you know whose daughter she is?" Chu Feng said. "Who? Didn't her parents die a long time ago?" Feng Bingning said with some doubts, "Nvwa, the Nvwa who had a good relationship with Pangu Hongjun and the others, the world has changed before, that is because Nvwa has fallen! There is only one person who can live. In order to keep Song Ye alive, Nuwa chose to die." Chu Feng said softly. "How is it, how is it possible" Feng Bingning said in horror, she had never thought of the possibility that Song Ye would be Nuwa's daughter! "Feng, they have a lot of time difference."

"Go to the treasure space, I will tell you in detail." Chu Feng said. In the holy prison space, both Yilian and Lan Wen were summoned by Chu Feng to temporarily end their training.

"That's how it is, Master has fallen, and Song Ye can continue to live." Chu Feng said. "Maternal love is really great. Senior Nuwa actually gave up her eternal life and still has great strength." Lan Wen said softly, "If she abandons Song Ye, she may still survive."

Yilian frowned and said, "Husband, you shouldn't tell us this. If you tell us, the possibility of the news spreading out will be much higher. We naturally won't say it, but others may find it. Our memories." "Searching for your memories is not that easy, right?" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Wen'er has the Taiwu Pagoda. With her current strength, the Taiwu Pagoda has a deep recognition of the master. The protection of the Witch Tower is difficult even for a quasi-saint-level powerhouse who wants to obtain her memory."

"As for you and Bing Ning, both of you can display the quasi-sage level strength, who can easily find your memory?" Chu Feng said. "If a saint awakens, it's okay." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded his head: "It is naturally possible, but such a thing, can it be kept from you for a lifetime? If there is a saint awakening, it is probably possible to know the origin of Song Ye even without our memory. We are husband and wife, this way. It’s not good to keep hiding things from you. If you don’t tell you, Song Ye’s strength has suddenly increased a lot, and you won’t be suspicious at that time."

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