Holy Prison

Chapter 1168: Quasi-sage

"Song Ye" Chu Feng said while turning his head to one side and looked into the distance. "The village chief, what's the matter?" Song Ye said in surprise.

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "I have a visitor, but I am an acquaintance. I didn't expect it to be so fast!" A faint white light flashed in Fei Ye's eyes, and her eyes became sharper. She looked at Chu Feng in the same way. Direction. "Bright breath, village chief, that person is so strong!" Fei Ye said in surprise.

In the tens of thousands of clouds in Orga Village, an ordinary-looking old man paused slightly, and just now he felt that someone was watching him.

"The village chief, do you know that person? Who is that person." Song Ye said.

Chu Feng said: "He is not one of these people. He comes from the Holy Light, one of the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses of Guangming Sect, the biggest power of the Holy Light. Of course, perhaps the Guangming Sect is more than two quasi-sages now. It's a powerful man!" The person here is Van Gou Nidin, who Chu Feng had encountered in the Holy Light before. At this time, the Sky Eye scan would naturally not admit it.

"Guangming Divine Cult? How quickly did they find the space wormhole to this side?" Song Ye's expression changed slightly. "It's really amazing. I know that the Bright God Sect will come sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly." Chu Feng frowned. Now it hasn't been too long since then. This period of time will be infinite, then There is only one way, "No, it's not right, not just one way!" Chu Feng secretly said to the sky.

Passing through the space wormhole can reach infinity faster, and there is another way, that is, to leave Shengyuan Star and pass through the void passage!

There are quite a few void passages around Shengyuan Star. If you turn a few void passages, you may be able to reach infinity from the Holy Light!

"The Void Channel, the Guangming Divine Sect is very powerful, and it is very possible to know some information about the Void Channel. And the quasi-sage-level powerhouse, coupled with the powerful attraction of some treasures to break through the Saint Yuan star, and the protective layer to reach the outer space. It's possible!" Chu Feng said in his heart.

"The village chief, what are you thinking?" Song Ye said.

"It's nothing." Chu Feng's spiritual thoughts came out, and soon Yilian appeared by her side. "Sister Yilian." Feiye cried intimately.

"Sister Song Ye, Chu Feng, what's the matter for asking me to come out?" Yilian said. "Let's accompany me out to meet an old friend, pay attention, maybe you will do it, be careful." Chu Feng said.

Both Yilian and Shaoye nodded, and a faint cloud appeared under Chu Feng's feet. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the others left Orga Village and headed towards Fangu.

"Hehe, what kind of wind is this blowing today, it actually blows the Holy Light's Ancient Brahma Temple Master to the limit." Chu Feng laughed lightly, and the ordinary old man's face changed slightly and quickly changed back to what he was. Look like. "City Lord Chu, don't come here unharmed!" Fan Gu nodded slightly.

"City Lord Chu, the Lord of the Temple is here to congratulate the Lord Chu for destroying the Underworld God Chu City and becoming the most powerful force in the entire infinite!" Van Gully said arrogantly.

Chu Feng said with a smile but a smile: "Hall Master Fangu, thank you very much. I have come to congratulate you from such a long distance. Palace Master Fanu, I have received your joy. The Lord Fangu will have a quick meal. Go, or return to the Holy Light now? Infinite is not a special welcome to you, Lord Brahma."

"City Lord Chu, I came through the space wormhole. City Lord Chu, your space wormhole is very well locked. It took me more than 20 years to solve the problem with the power of my Guangming God. If you want to travel to Guangming Divine Sect, then just leave a message in the abyss, and I will come to pick you up from City Lord Chu!" Fan Gu said with a light smile.

Chu Feng's face changed slightly. He thought that Fangu came from the void passage, but he didn't expect that he actually came through that spatial wormhole.

"Gather the power of the Guangming God Sect, why is this method of the Guangming Sect?" Chu Feng said lightly. "Don't get me wrong, City Lord Chu, this is just to promote the exchange between the two forces. The glory of the Lord will be passed on in this area, I believe that City Lord Chu will not have any opinions, right?" Fan Gu said.

"Before, you were a guest of City Master Chu, so we didn't feel embarrassed when we did something at Shengguang. Presumably we are a guest now, and this small request City Master Chu will definitely agree."

Chu Feng hummed calmly in his heart: "Fan Gu, what if I disagree?" "City Lord Chu, the two sides are friendly. This is something everyone wants to see. If there is a war, it will be bad for the infinite ordinary people, Chu City Lord, don't you?" Fan Gu said with a light smile.

"Fan Gu, believe it or not, you can't leave this infinity alive!?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Fan Gu's expression changed slightly: "City Master Chu is joking. Presumably, City Master Chu will not do something like that. If it is done, then the battle between the two forces will definitely not do you any good for City Master Chu."

"Yilian, Shaoye, do it." Chu Feng said in an instant.

Yilian borrowed the power of the domain tower in a very short time. Her strength was already stronger than the average quasi-sage-level powerhouse. At this time, she was able to borrow 1.5 times the power of the domain!

The power of horror rippled through the body, and Yilian took a palm, which looked light and fluttering, but in Van Gogh’s eyes, this palm covered the sky and the sun, as if the world was changing under this palm. It's getting small! "Chu Feng!" Fan Gu yelled and a stone knife appeared in his hand.

A holy light burst out of the stone knife, and Yilian's palm suddenly melted a lot under the light. "Get up!" Yilian brushed her hand, and countless plants on the ground grew crazily, but in a very short time, many plants grew near Van Gou.

"Holy Flame!"

The blazing white flame burned, and many plants would be burnt into nothingness immediately after entering the flame. "Huh!" Feiye's reaction was a little slower, but it was also a shot at this time. She let out a breath, and suddenly a flame burst out of her mouth and burned above the blazing white flames.

Van Gu used the light holy flame, while the flail leaf used the merit holy flame. The power of both flames was very powerful. At this time, the two powers attacked each other, and the light holy flame attacked the merit holy flame. Natural attacks on those plants have weakened a lot!

Van Gogh screamed in pain, and a plant entangled his leg. There were many small thorns on the plant. At this time, some small thorns pierced into his body.

"Chu Feng, the two armies are fighting, and you don't want to kill them. You want to completely provoke a war between the two forces!" Van Gogh made an effort to wipe out some plants around and said angrily.

"Van Gu, is this Shenchu ​​City on this side?" Chu Feng said indifferently, "If you were in Shenchu ​​City, I would never treat you like this, but sneakily, that's not a guest, that's a thief!"

Chu Feng said that the power of a space law was integrated into the surrounding space, and the power of the space law formed a small world of laws. Even though Van Gu was in the small world of laws, he was immediately affected by his quasi-sage level strength. If it's just a fight with Song Ye, then it's okay to be affected a little, but Yilian has a stronger strength than Van Gou!

When Van Gogh was slightly affected by the power of the law of space, Yilian patted Van Gou with a palm, and then a light green band flew out and tied Van Gou tightly in the blink of an eye.

"Van Gu, it's not that I said you, you are too dependent on some foreign objects. Without the small shield before, your strength has dropped a lot!" Chu Feng smiled lightly, with that powerful shield. Fan Gu and Yilian could definitely fight for a lot of time, but now, it was only more than ten seconds that he, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, was captured by Chu Feng and the others!

"However, you are really a good person. This stone knife is the treasure you have just obtained? Very good thing!" Chu Feng said with a smile and looked at the stone knife.

Fan Gu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, so he got the shield at a high price, and now this stone knife is also at a high price to get, but Chu Feng waved gently, and the stone knife reached Chu Feng’s Hands.

"Well, good stuff, really good stuff. Fangu, you said you're here as a guest, this should be a gift? Yes, it's laughable." Chu Feng said with a thought and immediately received the stone knife into the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng!" Fangu roared, and the stone knife entered the holy prison space. He felt that the connection with the stone knife was completely cut off. Under such circumstances, what he had in the stone knife had not yet become clear. The soul mark is estimated to be wiped out soon!


Chu Feng shouted at Yilian, and Yilian nodded. The next moment Chu Feng put Yilian and Fangu into the sacred prison space at the same time.

"The village chief, this has caught a quasi-saint-level powerhouse? This is too easy, right? Sister Yilian is so powerful." Song Ye said in surprise. Chu Feng smiled and said: "The quasi-sage-level powerhouse is not so easy to catch. This quasi-sage-level powerhouse is too unlucky. He originally had a powerful defensive treasure, but I got it last time. , It’s a pity that the defensive treasure was destroyed under Sun Shu’s attack."

"You should be able to feel that this stone knife is very powerful, but Van Gou has not had much time to get him, and he can't fully use its power. If I can fully use the power of the stone knife, I might not choose. Let you do it."

Song Ye smiled and said: "It's really miserable. His previous defensive treasure was destroyed. At this time, the defensive power that the defensive treasure can exert is estimated to be average. The attack is not good, the defense is not good, and the combat consciousness is not strong. Compared to the general quasi-saint-level strong, a lot weaker."

"Not bad," Chu Feng said. "The village chief, what are your plans to arrest him? Although his strength is not very good, he is a quasi-sage of the Guangming Divine Cult anyway." Song Ye said.

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