Holy Prison

Chapter 1165: Magic eye

"Roar!" "Wooh!"

The abyss monsters roared and chased them. The strong ones reached the top level of the emperor gods, and the weak ones also reached the first level of the emperor gods. There were hundreds of various monsters, and they sat impressively on top of one of the monsters. Tang Wan, but Tang Wan's eyes were flashing black at this time!

"Wan'er, you don't recognize me anymore" Zhou Wen roared with bloodshot eyes, and his voice passed into Tang Wan's mind, but at this time, how could Tang Wan recognize Zhou Wen as her husband!

Tang Wan blinked, and suddenly a black light shot towards Zhou Wen like a sharp sword. "Bang!" The sound of Jinshi strikes, Zhou Wen used the bricks to resist and didn't suffer any injuries, but was also knocked back a lot by the black light.

The speed of each monster was extremely fast. Zhou Wen consumed a lot of power at this time and was quickly approached by some of the most powerful monsters.

"The power of the last space law." Zhou Wen's face sank and immediately used the power of the last space law. Using the power of the space law, a dozen monsters close to him were immediately torn apart by the powerful space power. Blood is scattered all over the sky!

"Asshole, you guys leave my wife's body quickly, I'm CAO, the dog day, have you heard anything" Zhou Wen yelled while running away, "If you don't leave my wife's body, it will be fine when the time comes. If you fled to the ends of the world, I will definitely take your life!"

The answer to Zhou Wen was another black light. After the black light shot out, Tang Wan waved a dozen black **** and appeared out of nowhere.

There was a roar from those black balls, and soon a dozen monsters reappeared in the team chasing Zhou Wen.

"Disciple, run for your life first." Pangu's voice sounded in Zhou Wen's mind. Pangu's voice was a bit tired at this time. It was not only Zhou Wen who took action. In the days when he was hunted down, Pangu also failed to take action. Less time!

"Master, hold on again, hold on again, the boss must have received the call and he will be coming soon. If I escape too far, the magic eye will definitely take Wan'er away and won't chase again, Wan If the child leaves, then the time will be much worse." Zhou Wen quickly said in his mind, "I still have some strength, I can also fight for some time."

The power of the law of space is exhausted, the rest of the treasures are consumed, and the power in the body is very small, even the power of Pangu's broken consciousness is also a huge consumption, Zhou Wen is really terrible at this time!

"Kill!" Zhou Wen slammed the head of a demon wolf who reached him with a slab in his hand.

The demon wolf was very confident about the hardness of its head, but it really underestimated the hardness of the brick. When the brick went down, its head was suddenly smashed by Zhou Wen!

"Roar!" "Lu!"

Zhou Wen's delay was surrounded by several monsters in a short time. "Waner, wake up, wake up!" Zhou Wen shouted loudly while resisting desperately, and the rolling sound passed into Tang Wan's mind. Tang Wan's eyes flickered at this time, but the black light has always been relatively stable. The land occupied Tang Wan's eyes!

"Fuck your mother, leave my wife's body!" Zhou Wen roared and the bricks in his hand danced wildly. His attack was powerful. Soon a dozen monsters died under his attack, but Tang Wan waved his hand and suddenly There are more than ten monsters around!

"Be awake, it's time to leave!" Pangu's deep shout sounded in Zhou Wen's mind, "If you delay, the little bit of strength you left will not be enough to make you use the last space teleportation talisman to escape and leave. "Master, I" Zhou Wen did not want to leave, but at this time he also knew that if he didn't leave, he would definitely die here.

"Wan'er!" Zhou Wen yelled and immediately prepared to break through and leave. At this moment, a voice instantly entered Zhou Wen's mind: "Fatty, you can rest in peace, I'm here."

Naturally, it was Chu Feng. Chu Feng only had the power of five spatial laws. Using the power of spatial laws allowed him to teleport to far away at once. After the power of three spatial laws, Chu Feng was teleported to Zhou Wen. Tell Chu Feng's location, but when he got there, Chu Feng didn't find Zhou Wen, but Zhou Wen killed him all the way. There was blood in the air and there were corpses on the sea. With those guidelines, Chu Feng quickly found him on a flying boat. Here is Zhou Wen.

Chu Feng thought that Heavenly Hand appeared on top of Tang Wan's head. Tang Wan was only an emperor-level strength. Chu Feng thought that Heavenly Hand could give Tang Wan to the Holy Prison Space at once, but he did not expect Tang Wan to have a strong feeling. The resisting force prevented Tianshou from receiving success.

With the closing of Tianshou, the magic eye controlling Tang Wan immediately knew that Zhou Wen had come to help, and a black space door suddenly appeared in front of Tang Wan.

"Want to escape? Don't think about it!" Chu Feng shouted violently. At this time, Tang Wan was controlled by the demon eye to leave. That Zhou Wen didn't blame him at that time, a ray of space law instantly merged into the surrounding space. The open door of the black space is also enveloped by the power of the law of space. Under the squeeze of the power of the law of space, the opened door of the black space is immediately closed.

Chu Feng borrowed the power of Yilian, and his power was immediately elevated to the elementary level of respecting the gods. With the power of the elementary level of respecting the gods, Chu Feng slapped him down, and he shot most of the remaining monsters to death. Under the palm, those monsters that did not die were also dead!

"Wan'er!" Zhou Wen yelled. Within the small world of law formed by the power of Chu Feng's space law, the black light in Tang Wan's eyes quickly disappeared and her body fell downward. "What's the hurry?" Chu Feng shook his figure and pressed Zhou Wen's shoulders, "Tang Wan is fine, if you don't want to lose your strength, you will recover for a while, look at you, the lamp will die out!" Chu Feng frowned.

Tang Wan only fell a few meters, her own consciousness took control of the body and then controlled the body to fly. "Fatty Zhou." Tang Wan exclaimed and flew towards Chu Feng and the others.

Knowing that Tang Wan's consciousness was in control of her own body at this time, Chu Feng did not prevent Tang Wan from approaching, but at this time he was also paying great attention, as long as the demon eye appeared again, he would definitely make the first move.

"Fatty Zhou, Fatty Zhou, why are you so stupid, you almost died, don't you know!" Tang Wan said bitterly, "If that guy controls my body again, you will leave. I will have nothing to do. "Wan'er, you scared me to death." Zhou Wen said as he relaxed, he fainted suddenly.

"Tang Wan, don't resist, first enter my treasure space." Chu Feng said. Tang Wan nodded with Zhou Wen in his arms and was immediately admitted to the Holy Prison Space by Chu Feng.

"Miao Xian'er, check, check with all your strength, to see if you can find out the magic eye in Tang Wan's body, **** thing, it almost killed the fat man!" Chu Feng said with a bit of fire in his mind. There are still a lot of friends, but the last thing is Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen almost died Chu Feng, how not angry!

Miao Xian'er's voice immediately rang in Chu Feng's mind: "It's already being investigated. This time it actually used its power. I believe it should be able to detect something."

"Well, the fat man suffered a serious injury. The doctor will treat him a little bit. Don't treat too much. Otherwise, he will be injured this time. When he recovers, he should get some improvement." Chu Feng said. In the battle like Zhou Wen's before, the soul and body are highly compatible. If the battle is handled well after the battle, it is very good for the improvement of strength. On the contrary, if it is not handled well, then the strength will be damaged instead!

"You know." Miao Xian'er replied.

The flying boat started, and Chu Feng swiftly flew towards the nearest city with a teleportation array. An hour later, Chu Feng had already passed through the teleportation array several times and passed through the domain gate once and returned to Shenchu ​​City.

"Boss!" As soon as Chu Feng returned to Chu Mansion, Tang Ming appeared beside Chu Feng. "Hey, boss, you haven't dealt with the abyss of complexion?" Tang Ming said strangely.

"No, Tang Wan had an accident. The fat guy almost died." Chu Feng said briefly about the matter, and he could only say briefly, and he didn't know the details now. "Boss, it seems that your previous hunch is correct. The magic eye that Tang Wan merged really has some problems. When they recover some, I will wake up Master to ask." Tang Ming said with a serious expression.

"Chu Feng, there is a little result." Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. "How is it?" Chu Feng said quickly.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, Zhou Wen has no problems, and his strength should be improved. But Tang Wan, her problem is more serious!"

"How serious is it?"

"The magic eye is now stronger than Tang Wan. Although Tang Wan is the real master of this body, Tang Wan has integrated the magic eye, and the magic eye also has the ability to control Tang Wan's body! A very troublesome thing is, That magic eye is almost inseparable from Tang Wan's body and soul!" Miao Xianer said.

"Boss, what do you think?" Tang Ming said. "Let's talk inside, let your master check it out." Chu Feng said, and soon both he and Tang Ming disappeared.

"Master Hong, Wan'er she" Zhou Wen was a little anxious. Pangu and Hongjun were both revealed at this time, but because of the consumption of a lot of power, Pangu's figure looked a little bit more emptiness and Hongjun's body was more real.

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